In the middle of the classroom there are four independent tables facing two directions.

There is a computer on the table. Each computer comes with a headset and external keyboard.

There is a lottery box on one of the tables. It seems that they are waiting for the commander tower of each class to come and draw lots to decide the fighting class.

Although the layout is simple, it is almost certain that the subsequent exams will be live broadcast.

In the command tower, you can watch the live broadcast in the special classroom and then make real-time contact. The way to issue instructions is probably through dialogue or typing instructions on an external keyboard.

Of course, in some projects, perhaps the command tower can also participate directly.

But for the commander of Class A, she can only come up with strategic plans and let her participate in sports events in person, which is basically impossible.

Therefore, Class A also has shortcomings.

And this is what Oreki-san wants to work hard on.


And soon, Oreki-san received another message from Sakayanagi.

"..." And this time it was still a photo.

It’s a selfie of Itayagi and Honami Ichinose.

The two stood together.

Archangel Ichinose and Sakayanagi seemed to be friends, and both were recipients of [Protection], so there was no problem in meeting at this time.


However, this made Oreki-san feel stressed.

Does this mean that in addition to targeting Horikita-san, Sakayanagi-san also wants to target Archangel Ichinose?

In fact, she doesn't have to do such a thing.

So he turned and looked at the girl with long purple hair in the back seat of Sakayanagi.

"Kamuro-kun," Oreki said.

"?" Kamuro Masumi, who was memorizing a vocabulary list, looked over.

"There is something I need you to complete soon." Oreki-san said.


"The specific request has been sent to your mobile phone." Oreki said.


If you have any orders, you can't tell her directly. You still need to send a message face to face.

Think so.

Kamuro Masumi clicked on her phone.

[Before the command tower exam ends, you must do whatever it takes to get a set. ]



So, what are you two thinking?

Sakayanagi asked her to buy out family planning supplies, but you asked her to buy family planning supplies.

About ten minutes later, classmate Sakayanagi came back, and she brought back news.

This time in the command tower exam, first grade Class A faced off against first grade Class D.

First grade Class B versus first grade Class C.

Then everyone is required to report on the projects they are good at.

Of course the students in Class A will cooperate with this.

in this way.

The ten entries were quickly listed.

Chess, mental arithmetic, Go, modern literature test, social science test, mathematics test, English test, volleyball, dodgeball, and skipping.

Among the ten projects, it almost doesn’t take much thinking to understand that this is in line with the style of Class A. Class A’s hardware is excellent, so high academic ability is an advantage.

So are there any problems with launching various projects related to written examinations? Of course there is a problem.

Only 5 of them will be used as formal assessment items.

So there are still 5 that are just fake.

Of course, Sakayanagi is also very direct.

Because we are facing students from Class D, it is okay to be a little cautious.

So, things like volleyball, dodgeball, rope skipping, etc. are so explicit that you wouldn’t even be interested in them.


"I got a message."

During the lunch break, Sakayanagi Yusu suddenly said this.

And Oreki-san also saw it.

What Banliu received was a photo. It was a photo of Ichinose Honami waiting for him to say hello on the first floor of the dormitory when the class voted to drop out of school some time ago.

You can see Ichinose and Oreki-san in the photo.

In other words.

In other words, the archangel Ichinose was deceived again.

As expected, Nagumo-senpai...has not changed at all.

Previously, he deliberately misappropriated the class points to pay Ichinose's mental damages first, and the purpose was also to ask Ichinose to pursue Oreki-san.

This action seems strange.

But if you look at it now, it’s very clear.

Nagumo is driving a wedge between Sakayanagi and Oreki.

The tool used is Ichinose-san, hoping that Ichinose will insert himself between the two and destroy the relationship between Oreki-san and Itayagi.

But Nagumo may have thought wrong. The relationship between Oreki-san and Sakayanagi is better than he understood.

Both men's mobile phones were exchanged with each other.

So this kind of sudden message will definitely be told to another person.

So this plan of alienation has now been discovered.

But this is also very dangerous.

Because this shows that Sakayanagi-san showed him that she has no secrets, so what else of equal value does he want to give her?

Oreki-san knows what Sakayanagi-san wants.

Senior Nagumo's message was also sent quickly.

After initially posting a photo of Oreki and Ichinose meeting, Nagumo directly extended an invitation.

I hope to meet Banliu, and I am willing to provide second-year students to provide training for the first-year Class A students in various exams.

In other words, Nanyun wanted to get involved in the first grade exam.

And for this case.

"Nagumo probably wants to decide his future path." Oreki-san analyzed.

Will you decide your future path?


Apart from the special exams, there is another major event this month... Student Council President Horikita Akira will resign.

At that time, the election of the new Student Council President will be held.

Yucheng High School is student-led, and the student union has great authority. So the stakes are high.

And this is why for this special examination, the rules were announced on the 1st, the battle class was selected on the 2nd, the 10 open events were announced on the 5th, and the duel was held on the 21st.

The purpose is to make time and space for the resignation of the student president and the election of the next student president.

The student council president has excessive authority to choose the score value of each special examination.


This is the most important thing for Class A.

With the authority of the student council president, even if it is not illegal but just fair, it can effectively maintain the position of Class A.

But, does the election of the next student council president have anything to do with Nagumo?

It has nothing to do with Nagumo. Vice President Kiryu has not been fired or demoted yet, which means that Horikita Academy will still give Kiryu a chance.

And Kiriyama is a second grader, so naturally he is from Nagumo. So, does Nagumo still need to show favor to the first grader now?

The last forest exam was undoubtedly a defeat for Nanyun, and his popularity dropped again.

So if Vice President Kiriyama, whom he relies on, can become a regular member under various operations, he will not resign immediately to choose him as the next student council president.

So instead, we started making early bets by choosing the next student council president.


Why does Nagumo think that Sakayanagi will run for the next student council president? You know, she is not even a member of the student union now. The person who really has the dominant authority looks more like him. After all, he has a close relationship with the student council president's sister, Horikita Suzune. You can get tickets for Class D of the first grade and Class A of the third grade near the water tower.

And when I think about it.

[Beep! ]

Oreki-san received a message.

It's Nagyunya's number.

And the other party sent a text message.

[I gave up on Ichinose-senpai and paid her points in advance. She is now working hard to pursue you. ]by Nan Yunya.

"..." Oreki.


never mind.

Nayun is betting on all three sides.

ps: It’s the beginning of the month, please give me free blades. Ying Ying Ying.

Chapter 186 Some students in Class D are also struggling. This seems good, but it’s of no use!

The command towers of the four classes completed the lottery process.

And as thought before, the commanders of the four classes were all the people who received the most appreciation votes in the last additional class voting withdrawal exam, and then received the title of [Protect].

Yusu Sakayanagi, Class A, first grade

Honami Ichinose, first grade class B

Long Yuanxiang, Class C, first grade

Ayanokouji, Class D, first grade

On the third day, Horikita Suzune finally drew up 10 entries for Class D.

Basketball, swimming, English cloze, abacus mental arithmetic, 200-meter race, typing competition, math test, archery competition, chess, and guessing.

in this way.

On the 5th, Class A and Class D announced the 10 events proposed by their classes on the bulletin board.

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