
Instantly the noise echoed through the entire stadium.

Let everyone's attention be passively focused.

And he continued, "I have thought about it for a long time and decided to nominate you. I personally recognize your ability. However, during the lunch break, I called you and you didn't answer my call, so I will acquiesce to you." Abandoned the candidacy for student council president.”

"So, there are only two people running for student council president this time. Kiriyama and Sakayanagi."

"Each student has one vote. After the assembly is over, you can go to your class teacher to get the vote. The voting point is set up at the entrance of the cafeteria and in the ballot box on the first floor of the special classroom. The voting results will be announced three days later."

After saying that, he left the summit directly and walked towards the outside of the stadium.

Then the students reacted.


Believe me, I'll give you a hammer.

Oreki-san glanced at his phone.

He was the only one who sent a message with Sakayanagi Arisu's name to Horikita's brother, but the other party never called him back or sent back the message.

So I deliberately nominated him and then canceled it, probably because of Horikita Manabu's deliberate mood.

I just didn't know that Horikita-san wanted to retaliate when he enrolled, so he specially invited Oreki-san to join the student union, but he sold the position of student union secretary to Katsuragi without any appreciation.

Or rather, it was to retaliate against Oreki-san for tricking him into taking away his money.

Because there were too many clues, Oreki-san couldn't confirm Horikita's true thoughts for a while.

However, Horikita Manabu finally completed the deal and recommended Sakayanagi-san as planned.

Then the next step is to elect the student president.

Canvassing votes.


Everyone has not yet fully woken up from the resignation of the student council president and the election of the new student council president.

The four class representatives of the first-year students each received votes from the third candidate, Oreki-san, who was abandoned by the student council president Horikita Manabu.

Chapter 195 You can also take advantage of school rules! Yue Cheng: You are tricking me into spending money!

There are no classes for everyone in the afternoon.

After attending the resignation ceremony of the student council president in the gymnasium, everyone can move around freely.

However, the representatives of the four first-year classes received the message from Oreki-san.

I hope they can go to the private room at the tea restaurant on the second floor of the Keyaki Shopping Center in the shopping street.

Discuss important matters.

Everyone has already gone through this experience.


When they actually arrived, the moods of several class representatives were still a little subtle.

The first-year Class A is Katsuragi-san and Hashimoto-san.

The first-year Class B is Ichinose-san and Kanzaki Ryuji-san.

As for first-year class C, there are Ryuuen-san and Shiina Hiyori-san.

First-year class D is still Horikita Suzune, as well as Hirata Yosuke and Takaharaji Rokusuke.

It can be said that except for Hiyori-san who is a newcomer, the others are all acquaintances.

We all met him during the last ship's preferential treatment examination.

Kushida-san from Class D, who took the preferential candidate exam before, hasn’t arrived yet either.

Everyone is waiting.

As everyone knows, Gao Yuanji was minding his own business and looking at his face with a small mirror.

Look your most beautiful at all times.

But there are also people who don't have such a good character as him.

"So, we have been waiting for a while. Hasn't Houtarou Oreki come yet?"


After arriving, Ryuuen-san stood by the window for a while, then returned to his seat and sat down. Then he looked at the tall man who had been sitting quietly with his eyes closed since he arrived.

Katsuragi Yasuhei.

"It would be better to say that not only Oreki, but also Sakayanagi Yusu didn't arrive."

"Katsugi-san, it seems that your status in Class A has plummeted," Ryuuen said.

"..." Katsuragi.

"I don't know the specifics. The message I received from Oreki-san is that he arrived here." Katsuragi said calmly, neither humble nor arrogant.


Ryuuen seemed to smile after hearing Katsuragi-san's reply.

"You already sound like Oreki-san's subordinate when you say this," Ryuuen said. "Don't you feel uncomfortable being someone else?"

"Don't think about splitting our class." Katsuragi replied calmly.

In fact, Katsuragi was not in a very good mood.

Because during the just-concluded command tower exam, Teruhiko Yukimura of Class D had a private meeting with him alone, hoping that he would let him go to Class D.

