He didn't do that at all.

Why would Kushida-chan put the blame on him?

People in the know looked at the fool Yamauchi with the eyes of a fool.

But more importantly, I learned that it was Yamauchi who was "behind the scenes."

According to the current situation, if the plan is exposed, then Yamauchi will probably be the last person to vote. Because the fact of canvassing for votes cannot be brought to the table.

To protect yourself.

"I think students like Yamauchi should not exist in our class." A girl suddenly stood up and said.

"I also think Yamauchi went too far." A boy also stood up.

"Yeah, how could Yamauchi do such a thing! I'm very angry!" the boy said.

"Why, why!"

Yamauchi was about to vomit blood.

How could these classmates...slander him for nothing!

"Didn't you all agree to vote to criticize Ayanokouji? But now...you are saying such slanderous words!"

Yamauchi is going crazy.

And like this, Kushida's crisis is almost over. The popularity she has accumulated in the class can allow her to quickly escape from being kicked.

And her mission for the exit exam seems to have come to an end here.



However, Horikita Suzune forced herself to suppress the words of others and walked directly in front of the crying Kushida.

"Everything you did was a mistake."

“In this class, you have an influence that surpasses Karuizawa and even Hirata, and with such power, if you make the wrong choice, you will lead a group of people to the wrong end.

Then become the sinner of the class! "

Horikita Suzune said coldly, "Once you call for counter-votes to be gathered, things will become unstoppable and one-sided."

"So, do you really know that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

Horikita yelled at Kushida one after another, but Kushida just lay on the table and couldn't say a word.

"What you did was a mistake, Kushida-san. I hope you will think carefully about your mistake, and then think carefully about your approach next time, so as not to do anything unfavorable again!"

Horikita-san continued to criticize.


All Kushida could respond was silent crying.

[Really miserable]

Oreki-san stayed in the class, and it was the class meeting, but the strategy for Class A’s exit exam was decided the first time.

So the current class meeting is a self-study class.

Then bumping the phone is not a big problem.

Oreki-san has a chess piece in Class D.

It could be Sakura-san, it could be Haruka, it could be Sato-san, and it could also be Karuizawa-san.

However, Sakura-san seemed to be too scared to touch her phone because Teacher Chabashira was sitting next to her.

But Karuizawa-san directly reported the situation at the scene.

I have to say that from the perspective of doing things, Hui is indeed very strong.


Horikita-san is also quite interesting.

Because Oreki gave her an order to help Ayanokouji and destroy the gang formation in Class D.

However, she criticized Kushida a lot.

But it’s not hard to understand either.

Although he was scolding, using this method and with the whole class watching, Kushida had no choice but to shut up and say nothing.

It's like being sealed.

And after Kushida is dealt with in this way, the focus will once again focus on Yamauchi.

"Speaking of which, I saw Yamauchi with students from Class A yesterday."

"Could it be that you are doing something to betray the class?"

"It seems they hope to get votes of appreciation from the other class!" Several students stood up and said.

These are puppies bought by students from Class A.

After getting the instruction, jump out and bite immediately.

And this statement... is obviously confusing right and wrong and deliberately discrediting Yamauchi.

Because now almost everyone has discovered the direction of Class D’s exit exam this time.

Dropped out of school Yamauchi.

And as long as Yamauchi is sure to drop out of school, it will be safe for everyone.

Because this time the class voted to drop out of the exam, only one person was dropped out, right? Then everyone in the sacrifice mountain will be safe.


"Why, why do you say that? I have had dinner with an uncle at most, and he invited me steak."

"But he is not a student of Class A." Yamauchi said. "How can you slander me!"

With uncle?

Can I talk openly about eating with my uncle?

in front of surveillance.

The uncle maintained his usual calm,

In fact, I feel quite bad.

Contacting Haruki Yamauchi was his biggest failure this time.


In this case, the dropout from Class D is still Haruki Yamauchi.

And if it is confirmed that Yamauchi will drop out of school, then naturally Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will become safe.

Was it something Ayanokouji Kiyotaka secretly planned?


Someone wants to protect Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

The task assigned to him by that adult made him feel... a little bit excited.

And the other side.

Class A is here.

"It seems that you have achieved what you wanted." Sakayanagi sent a message to Oreki.

Oreki's Class D has puppies, and of course Itanyanagi also has puppies.

So I received the report of the information.

At the same time, as her neighbor, she also noticed that Oreki-san had been exchanging messages with Ayanokouji-san from the beginning.

In other words, the [transaction] Oreki-san wanted has gone ahead.

"Almost." Oreki-san sent a message to Sakayanagi. "However, I am very tolerant. For the success of the transaction, I will give him a meeting gift."

So saying.

He also sent a message to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

[Give you a weapon. ]


Ayanokouji thought so.



Suddenly a loud voice appeared in the class.

Everyone looked over in shock.

Because someone hammered the table hard.

Even Chabashira-sensei looked there in astonishment.


That's Yosuke Hirata.

The man who was always kind to others and had tried to persuade Sudou, but was beaten by Sudou and then didn't hold any grudge, got angry.

Hirata suddenly stood up, "It is simply wrong to induce peers to hurt each other in this way and force one person to drop out of school!"

In order to cope with this exam, he worked hard and tried every means, even trying to block the student council president, hoping that the student council president would give him guidance.

He even did not hesitate to devote himself to becoming a Class A dog for the sake of the class.


It still became like this.

When the class openly and openly discussed the matter of isolating a certain student, Yosuke Hirata, who was a good old man and rejected the disunity of the class, was of course furious.

"Horikita-san, you are so wrong!"

Hirata got angry when he stood up.


However, Horikita ignored him.

Very simple.

There is no need to list the loopholes in Hirata's words, everyone present is very clear about it.

Inducing companions to harm each other?

Horikita is hurting Yamauchi now?

But after others were contacted by Kushida, they did not hesitate to join the group that participated in the Ayanokouji criticism vote. Everyone has their own thoughts.


Hirata is the only one who doesn't know.

Everyone hurts their peers.

And now.

Yamauchi, who attracts most of the hatred and blame points, is the one who needs to be eliminated the most.

As long as Yamauchi takes the blame, everyone will be safe in this exam.

This is the safest solution after forming a large group and being exposed.

It can be said.

Now, even for their own safety, no one does not want Yamauchi to be expelled from school.

Therefore, it would be most stable if Yamauchi was expelled from school.

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