She wants more than this.

She wanted them all.

As a result, the girls he knew... almost exploded.

The girls from Class D, first grade, came to the cafeteria.

But this time there were a lot more people arriving.

In addition to the key figure Sato-san, Sato-san's friends Karuizawa, Shinohara-san, and Matsushita Chiaki all came.

Hasebe-san, on the other hand, was just out of curiosity.

And along with it, she brought Sakura with her.

Then Kushida-san came over to lighten the mood.

When Sakura-san was brought here, she thought Haruka had the courage to stand up for her and argue with Itayagi-san that she was a human and not a pet.


Then I found out that it was because Oreki-san was dating Itayagi.

And before, Sato-san confessed his love to Oreki-san and was rejected, but now he accepts the pursuit of another girl. This makes everyone think that Oreki-san is going back on his promise.


It’s obvious that Oreki-san and Karuizawa-san dated.

And now I have not gotten back together with Karuizawa-san.

But he dated Sakayanagi-san...

Could it be that……

"I also asked Oreki-san. He seems to have refused to fall in love on campus, but now he actually agrees to date Sakayanagi-san."

Sakura-san had already seen Oreki-san and Sakayanagi-san sitting together, and Sakayanagi-san seemed to have made a bento by hand.

And Sakayanagi Yusu took the initiative to wipe the cake cream from the corner of Oreki-san's mouth.

And this move is a bit explicit, almost showing the atmosphere of a couple.

It was really a happy scene.

Sakura-san then suggested this. "Could it be that the... person who has been supporting Oreki-san is Sakayanagi-san?"

"Is it actually Sakayanagi?"

Everyone could notice, or rather watch, Oreki-san and Sakayanagi eating together.

And what I ate was Banliu’s love bento.

so. It was almost confirmed that the two were dating.

Because this is the standard for lovers.

The specific manifestation is that Sato-san is crying again.

But the idea Sakura put forward makes people feel...

"If so, if Sakayanagi is the senior who supports Oreki-san..."

"Then I am indeed not as rich as her." Sato-san said.

She seems to have had some negative psychological trauma from the huge number of points.

But for other people.

Everyone still knows that Oreki-san was kept by a rich senior sister not long after he entered school.

On the 1st of every month, the other party will transfer 1 million points.

Oreki-san also told the people who consulted him that if the sponsor-senpai made excessive demands on him, he would refuse.

But what if the sponsor is a cute classmate?

There seems to be no need to refuse.

After all, the other party also gave so much money.



Sakura's voice was very small, but it was like a revelation to her shocked classmates.

The direction of their thinking immediately began to change.


"If it's Sakayanagi from Class A..."

"If it were Sakayanagi from Class A, he would definitely be able to get so many points——"

As students in Class D, everyone is still very sensitive to points.

Class A's class evaluation score has always been very high, so there are a lot of points that can be obtained.

At the same time, Banliu is also a very important figure in Class A, so isn't it normal that he can get points from other people?


Sakayanagi-san is a rich woman.

So Oreki-san doesn't think he deceived Sato, but he chose to accept the care of the rich woman.

So... is this rich woman who supports Oreki-san really the same classmate Itayanagi?

Chapter 202 Oreki: My reputation seems to have been damaged!

Because Oreki-san has always been taken care of by a rich senior sister.

And it’s a huge support.

The other party's casual offer was 1 million points a month.

And there will also be a birthday share on birthdays.

And everyone also knows that the school points will be exchanged for cash when you graduate, and even if you don't exchange them, you can still spend them on campus.

So this is real money.

I really gave money to Oreki-san.

And now the wealthy woman’s benefactor is Sakayanagi, so Oreki chose to date Sakayanagi.

It went against the idea of ​​only studying and not falling in love when I was in school.

It all seems to be connected.


"I just can't say, I can't say it must be Sakayanagi." Karuizawa said. "After all, if Sakayanagi is the rich woman, then why do we date now instead of earlier?"

"And Oreki-san and Horikita-san have a very good relationship. Sakayanagi-san must not be able to accept that."

Karuizawa also felt hurt by Sakura's idea.

Because if Sakayanagi was that rich senior, then he would really be completely inferior to her.

After all, no one can refuse the favor of a rich senior who is cute, rich, and remembers his birthday.


What she said now, although it was a bit forced, it made sense.


Houtarou's rich senior sister took care of him very early.

He was even given a birthday gift of 1 million points on his birthday.

And if this person is Sakayanagi Yusu, then it would be outrageous for him to accept Oreki-san and Maya dating in the future.

You know, Houtaro's first kiss was taken away by Sato.

And Sakayanagi can actually accept it?

It's like a green savanna above.

Xiaohui doesn't think Sakayanagi can have such a measure.


Although Horikita-san was moved out, what Karuizawa was thinking about was that he surrounded Hiyori-san during the holidays, and then everyone saw Houtarou's attack on Ryuen.

In the end Houtaro chose to use his beauty to cover Maya's mouth for a date.

Maya kept the secret and got a date and first kiss from Houtarou.

And this kind of thing... is obviously not acceptable to Sakayanagi-san.

Sato-san obviously thought of something similar and was immediately comforted.

After all, no matter who the sponsor-senpai is, she got Oreki-san’s first kiss.

So, she is not at a loss.

"Yeah, too."

After thinking about it, Sato-san pretended to be calm and said. "Then just go and ask. If it's not the sponsor, senior sister, then there is still a chance, right?"

If the person who supports Oreki-san is not Sakayanagi Yusu, then do you think there is still a chance?


You haven’t completely given up on Oreki-san yet.

The classmates around him heard what Sato-san was thinking.

And there is really no way to refute this, because before Oreki-san refused because he wanted to study in school and not fall in love, but now he has chosen to fall in love. Has his concept changed?

So as long as Sakayanagi is kicked out, other girls will also have a chance?

"So, who should be arranged to inquire next?" Sato-san said.

Hey Hey hey.

Sato-san, your aura is wrong. It seems that you suddenly changed from the crying little tabby cat to a tabby cat.

Then he became excited.

Do you want to make a second confession?

And everyone came here under the pretext of asking Oreki-san for you, so of course it’s best for you to go.

Curious about how Sato-san could suddenly change so quickly, Haruka took over the topic.

"It just so happens that Sakayanagi-san is here, so when I go to ask, please help me ask why Airi is regarded as a mascot. This status seems not very good," Haruka said. "I don't think so."

"Bo, Bo Ruga!"

Sakura-san immediately gained strength. He looked at his best friend with emotion.

Because she thought Haruka was going to help her at first, but it turned out that he was going to help Sato-san, but now he really wants to help her.

Jia Jia is indeed a good friend I met when I came to this school.

"Then who should I ask?" But Bolujia didn't want to ask herself.

She is now also an officer of the student union, and Sakayanagi-san is Sakayanagi-san and also President Sakayanagi.

Bolujia, who knows how to deal with people and the world, would not do anything to offend her boss before taking office.


"Kushida-san, can I ask you a favor?" Haruka then looked expectantly at the short-haired little angel Kushida who was following him.


Kushida was just a melon eater, but he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to him.

"Well...I thought of a more suitable candidate." Kushida didn't want to go because he suddenly asked

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