The exam at the command tower was conducted by Horikita-san.

Therefore, although Tsukijo wanted to disgust Ayanokouji-san and force Ayanokouji to increase his presence, Oreki-san's use of Horikita-san as a chess piece reduced Ayanokouji's presence.

And now.

Once the OAA system is launched, everyone will be able to see Ayanokouji's data panel.


Everyone would suspect that there is such a big tiger pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger in his class!

And this tiger obviously has such a strong panel, but it doesn't contribute to the class at all.

The peaceful life Ayanokouji wanted would be shattered on the spot.

"So we seize the time." In this regard, President Banliu said. "Today is the time for new students to enter, and the new students are busy exploring this strange school."

"And the sophomores and juniors are not in class."

"So, there's still an opportunity to make changes to the system."

"I will apply to change the data on the grounds that some students' information is incorrect. I will also give Ayanokouji-san data that matches his [performance] in school."

"But." Kosakayanagi said. "Principal Yue Cheng just made a panel that can be modified. It seems that it is not in his interest."

"Maybe the school has also made concessions," Oreki-san said. "For example, the transaction of the contents of the special examination."

"So Mr. Yue Cheng probably has the authority to set new exam questions."

As the student council president, Sakayanagi has the authority to choose the score for each special exam.

However, she would not be informed of the test questions and the content of the assessment.

According to convention, the first month of freshmen's enrollment is for students to explore the differences of the school, and each class is given a class evaluation score of 1,000 points.

Then the code of conduct exam.

The second month is the customary written test with old questions to assess whether the freshmen are good at using the school's rules.

But this routine may not continue.


The fact that Ayanokouji's real panel could be deliberately revealed in such a high-profile manner shows that the power of money was used. Tsukijo may have reached the requirements with the board of directors and can impact the school's practices.

Then the regular exams for new students who have just entered the school may be processed.

"As for this, there is probably something wrong with the composition of the freshmen." Oreki-san said. "The chairman probably also understands that the composition of the students is not as pure as before. Some people were blocked or came in through the back door."

Oreki-san then clicked on the first grader's profile.

In addition to collecting sophomores, the OAA system also collects first-year students, but what is collected is the performance of first-year students in past junior high schools.

Then the first graders were evaluated using the same evaluation criteria.

Oreki-san is paying attention here.

Some time ago, Yue Cheng spent 1 million points to buy his ten minutes.

At that time, Principal Yue Cheng said that he hoped to make a bet with him.

The chief of the White House will enroll as an ordinary student.

Mix in among the freshmen.

And this, Oreki told her when he went to Sakayanagi's room.

And I was invited here today probably for this reason.

But it's not to fulfill the bet with Yue Cheng, but because people like Yue Cheng... are adults.

You can't just believe what an adult says.


He said that the chief of the White House would enroll in the school, so besides the White House, there were probably other White House students mixed in.

In other words, the number is not just the chief one.

"I also received news here that a batch of tablets will arrive tonight, and every student will have one."

"The students' books, textbooks, etc. have also been prepared in electronic versions." Xiao Banliu continued. "And the same goes for first graders."

"The OAA system needs to be installed directly on the tablet."

In other words, let both first-year and second-year students use OAA. With this commonality, it may be a sign that the two grades will take the exam together.


"I speculate that Principal Tsukijo has the authority to conduct the special examination in the first month of this month." President Sakayanagi said.

"Then there will probably be another exit exam for Ayanokouji-san."

"And it's probably a cross-grade exam, a joint exam for first and second grade students."

Everyone knows about the Heart of the Moon City.

And Sakayanagi also knew that Oreki-san and Ayanokouji-san were conducting transactions and that they were in an offensive and defensive alliance. He had something he needed Ayanokouji-san to complete.

As for the specific matter, Sakayanagi didn’t know.

But this does not prevent her from giving permission to her boyfriend.

"And what I can do is let you get first-hand information about first-year students." Sakayanagi said. "I've brought all the files of the first-year students. You can see whoever's files you want."

"After all." Xiao Banliu said. "I think Principal Yue Cheng is probably cheating now."


Is Mr. Tsukijo cheating?

That's for sure.

ps: Looking for free blades.

Chapter 210 Famous Painting, Bai Fangsheng is resisting!

Principal's office.

Mr. Tsukijo now has a straight face.

Half an hour ago, he opened his own permissions and started cheating.

He paid 5 million points to get all the files of sophomores from the student union.

And the purpose is also clear.

Let Bai Fangsheng quickly grasp Ayanokouji's information. As for himself, he had obtained the information about the students in Class D in the early stage, so he could go directly to Haruki Yamauchi before.

But the new white room student doesn't know it yet, so he needs help.

This time, the information gained was even greater.

Including the students in Ayanokouji's Class D, and naturally... all the students in the same grade.

No matter how powerful a person is, if he cannot grasp the information, he may fall into disgrace.

And Yuecheng naturally gave the chief of Baifang the best configuration.

Otherwise, if the Chief White House really fails in the future and then blames him...he won't want it.

After coming into contact with Oreki Houtaro, Tsukijo also thought about it.

Although the qualifications of the chief student of Bai Fang are naturally excellent compared with ordinary Class A graduates of Yucheng High School.

However, it would still be difficult to fight against Ayanokouji, the strongest member of the White House 4th generation.

He obtained the strength of the chief who was favored by that gentleman.


I got information from the course the other party took.

The information is indeed excellent.

However, from the information obtained about the fourth-term students, that is, the white room students in Ayanokouji's period, their courses are complex and difficult.


Oreki-san is right.

This chief looks awesome, even better than the average student, but compared to Ayanokouji... he might lose.

Rather, you will definitely lose.

Because they both take different courses, how do they win? Does it rely on talent?


The White Room is a place where people’s talents are hoped to be developed.

Therefore, this time the plan to apply for the white house students to help out will probably be sent.

But if he doesn't carry out the orders of that adult, he will be doomed.

So after careful consideration, he made his statement.

That's it.

Give the Chief White House the best configuration and do everything he can. If the Chief still fails, it will be the Chief's responsibility to take the blame.


If he really wins Ayanokouji, that adult will also get angry.

after all.

If Ayanokouji is defeated, it also means that the adult is defeated.

After thinking about it like this, Yue Cheng suddenly felt that this task had become troublesome.

Because after thinking about it this way, that adult can actually accept their failure.

Because their failure means the success of Ayanokouji, that adult.

So Yue Cheng immediately chose the right plan.

rather say.

This is a chief duel that Ayanokouji will probably lose.

Then there are external factors.

That is the student union.

For example.

If he did something so directly and took away the second-year student's files, Sakayanagi Yusu, as the student council president, would definitely know, and if Itayanagi knew, it meant that Oreki Houtarou would also understand.

So I'm probably looking at all the school files of first-year students right now.


This is a statement he must make.

He acted as if he fully supported Chief White House.


"So, do you want to relieve yourself of your burden?"

"You want to disobey my order and that adult's? Do you know the consequences?"

Yue Cheng was sitting in his seat, with his hands on his chin, making a deep expression.

But the expression is really profound.

Because the best student he found in White House, who was also the chief... was disobedient.

The plan for him to assist in getting Ayanokouji Kiyotaka to drop out of school had been conveyed, but this guy was not involved at all.

And the rebellious mentality is very strong.

"I will take action in my own way, at specific times, when I want to take action."

"Basically, essentially, beat Ayanokouji at what he's good at."

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