This rhetoric is really too much.

So he hates Oreki Houtarou.


If you drop out of school, you will have nothing.

He had nothing but endless fights outside.


He was hit by Oreki, and he also felt... pressure and fear about leading his class to Class A.

But is it really completely autistic?


If you really give up, you must submit a withdrawal application directly on the spot.

"So, you want to keep me." Long Yuan said. "There is still a place for me, right?"

"I want to raise a dog in Class C, or in other words, control Class C, so that in the future, I can be like the forest exam, commanding a grade." Ryuuen said.

He sees things very clearly.

Class C was sent to Class A.

He has confirmed it.

Even he himself has no self-confidence, and the other students are even more so.

But there are benefits to studying in this school.

That is its special mechanism. In addition to competitive class confrontation, there is also points.

The school will pay the points, which are living expenses, and can eventually be converted into cash.

No matter how you look at it, it is a good opportunity to make money.


The goal shifts from rushing into Class A to earning enough points.

So even if you graduate as Class C, you won't have nothing.

The guys in the class probably wouldn't be dissatisfied either.

So Ryūen is thinking about the transformation of his class.

For example, relegating himself to being a minion of Class A or something like that.


"This probably won't work anymore," Oreki-san said. "I only have enough points to support one person."

It’s only enough to support one person, but you didn’t deny that you were raising a dog.

As for the person who could coordinate the class to keep him from dropping out, and even gave him the first place vote of appreciation, Shiina was probably the only one.

That is to say.

Shiina pledged her allegiance to Houtarou Oreki in advance.

That guy really knows how to seize the moment.

So, passing through Ryuen, Oreki-san headed to the destination for his appointment.

Special teaching building.

The one where there are no cameras.

Oh no.

There are cameras.

Oreki-san walked forward and arrived at the agreed upon location. He noticed that there was a camera hanging on one side of the wall.

This is presumably a new installation.


The person he made an appointment with arrived.

It was a young man with no expression on his face but a handsome appearance.

This is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class D, first grade.

He doesn't have a strong presence in Class D, but in this additional exam, he was extremely conspicuous.

Probably the classmates in the class did not expect that the mediocre Ayanokouji-kun could actually get 133 votes of appreciation.

Because if you think about it carefully, didn't all the other classes give him votes?

But this was a trump card given to him by Oreki-san, and it also meant that he had one more year to stand on the opposite side of Principal Tsukijo.

And there is only one reason for meeting the other party this time.

The two sides exchanged cards.

"I need these three years of freedom." Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said. "That means I won't be dropped out of school during these three years."

"Then I need you to make a proposal when you passively step into that position in the future." Oreki-san said. "The emotional relationships around me are relatively complicated, so I hope to give everyone a good result. That is, the civil law correction."

"..." Ayanokouji was silent for a moment. "Civil Law Reform, do you think I can reach that position?"

"If you really thought you could escape, you wouldn't trade with me," Oreki said.

"..." Ayanokouji.


Of course he knew that when he came out of that place, he would be used as a weapon by that person. Of course he knew that he would not be able to break free from the other person's shackles.

Rather, he actually knows the only way to gain freedom.

That's beating the man.

Use that man's power and defeat that man.

Therefore, in the end, you will definitely get to the position that the man wants.

Think so.

"There was a man who came from a poor background, but he was very ambitious." Ayanokouji said.

"I have no talent, and my academic qualifications are even worse. If I were to name one factor that makes me capable of fighting, it would probably be youth."

"But that's not taken full advantage of, and a lot of time is spent doing nothing."

"Under such circumstances, at the age of 27, he used 2 million of his working savings to participate in the election. There is no doubt that he lost miserably."

"Where he comes out to work is only based on his personal ability, not to mention that his personal ability is not very good, and he has no background."

"So, after failing enough, he joined a camp."

"In order to gain authority and power, he did whatever bad things he did without mercy. He used young girls for sex, paid bribes, and reported activities to hostile organizations. After gaining power, he found that the boundaries between good and evil had become Blurred.”

Ayanokouji said.

And Oreki-san listened, and this was probably the experience of Mr. Ayanokouji.

The experience of working your way up from the grassroots.

"Then the higher he went, the more he realized that he couldn't change anything... and all the talents he lacked were highlighted."


"He placed his hope on his son, or to be more precise, a tool——" And as he said this, Ayanokouji looked at Oreki-san.

All he wants is freedom.


"Are you sure you can keep me from dropping out of school for three whole years?" he said.

"If you think so."

"Then we can inspect the goods now." Oreki-san said.

And Ayanokouji looked at him.

Oreki didn't move, but just stayed still.


About 2 minutes later, Ayanokouji noticed a change, that is, someone was rushing here in a hurry.

The other party's leather shoes were polished very well.


"Oh, I didn't expect students to be here, hello~" This was a man in a suit.

He had that kind of flattering smile on his face that he was used to.

About forty years old.

But there is an aura about him that is incompatible with this school, whether it is students, teachers or staff.

And this person.

Oreki-san has seen it, and Ayanokouji has probably paid attention to it.

This person is not a stranger, but an acquaintance.

Principal Yuecheng.

And this is the person sent by Mr. Ayanokouji. An adult who came here specifically to drop out of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Chapter 177 Principal Tsukijo VS Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, starting to enter the school where force is paramount! Part 2

Mr. Tsukijo walked over as if he didn't recognize Ayanokouji at all.

He looked very kind, then looked over and said, "This is my first time coming to this school. Do you know where the teacher's office is?"

"..." Oreki.

Oreki-san didn’t speak.

But Ayanokouji said, "If you are going to the teacher's office, then you are looking in the wrong place. In other words, I have never seen you in school. Who are you?"

Which one?

"I-", the man smiled broadly, "I am Yue Cheng, who will be the principal this time."

He waved politely and smiled kindly.

Then he looked at Oreki-san.

"This classmate, can you do me a favor?"

"..." Oreki looked over.

"I picked up a mobile phone. It belongs to a girl with silver hair and poor legs and feet." Yue Cheng said. "If you know me, can you send it there for me?"

As he said this, he took out a white phone from his pocket.

"..." Oreki.

So Oreki-san glanced at Ayanokouji, took the phone and left.

Tsukijo watched Oreki-san leave with a smile on his face.

Then he looked at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

"You seem completely unwavering."

"In other words, his expression is completely motionless." Yue Cheng said. "First of all, let me explain that I am your father, the adult who arranged for you to come in."

"And his will has not changed."

"Quit school and go back to him."

And saying so.

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