"I have to take half of the 50 points I got," Gaoyuanji said.

"I will respond to Hirata." Horikita-san said calmly. "But take a look at the email you sent."

"No problem." Gao Yuanji nodded.

Oreki-san then confirmed the information about Class C, the preferential recipient of the monkey group.

The school's broadcast also responded less than 1 minute after Gaoyuanji sent the text message.

Then Mashima-sensei’s broadcast prompt appeared.

[The exam for the monkey group has ended. ]

According to the rules of the exam, you can choose to answer within the deadline or rush the answer.

No points will be deducted for answering within the deadline, but the class evaluation score will change based on the status of the quick answer.

Guessing correctly can add 50 points to the class evaluation score.

And if it's wrong, then Class D will deduct points themselves.

But Gaoyuanji is very confident. Now I continue to do push-ups.

Then you are great.

Oreki-san then sent the information about the preferential recipients of Class C of the Monkey Group to Ryuuen.

It's almost like telling Ryuuen that he has mastered the rules of preferential treatment.

Well, Ryuuen, now that you have lost 50 points in the class evaluation, you have no choice but to deduce the law of preferential treatment.

And after having no choice, it’s the meat on the chopping board.

"Speaking of which, you haven't looked very good since you came out." Oreki-san said.

Because he noticed that Horikita-san had a straight face.

In fact, she usually has this expression.

Similar to Kamuro-san, he was almost not prepared to show any more emotions on his face.

But because he spent a lot of time with her, Oreki-san can tell her apart.

"I'm thinking about the rules of those who are favored." Horikita Suzune raised her left hand to the elbow of her right hand, and the fingers of her right hand dragged her chin.

"I spent an afternoon thinking about it."

"But no pattern was found."

"In the end, Sakayanagi won't receive your message until six in the afternoon."

"But in less than 15 minutes—"

She seemed a little frustrated. "She guessed it."

"It's because she's excellent that I thought about pushing Class A to her." Oreki-san said.

"..." Horikita.


Horikita Suzune looked over and said, "If it were you who were in charge of deducing the rules of preferential treatment——"

"Then the time needed is-"

Horikita-san was a little curious.

When she was almost kicked out of school by her brother, his brother spoke highly of Oreki-san.

What my brother gave was an evaluation of human extreme physical exercise.

But after getting in touch, you will also find that his academic ability is very high.

Especially getting perfect marks just by reading the book.

But it made her remember it for a long time.

Therefore, she does not think that Oreki-san cannot deduce the law of preferential treatment.


“What I believe in is not to do things that don’t need to be done, and to do things that must be done in a simple way.”

"It is also the most energy-saving." Oreki-san said.

"If someone can deduce it, why should I spend this time?"

So just assign tasks.

Although there is some frustration, but now that I have mastered the rules of preferential treatment, it means that almost all classes are on the chopping block.

Cooperation is possible.

But if you take away their points, they will be resented.

But what if they have no choice?

Because the recipient's information has been guessed by the other party, if he disagrees, not only will he not get a penny, but his class evaluation points will also be deducted.

So I had to obey.


Then, all we have to do is wait for the showdown with the representatives of each class, and then everyone can play with the school's 80 million wool.

However, now it is better to let the most difficult Ryuuen struggle first.


Considering that every dinner is a meal, Horikita-san finally got around to being humane and learned to take the initiative to invite Oreki-san to have dinner with her.

So the two of them walked to the hotel.


Fifty centimeters away, someone was following them.

In other words, the two people in front seemed not to notice that she was still following.

"..." The divine room.

Kamuro-san found himself being used as a background again.

But that's okay, she's used to it.

Anyway, when Oreki Houtaro and Sakayanagi Yusu had dinner together, he basically paid no attention to her.

Oh no.

I will still pay attention to her and whether she has finished all the meals.

It's 8:30.

There is still a short period of time before the discussion at 9 o'clock.

Oreki-san originally returned to the cabin to take a shower before participating in the rabbit group's discussion.

But thinking that something might happen at night, he decided not to take a shower yet.

As a result, I came early.

It's just that there are some surprises.

Because he was not the only one who arrived early.

He saw that Ibuki had also arrived.

But Ibuki probably brought a book to read.

What she watched this morning was Gone with the Wind.

That is, Gone with the Wind, which Oreki also borrowed.

But Ibuki didn't seem to be reading for the sake of reading.

Because she changed books.

It was replaced by The Count of Monte Cristo, and then there was a copy of Lio Futaba put aside... Bah, it's quantum mechanics.

And something unusual was happening at the corner of the stairs in room 204.

Oreki-san paid attention.

It seems that several girls have gathered together, and if you look carefully, they are all members of the rabbit group.

Three girls from Class C and one girl from Class D.

Among them is a girl from Class D, and the only girl from Class D in the Rabbit Team, Megumi Karuizawa.

As for the three girls from Class C, Oreki has written down their names. One is Manabe Shiho who sent a photo after contacting them today, and the other is named Yabuna Nami. Another one is Saki Yamashita.

And Nami Yabana and Saki Yamashita are both in the photos of friends that Manabe sent today.

After getting closer, the first thing I picked up was the voice of a girl with shorter and fluffy hair.

This is Manabe Shiho.

"Maybe I remembered it wrong. Did you have a conflict with Pear Blossom last week?"

"Huh? What is that? I don't know Rika."

And this voice was very familiar.

It’s Karuizawa-san.

It seems that Karuizawa-san also came to the rabbit group in advance.

But he was called out by a girl from Class C.

"Rika is the girl in our class who wears glasses and has a round head—" Manabe explained.

There was also Rika in the photo that Manabe-san sent him today.

And Lihua is indeed a ball head wearing glasses.


Oreki also sounded serious.

He was interested in the word meatball head.

Because he describes his friend as a meatball, this Manabe classmate is probably the kind of person with a very straight personality and not much emotional intelligence.

"Huh? I don't know such a person." Karuizawa said.

"Isn't this strange? We did listen to what she said. She said that she was bullied by a girl named Karuizawa from Class D."

"She said she was queuing up at the coffee shop and you cut in line and knocked her away."

Manabe did not give up, "If this is true, I hope you will apologize. Rika is the kind of person who will bear everything by herself. We must do something for her."

Manabe seems to be a good person.

He stood up for his friends, even though he called them meatballs, but he was still a decent person.

Karuizawa-san, on the other hand, seemed to have stopped talking.

In other words, he was determined to ignore it, but when Manabe saw this situation, he seemed to be very anxious, so he turned his cell phone camera towards Karuizawa.

It looked like he was about to take a photo.

"Don't shoot me!" Karuizawa noticed Manabe's actions. "The person you are looking for is not me!"

"Can I confirm with Rika? Is that okay? If it wasn't you, it would be fine, right?" Manabe didn't give up.

To be honest, Class C's actions were appropriate.

After all, she asked Karuizawa for confirmation at the beginning, but Karuizawa ignored her, and then she chose this approach.


At this time, Karuizawa suddenly raised his face and shook off the mobile phone held by Manabe with his hand.


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