The reason was that he felt that Yahiko dropped out of school, and as Yahiko's superior, he would be dissatisfied with Oreki and Sakayanagi.

And now Longyuan also behaves like this.


Does everyone think he will betray Class A?

As a student of Class A, he is proud of Class A.


Class A is prospering now, why do they do such stupid things?

As for Oreki-san, he invited representatives from each first-year class to come out, and he probably understood what he was doing.

To canvass votes.


Canvassing votes.

In President Horikita's nomination today, only Sakayanagi and Kiriyama from second-year Class B were qualified as candidates.

But getting a nomination is a ticket, and the real decision of who will be the student council president depends on the number of votes cast.

As a member of the student union, Katsuragi knew better and understood that the current Vice President Kiriyama was actually from Nagumo's side.

Chairman Horikita mentioned that he once hoped that Kiriyama could show his strength.

But unfortunately, Kiriyama was completely unable to compete with Nagumo.

And Nagumo-senpai is the kind of person who advocates absolute strength first. In other words, Nagumo's idea is to impact the current class confrontation system, and this kind of thing is not a good thing for the stable Class A.


Class A now has vested interests, so what rules need to be changed?

This will be a loss.

Therefore, due to emotions and reasons, Katsuragi himself was willing to promote Sakayanagi to power.

Sakayanagi is a student of Class A and represents the interests of Class A.

This is like reassurance.

And if you want to do this, what you need to get is the number of votes.

The school has a total of 157 students in the first grade, 120 students in the second grade, and 135 students in the third grade.

You have to get at least half of the votes.

"Compared to my matters." Katsuragi said, "Ryuuen, although I don't know what happened to you during the vacation, but now that you have come back, you have lost miserably."

Losing miserably.

This refers to the command tower exam, where Class C lost to Class B 2 to 5.

So, Ryuen came back, but he didn't show his strength.


Ryuuen smiled, "Class C is not an excellent class to begin with. Rather, if Class B is defeated by Class C, then it will be really bad."

"Right, Ichinose, Kanzaki." Ryuuen then turned to the representative of Class B to speak.


Kanzaki actually hates Ryuuen, because from the time he met until now, Ryuuen has done nothing good.

And even in the command tower exam that just ended, Ryuuen arranged for students from Class C to follow their classmates from Class B. It was disgusting enough.

Even the good-tempered Shibata couldn't accept it and became angry.

But Kanzaki also feels lucky.

Because Class B still wins in the final exam.

Looking back now, Shibata was angry at Ishizaki from Class C. Oreki-san whom he met at that time, Oreki-san congratulated them on their victory in advance.

At that time, Kanzaki failed to understand the other party's words.

But now, after the exam, I suddenly discovered that what the other party was talking about might be Long Yuan's plan.

On the one hand, letting the students of Class C follow them can disturb their hearts, on the other hand... it may be a mystery.

Let them guard against students in Class C, and then they will lose attention to their classmates.

In other words, Ryuuen is still disgusting and wants to use conspiracy.

However, during the additional exit exam, Kanzaki came on stage and said that every student in the class was worth 20 million, and there was no spy this time.

This is really a good thing for Class B.

"But Oreki-san is already 10 minutes late. Does Horikita-san know anything?"

And Ichinose asked a person who fell into his own thoughts after arriving.

Horikita Suzune.

The first-year class D students performed well in the last class exit exam and the command tower exam.

Anyone who has spies in Class D knows that although Class D is still scattered, it has already condensed a lot.

And Katsuragi paid attention.

The mood is also very subtle, because everyone knows that it is difficult for students in Class D to climb up, and Takaharaji, for example, is outspoken about contacting upperclassmen and collecting points from them.

And this is probably because he wants to collect 20 million points to fly solo.

There is only one Class A class in the school every year, so both Takaharaji and Horikita Suzune may end up being classmates in Class A.

Horikita-san's speed may be a little faster.

After all, President Horikita is about to graduate, and if the president still has points, he may choose to exchange them for cash with the school, or give them to his sister.

However, the current black-haired beauty is still lost in her own thoughts.

Horikita-san was indeed deep in thought.

To be precise, I haven't woken up from the end of the student council president's speech in the gymnasium.

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