Wang Du Retim, summer palace.

I, who was summoned, was kneeling before His Majesty the King between the thrones.

"Hermes Canoe, we have responded to your summons."

"I've been waiting for you, Doctor. I want to talk practical today, face up."


Face up, as I was told, and stand up.

I saw His Majesty the King sitting on the throne, beside both of them, the ministers lined up sloppily.

His Majesty does not, but all the ministers look like they have scuffed a bitter worm.

"It was nothing else that called the teacher. It's about the Demon King of Comotria."

"... Yes"

"Let's start with confirmation. The demon king, Kaori, set it in motion for the teacher."

"... Yes"

His Majesty has already sent the user to confirm it.

I answered honestly because it wasn't a delusional situation in the first place.

Moments, the throne room squeaks.

Negative emotions swirl.

To sum up the words of every minister I could hear - "No more".

Everyone is frightened by the Demon King.

"Your Majesty"

A man from among the ministers left the line and turned to His Majesty for a performance posture.


"The Demon King is not a being that humans can fathom. I thought it would be better to surrender than resist mischief."

There is little to argue with the man who said so.

Normally, at times like this, the resistance and the surrender argue?

Why are you surrendering and nobody trying to argue with you?

I'm afraid I can't do that.

Well, there he is.

The King dismissed the claim that he should surrender almost immediately.

"Your Majesty, the horror of the Demon King..."

"No matter, I know it well. But the demon king gave me a message."


"Um - Doctor"

"What? Ah yes."

I was a little confused when suddenly he shook me over here.

"A circular from the Demon King. It's about safeguarding the life of the teacher."

"Is that my...?

"Um, if there's anything like executing a teacher as a sinner, he's going to kill all the people of the Kingdom of Aigina, not one left."

The twirl runs.

"Be polite, literally," he added.

The twirl gets even bigger.

"A demon king can do that. Aigina has 30 million people, but the Demon King will be able to kill them all."


"After that circular, I did a lot of research, but in the will of the previous demon kings, you mustn't move unless you find a bearer of comparable power, apparently."

"... Yes"

I honestly admitted that I had no choice but to look into it.

As soon as I did, the ministers stared at me.

I was wondering if that's what you meant.

"This is the rest of the speculation, but the Demon King gets an opponent named Teacher, and he's up saying 'I can finally move'"

"Yes, I was told that in person"

"If so"

His Majesty smiled sarcastically at the minister earlier.

"Surrender is the same. It's the same thing as the execution of a teacher, the same thing that touches the scales in the sense that it loses the purpose of the Demon King."

"Well, then we'll have to fight..."

Blue minister, quiet nod, Your Majesty.

"Doctor, you have to take this responsibility."

"... Yes"

"Bye. Hermes Canoe"


I got on my knees on the spot.

Now, how will they take responsibility?

"I command the General of the Conqueror to do so."

"... what?

Face up, maybe now I look so dumb.

"Sire, is that...?

"Literally have him deal with the Demon King. What it takes to fight the Demon King is primarily military. Give the teacher all the authority to do so"


Wait, wait, wait. Wait, isn't that strange?

"Heh, Your Majesty. I don't think that's punishable."

"Who said he would punish"


"All I'm saying is take responsibility. And handed the technique (,) to the teacher to take responsibility. Are you crazy?"

"... uh"

Odd... not... of...?

No, no, but.

"There's more to it"

This is a big one.

General, as His Majesty also explained, he is the chief military officer in this country.

General Enchantress.

Exactly no His Majesty himself, but everything else, even princes and princesses, can be used with chins if they are to fight demon kings.

It's a huge birth.

To that evidence - see.

More than half of the ministers who were frightened about the Demon King just now changed the color of their eyes to jealousy.

I don't know what power is, it's all delicious (,).

On the other hand, it stinks, it stinks too much.

Even the Viscount and the swordsmanship guide are annoying, but the Grand General and other annoying extremes.

So I try to say no somehow.

"There's no other way."


"I mean, this is a message for the Demon King."


"He's the demon king who declared that if he removed his teacher, he would kill all 30 million people. Then putting the teacher at the top of the military hierarchy and at the top of the ranks against the Demon King is a way to protect the people from the Demon King."


Well... well.

Maybe Kaori will be glad to hear that I have become the "Grand General of the Conquest".

Now I can move without disobeying my mother (the former demon king).


I sighed.

I thought it was no longer possible to resign.

At that moment, my head turned like never before.

To avoid trouble, my brain spinned most seriously in my lifetime.

"Your Majesty, I have a suggestion to make"

"Well, you've already come up with measures, that's the teacher"

"If this is to happen, perhaps the people, and the soldiers and generals, will suffer the most"

"What kind of measure is that? Let me hear it."

It's a martial arts tournament.

"A militant tournament?

"We're going to have a martial arts tournament in a team warfare way that has made me and the Demon King general, respectively. And this is what you whisper to the Demon King."


"It stinks, so when it comes to war, I don't do anything."

His majesty made up his mind for a moment, but understood the intent of my proposal.

Kaori probably just wants to fight me eventually.

Then when it comes to war, I won't go out with you, and if you show me the alternative, you'll come aboard.

The truth is that even making a proposal like this would be rejected as silly, but ironically there was a threat from Kaori.

If it weren't for me, I'd kill all the people.

Turn it over, and if I go out with him, he'll come on board even if he changes shape somewhat.

"That's the teacher! All right, so let's make a suggestion!

And His Majesty the Norinoli.

His Majesty's character is also woven.

His Majesty will surely take part in a militant tournament that puts the fate of the country at stake.

Then I can throw troubles and other things to His Majesty to some extent to stand on the arrow.

The plan went pretty well and I was secretly giggling.

A few days later.

I was summoned again, and between the thrones were ministers, and for some reason I was plunged into His Majesty's appearance.

"I got a response from the Demon King. Osamu drank the teacher's plan."

I'm a little relieved.

The joy of avoiding the ultimate annoying smell of war spreads through your chest.

"But there's one condition"

"Conditions, is it?

"That's right. This side - that is, Aigina side is one teacher. If it's a win-win battle format for one teacher, you should go out with him."

"Why did you do that..."

"You only want to fight your teacher"


Is that what you mean?

Ha... well, if you've avoided war, can't you do this much?

Where you think you are.

"Your Majesty"

One minister plays from the line.

"Viscount Canoe has averted a brilliant war."

"Oh, you did. That was inadvertent."

His Majesty slapped Petin, and his forehead.

Huh? What do you mean? Accidentally what?

"Hermes Canoe"

"Oh yes!

"The achievement of saving Aigina's thirty million people is unparalleled. Beginning today, I will make Sir Count on one of the Viscounts."

"... eh"

I didn't know what they said for a moment.

Apparently the war aversion went so far that it came out again.

Oh, my God.

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