I believe you.

Kushida's cute brows slightly arched.


She just discovered that when Horikita Suzune was putting away her cell phone, she asked her to open the bag. Then Horikita Suzune confirmed the information on the phone, turned off the phone, and finally handed the phone to her.

Horikita's behavior just now was a bit revealing.

But Kushida didn't say anything.

After all, maybe Horikita-san is just slow in doing things?

She had just gained the other person's friendship and was still very tolerant. So I don't want to doubt her.


Is Horikita Suzune really checking the information about the favorees of her classmates?

That is to say.

Horikita Suzune's plan for everyone to hand over their mobile phones and pass the exam directly... is a sham.

I'm afraid not...the real purpose is to collect information from the favored recipients.


She also noticed that Horikita Suzune didn't put her cell phone in the bag.

That is to say.

She was used at gunpoint.

If it were Horikita himself, then everyone would definitely not submit their mobile phones obediently.

In other words, Horikita Suzune couldn't even summon the entire class.

And this kind of thing, this kind of thing——

"This time's exam——" Kushida said, "Does it mean that you and Oreki——are making money again?"

"It's cooperation." Horikita Suzune said. "And after the exam is over, I will transfer 200,000 to you."

"..." Transfer 200,000.

Transfer 200,000 or something.

And would you, Horikita Suzune, be so generous?

Don't think I don't know. You obviously have a lot of points, but you are frugal.

And lunch is just a rice ball.

The explanation is very tricky.

And to be so generous now... In other words, Oreki Houtarou made a lot of money from his plan this time.

So is that really the case?

Is that really the case?

She knew that Horikita Suzune couldn't ask for favors from her for no reason.

He also directly agreed to be friends with her, which made her feel wrong.

In the end, Horikita Suzune made money with Oreki Houtarou again, and then he didn't call her?

And this kind of behavior of not taking her with you can't be called a friend at all.

Even Kushida-san, who said she wanted to be friends with everyone, wanted to exclude people from her circle of friends for the first time.

The two then went to the ship's valuables locker.

"Then leave the key here with me," Horikita Suzune said.

"..." Kushida. "Um."

Kushida felt bored.

To be precise, the whole process was boring.

She found out that she was being used as a gun and was in a bad mood.


Horikita Suzune and Oreki Houtarou need to obtain information about the recipients of Class D.

So, what is this intended to do?

But no matter what we do, Class D will definitely suffer some losses.


Is she going to take the blame?

It's really enough.

Oreki also waited for a message from Horikita Suzune's cell phone.

The information of the four preferential recipients of Class D was submitted.

However, after obtaining the information of the six preferential recipients, Oreki did not let Kamuro give him the lists of all 12 groups, and then he looked for patterns.

Instead, Kamuro-san manually entered all the list information of the 12 group members into his mobile phone.

And after making notes on all the names of the 6 recipients that have been obtained, edit and send them to Sakayanagi Arisu’s mobile phone number.

For Kamuro-san, this feels like another troublesome thing that Oreki-san is enslaving her with.

Because the information is clearly in front of you, but you still want her to make an electronic version.

Just make it an electronic version.

As a result...it had to be sent to Sakayanagi Yusu.

You must know that Sakayanagi is in school now, and every day only in the evening, he will go to the school gate and use points to gain permission to send and receive messages and make phone calls.

And this is also the regular contact she needs to make to Sakayanagi Arisu recently.

So if you send the message now, Sakayanagi will probably only receive it in the evening.

This makes Kamuro-san feel very troublesome.

She knew that Oreki was very smart, so since he wanted to deduce the rules of preferential treatment.

Then you can do it yourself.

So, why should we recommend it to Sakayanagi Yusu?

"Sakayanagi-san is unable to take the exam due to health reasons," Oreki said, "but she is a member of Class A after all, and after that, due to health reasons, there may be some sports-related exams that she will have to abstain from. "

"And always abstaining is not a good thing."

"So, I want to try to make sure she's involved."


In other words, this is to improve Sakayanagi Arisu's image.

And letting Sakayanagi Arisu participate in deriving the rules of preferential treatment... hmm.


If the law of preferential treatment is deduced, it is indeed a great achievement.

After all, Oreki Houtarou, are you still so considerate?


Kamuro was a little curious.

"I always feel that your attitude towards Sakayanagi has changed recently." Kamuro-san said.

"Will you?" Oreki-san turned around.

"Yes." Kamuro-san nodded affirmatively.

At least you didn't think about maintaining Sakayanagi-san's image before.

But what Sakayanagi Arisu said is that you always want to shift all kinds of responsibilities to her.


Something is very wrong with you.

And this kind of performance——

Could it be that--

Kamuro-san suddenly thought of something.

The reason why a person can change so quickly is probably what those Bichi girls say...love.


Sakayanagi is cute.

It's normal to be tempted by her.

Moreover, Sakayanagi did not come to take the exam, and twice in a row left the members of the Itayanagi faction to Oreki to drive at will.

So I also felt this heavy heart.


What a pity.

Because Kamuro-san knew that Sakayanagi had said that if she became the student council president, she would not let Oreki Houtarou join the student council.

In other words.

She is about to become the student council president. As a result, there are so many positions in the student council, but they don't even give you points.


Oreki-san, you may have finally been tempted once, but you also lost miserably.

Sakayanagi-san is the kind of person who is very good at lying.

Your current heartbeat is just being used.

Think so.

Suddenly she felt a little comfortable, because she had just experienced being tempted by the other person, and it turned out to be a dark history.

Thinking like this, thinking like this...

Kamuro-san noticed that Oreki Houtarou was looking at her.

"Um, what to do?"

Now looking at the other party's dark green pupils, Kamuro-san, who had already been deceived once, deliberately kept a straight face.

But it is undeniable that this guy does have the capital to attract girls' attention.

"Don't be in a daze and keep working." Oreki-san said in a puzzled manner.

"..." The divine room.

"..." The divine room.


So Kamuro-san continued the work of editing names with deliberate inefficiency.

"But your movements are a little slow -"

Finally, Oreki-san, who sat aside and watched Kamuro-san work for more than 20 minutes, said.

Because Kamuro edited all the information and sent it to Sakayanagi Arisu’s mobile phone number.

The announcement has already sounded on the ship.

[It’s time for discussion. Every day from 9 am to 10 am and from 8 pm to 10 pm are your discussion times. Now inform each group of the room number to go to. ]

Teacher Mashima's voice immediately came over the radio.

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