And what he said was equivalent to giving up the formal way of obtaining points from this school, but wanting to make a fortune directly from him and then run away.

I am not prepared to stay in this school slowly for three years.


This is preparing to use illegal means.

That's right.

Hosen-san, if you want to drop out of Ayanokouji, you can't use any formal plan. You can't beat the opponent. Even the violence you trust most now can't beat Ayanokouji.

"Let me ask you a question," Yue Cheng said. "You won't threaten his life."

"Don't worry." Baoquan said. "I won't be rough with him, let alone hurt others. I promised that Oreki-senpai."


So are you hurting yourself?

Yue Cheng seemed to understand.

Oreki-san is in a good mood today because he has adjusted his thorns and realized that first-year students do not feel guilty even if they are deprived.

And at about half past seven, Oreki-san returned to the dormitory.

But instead of going to his own room, he went to Sakayanagi Arisu's dormitory.

"Ding dong——"

After ringing the doorbell, the door blocking the front was quickly opened.

A tall girl with purple hair came over and opened the door.

But after watching Oreki-san change his shoes at the entrance, the tall girl put on her shoes herself and walked out.

Kamuro-kun today is also very good at reading the atmosphere. The room was reserved for the school couple.

Oreki put on his men's slippers and walked into the room. He soon saw a girl with straight silver hair holding a camera in both hands, taking pictures of a gas tank cat.

Probably taking pictures of cats.

Her father bought her a camera as a way for her to pass some time.

Just like this, it means that she was a little left out today.

As a boyfriend, you really need to reflect.

But Sakayanagi quickly noticed Oreki-san.

She stared at Oreki-san who was walking over, picked up the camera, but did not take any pictures. She just glanced at him through the camera, and then said,

"What a pity. I obviously gave you a backup room card, but you never used it."


Oreki-san walked over and she looked at him indifferently.

After she makes a new sound, hold her and after about three seconds put her down and let her sit on the side.

"Then you have to wait until your body can bear it." Oreki-san said.

Then he knelt down and petted his cat.

"Meow meow--"

Hayate is a very affectionate cat. As long as someone touches it, it will put its head close to it.

Oreki sometimes wonders if it has become so fat because it knows how to please people and is fed.

"It's such a shame."

Although Xiao Banliu was put aside, he was not angry either.

She stared at Oreki-san quietly. There were no other girls in the room, so she couldn't be jealous.

There were also some sighs at the same time.

Due to her physical weakness, even though she was dating Oreki-san, she could only bully some losers, but could not do more things with Oreki-san.

"But it will get better one day, right?" Oreki-san put down the cat and walked over to Sakayanagi.

"That's right, you have to have hope in life." Sakayanagi said.

She knew that Oreki-san had been reading and studying various teaching materials recently.

This is for exam preparation.

After completing this, Oreki-san will probably start studying medicine.

She suffers from congenital heart disease, which is an unsolvable solution because her heart has been malformed and abnormal since she was born, but it does not mean that it is completely impossible.

If patients like her grow older, some may have the opportunity to participate in surgeries when they are in junior high or high school.

Although I was afraid of the operation of being anesthetized and losing consciousness, I always felt that it was a challenge that I had to muster up the courage to face in order to be able to be with the person I love in the future.

However, if the operation fails...maybe he won't be able to step down.

"..." Sakayanagi.

"What are you thinking about?" Oreki-san asked.


"Am I distracted?" Sakayanagi finally realized that Oreki-san had come to her side and held her left hand.

The other person's body temperature was passed on.

The inner uneasiness was wrapped up.

"I didn't mean anything." Sakayanagi said, "I just want to tell you that I want to stay with you Houtarou even for a second."

Saying this, Sakayanagi held his hand.

"And just thinking about it gave me the courage to face the surgery."

This is it.

Banliu's health is indeed not good, and many actions are prohibited.

And Oreki-san himself was called over by the chairman to give instructions, indicating that Arisu's body was very weak and that all violent actions were prohibited, so it was best not to do anything inappropriate.

So Oreki-kun is a little sorry about this.

Because it's been done.

The chairman probably didn't understand that his daughter, who looked weak and needed protection, was so aggressive.

But looking at it this way, Sakayanagi's health matters still have to be put on the agenda.

[Do you want to use the ability to recover? ]


"Huh?" Itayagi Yusu showed a cute smile when he found Oreki-san looking at her.

"..." Oreki.

The superpower that can quickly solve Horikita-san's condition is still ineffective against Sakayanagi.

We still have to look for other options.

"Then let's talk about this special exam." Oreki-san then changed the subject. "This particular test is the same as what we have been thinking about before."

"But the examiner is Principal Tsukijo, and the core one must be Ayanokouji's withdrawal from school."

"So the problem for this exam should be to find a first-year student to partner with Ayanokouji."

"And this first-year student will never betray."

"It's a bit difficult."

"And today, I found someone who can break the situation." Oreki-san said.

"..." Sakayanagi.


That's right.

Although this man is attracted to her sometimes, he always treats her as a work partner at such times.

Talk about some business.

Itayaru suddenly felt a little envious of Horikita-san. Horikita-san would definitely not bring up such a topic, but on the other hand, what she has now is something Horikita-san doesn't have, right?

after all.

So what if I got his first kiss and date.

Horikita-san, I have defeated you so much.

So Horikita-san, who had been defeated too much, returned to the dormitory and continued his usual routine.

But today she got a textbook sent by Oreki, so her class tonight is to read the book sent by Oreki-san.

The book was borrowed from the library, and Oreki would not do that random thing of folding the pages of a public book, nor would he scribble on them.

But on points that require attention, he left bookmarks.

These points that need to be noted are also based on her learning ability, and then give her tips after she has mastered reading.

It can save her from detours.

Sure enough...she owed him a lot.

Horikita Suzune thought.


Kushida-san, who was waiting for the second time of three times a week this week, was sleeping alone.

Oreki sent her a message and noticed that she was not in a good mood today, so he asked her to go to bed early.


Since you know that her mood changes, it would be too much to leave her alone.

Because today's mood and emotions are caused by him, right?

On the one hand, she needed to express her gratitude to him for protecting her from Hosen, and on the other hand, she also wanted to confirm whether Oreki-san had raised her attention.

In the end, the play was still placed like this.

The mood was really bad.

"Jikyo-chan? Do you think I'm troublesome...I always bother you."

After Kushida took a shower, he was talking to his best friend Wang Meiyu.

Wang Meiyu seemed to feel that Kushida-san was not in a good mood.

Could it be that she has been disturbing her?

This is Kushida's daily life. Because she is everyone's little angel, she has a lot of social interactions, and there are also many people who are willing to tell her their thoughts and secrets.

However, Wang Meiyu's words meant that there was no secret in front of Kushida.

"It's nothing. How could I" Kushida said. "Then we made an appointment to go shopping together tomorrow evening."

"After all, Miu-chan is more important."

This is Kushida's method. She has no plans tomorrow afternoon, so she can go shopping with Wang Meiyu.

But deliberately showing that you are busy and then agreeing will make the other party value you more.

"'s great to be friends with Kikyo-chan." Wang Meiyu was very happy.

Kushida looked at the information flashing on the screen of his mobile phone during the call.

[If I have some free time tomorrow evening, I have something I want to buy. ] by Oreki Houtaro.

"Sorry, Miu-chan, I have something to do tomorrow evening."

"It seems we can only go next time." Kushida said quickly.

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