As a result, the exam needs to be taken immediately?

Is this school so scary?

No breathing space at all.

"Do you think the school allows us to enjoy such a big ship for free?"

"If it's just for an exam, why bother using such a luxurious ship? Just use an ordinary ship to pick up and drop off our island." Oreki said. "It saves costs."




Although I came to this school, tuition was free and living allowances were also distributed.

Although living expenses are paid through class competition.

But it is undeniable that this school is indeed very proud.

It's just that even if you are so wealthy, you still belong to the government and need to be funded by the finance.

So it would be too wasteful to let them and all students, whether they are Class A or Class D, enjoy the services on the ship at will.

And for the students to enjoy it so much, the school must come up with something to report.

In other words, there is another exam.


Kamuro-san made a long face at the thought.

"Don't show that expression," Oreki-san said. "You also know from the information you went to investigate that third-year President Horikita received a class evaluation score of 400 points and a large amount of points in this month's exam."

"So, the exam for class evaluation scores is now over."

"Then it's time to get points later."

"Both the second- and third-year students have benefited from this exam, so naturally we should not miss this opportunity."

"To be precise, I don't care much about class evaluation scores."

"A huge amount of points is what I want to collect," Oreki said.


I'm not interested in Class A's class evaluation scores.

Kamuro-san was thinking.

This time, Class D flew very fast.

It skyrocketed by 650 points.

And because Class A has concluded a contract with Class D, it will have to pay 800,000 private points to Class D every month.

But it is undeniable that Class D seems to have made the biggest profit in this exam, but the final reason is...Oreki-san didn't take full action.

Kamuro-san, who has been following him for a long time, or who was picked upon when he entered school, knows it very well.

On the first day of school, Oreki-san was able to sell the school's rules to Class D without any scruples.

So to sum it up.

In this exam, it was really a safer approach to just bring Katsuragi-kun and the others to form an alliance with Kogenji from Class D, unlike his approach.

"Are you still keeping a straight face?" Oreki noticed that Kamuro-san's expression didn't seem to relax.

So he said.

"Don't you want to keep your position in Class A?"

"The evaluation score of our class is now 1801 points, which is already a score that can only be obtained by Nanyun's second graders."

"At the same time, there is a gap of more than 800 points between Class B and us. According to my understanding of President Horikita, there will be no exams with too high scores in the future. Therefore, even if we keep losing in the special exams, then this year will be the same. I won’t lose my position in Class A.”

"What's more, it's impossible to lose," Oreki-san said.


That's it.

So Class A is safe.

So being a student in Class A makes me feel at ease.

Kamuro-san nodded slightly.



She suddenly discovered a blind spot.

Rather, she found the reason why Oreki Houtarou did not show strong attack power in this Kojima test.


It was her request, so he'd done it.


Because she hoped that Class A's position would be secure, and then he would contribute so much?


Before the exam, she confided in the other party because of her uneasiness.


Now, in the Kojima exam that just passed, was Oreki-san's prudent approach not in line with hers? Was it actually because she wanted Class A to be prudent, so that's why she did it?

"That is to say-" Kamuro-san paused.

Her eyes caught the other person's figure.

At the same time, I felt that Oreki-san who walked out of the corridor at this moment had a lazy but rather delicate temperament.

Especially the dark green pupils are quite beautiful.

She recognized this boy's good looks.

But she didn't expect that such a person would actually take action for her.

"Am I important?" she murmured.


Oreki looked over curiously.

Because Kamuro-san suddenly said something strange.


"No, that-"

Kamuro-san said quickly, "Sakayanagi Arisu actually gave me an order to follow you and pay attention to your interpersonal relationships."

"It seems that you need to report all the information about the people you come in contact with to her."


Kosakayanagi wants Kamuro to follow him again.

And this follow-up is a little different from the past, more like catching an adulterer.

She couldn't travel because of her health.

At the same time, Oreki and the others had to travel outside the school for more than 10 days.

During this time, no matter what happens, or your heart beats, it's normal.


In other words, Sakayanagi-san, you are too possessive.

Oreki-san sighed softly.

Although I find it strange that Kamuro-san suddenly became well-behaved, isn't it a good thing to be on his side?

Think so.

He noticed a thin white line on Kamuro-san's left shoulder.

Probably the threads on the clothes.

But beautiful girls are a group that pays great attention to their image.

Oreki decided to help her get it.


"Stand still for now," Oreki said.

Then walked towards her. Then when the distance was enough, he put his hand on her shoulder.

Kamuro-san is very tall, but he still suffers a little more than him.


And Kamuro-san was surprised.

Because Oreki-san is very handsome.

It is also very popular with girls.

However, because there is Sakayanagi Arisu in the class, everyone is not so ignorant.


Is he this kind of person?

Think so.

Kamuro Masumi saw Oreki Houtarou approaching.

His left hand pressed on her shoulder.

So what does she do now?


But does she have the right to refuse?


Although what she experienced when she came to this school were basically miserable things, it was undeniable that if she could graduate as Class A, that would be what she was looking forward to.

So now she still needs Yusu Sakayanagi and Houtarou Oreki.

The presence of these two people gave her a feeling that Class A was very stable.


The first kiss, etc., if the partner is a handsome guy, it will make people feel that there is something to remember.

Thinking about it...she seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat.

Because Oreki Houtarou is recognized as a handsome boy from the first grade.

And he had already come closer.

Kamuro would not take the initiative to observe a person's appearance, but it was undeniable that when he looked at Houtarou Oreki up close, besides being handsome, he felt that he was quite cute.

And the lips are also very thin.

What would it look like to kiss thin lips?


Oreki's left hand had already left Kamuro-san's shoulder.

I took out a 6 cm piece of thread.

It turned out that Kamuro-san had closed his eyes.

Her eyelashes were very long. She seemed a little nervous when she closed her eyes, and her eyelashes trembled.

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