Ore wa Mada, Honki o Dashite Inai

50. I'm not serious about women.

In the study, I was looking at the water in the glass cup in front of me.

It is a domestic water that I use in the mansion without any problems.

Turns out there's a misrill in this, too.

Speaking of portions, it's about 25 meters in a pool and a grain of sand is removed from it.

The point is, "there is, but it's so little".

Until now I haven't noticed it. Naturally, after realizing that there can also be misrills in the water in Lake Hulse, I took a careful look and finally figured out the level.


If this trace is also present in normal domestic water, then you can say that there is a misrill in every piece of water in the world.

All we have to do is take it out and the cost.

I still can't think of a specific way to take it out, but every time it rains, or if I should go to the sea?

You should be able to get a clustered amount.

It's in the water, that's what I mean.

But I don't think about it.

I don't think any more.

Because it stinks.

With this in mind, I really want to avoid the "Hermes Act" becoming a powerful thing.

Then you just have to do nothing.

I can't help but discover it accidentally and my sister played it, but if someone researches the way ahead, they'll forget about me one day.

So let's not talk about this.



"It's me, brother father."

It was my sister.

Go ahead, she came in all the time.

"I don't have a bad feeling you're gonna call me that."

"That's not true. I'm a customer of my brother's father."


"I'm a merchant named Gow Almond."

"Merchant? Selling in?

"When it comes to almonds, you're a big merchant holding back all of our country's Mithril mines"


I frowned and moved.

Mithril, that's the most annoying, nasty word I want to hear right now.

Besides, this is another annoying story I just heard.

Exclusive of the Mithril Mine.

And I offered the possibility of a new Mithril (though the real killer sister).

Worst combination of my life as far as I know.

It's as bad a combination as the first experience between a virgin and a virgin.

"Don't be so serious, I won't be able to finish the conversation until I see you."


I can't help it.

Coming to the reception room, there was a man waiting while standing inside.

About 50 to 60 years old.

Fat nasty jerk, that's my first impression.

He wears expensive clothes and a huge gemstone ring, but he has a stronger image of his nectar than that.

I don't want to get too deeply involved with each other.

The man looked at me and smiled and lowered his head.

"I'll see you first, Viscount. My name is Gong Almond."

Nichar...... a grin that seems to see a phonetic sound.

I want to smile now.

Appropriately embellished, sit on the couch across the street.

He sat a little late for me too.

"What can I do for you?

"For this time, the Viscount has given me..."

"I don't care about foreclosures."

It blocked a dialogue that was going to be long and roundabout.

The same goes for someone who stinks of trouble, but doesn't want to hang out for too long.

Yeah, should we go play at Ortier's later to get it over with?

"It's because of you, Viscount. Good, my name is Golden Time."


This was still rough, but I put up with it because it was time for the next one.

"Hermes Method"


"I want you to take this down"

Why? I swallowed the question all the way back to where it came from because it was superfluous.

A new discovery about Mithril and a merchant with a monopoly on the old Mithril mine.

Well, the natural flow.

"Of course I'm not saying it's just that. That way, if you promise not to play it again, we will pay you 500,000 gold coins."

"That's generous."

"An expression of gratitude to the Viscount, if you think"

I see.

You mean if I don't get in the way of business, you'll give me half a million gold coins?

What am I going to do, jump?

Five hundred thousand gold coins right now, maybe it's better to jump on this as the prodigal owner I'm after.

Being able to get so light also means that if you do it normally, you are likely to gain more than that.

The seriousness of a merchant who fears monopoly is above all a guarantee.


No, you shouldn't get on here.

Looking back at the failures so far, all the decisions we have made aimed at the "prodigal lord" are behind us.

No matter how right the decision is on the spot, it goes out the back.

I'm sure that will happen again this time, so I won't ride.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, my God! I'm sorry for this. You don't have to say this for the discovery of the century, 60. So, how about that?"

The smile hissed and the taste grew more serious in my eyes.

Running away from here with the merchants.


"I can't believe I can draw all this profit from that gong almond! Awesome!! '

I heard void ears.

Somehow, this is definitely what happens when it's the experience I've had.

I couldn't respond more and more.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to pull in, no matter how much it takes."

"Bye, Hi-"

"I don't want any money."

I blocked it.

I think I heard a number like that if I did something, but I decide to forget.

My expression disappeared from the face of the guy I blocked, and I thought it would be beautiful.

"Well, you're stubborn."

I laughed the other way.

It's more of a laugh than just now.

I thought this guy was...

"I didn't really want to use these hands."

He also changes his tone, and he takes out a certain object and throws it on the table.

This handkerchief is a woman, finished with lace and embroidery.

What? - I thought it came from a handkerchief.

I am familiar with the scent - the scent of perfume that Ortier loves to use.

"... what are you going to do"

"Sounds like a woman you're putting in."

"What have you done with her?"

"Sounds like you're talking about being a popular whore. I guess I've never done the business of just doing the numbers (,,,,,)"

cha...... and the first disgusting smile I felt came back to life.

I'm putting it in a roundabout way, but it means I finally catch Ortier and it depends on my reply on multiple - no, a lot of guys want to be rambling by Ortier.


"Break this glass ball and you'll have your orders."

The guy took out a small glass ball.

I feel magic. By sending simple signals, they're used heavily in the military, in wars, etc.

That guy shows off his glass balls.

"What do you say? If you're going to answer me, you better hurry, 'cause there's absolutely no chance I'm going to let my hands slip."

My hand moved.

At the same time as swinging through the aligned index and middle fingers, two of the man's fingers flew and the glass balls floated in the universe.

I can't let you break it, so just collect the glass balls sassy.

"- What?"

A man who compares balls with his own hands in an alternating way because I have glass balls.

If the sharpness of the slashing exceeds a certain degree, there is often a delay in bleeding out of the wound that has been slashed too beautifully.

Same thing this time.

After plenty of three seconds, the wound bled as if it remembered.


"Get lost."

"This is what happens when you just..."

I got evil and kicked the guy trying to blackmail me.

He jumped off the couch, broke through the door and into the hallway.

Screams and noises, the two of them combined, and maids and servants gathered in the hallway.

I was outside, too.

It's an unusual situation, but nobody broke in or did anything because it wasn't the owner of the mansion (me) who was being hit.

Because there was Midea among the wild horses.


"Yes! What is it, Master?"

"Slap this guy out of the mansion."


After leaving it to Midea, I jumped out of the mansion.

Borough family on the outskirts of Pindos, off the streets.

There are always twenty of them. Beat down all the desolates and go inside.

"Come on, what the hell..."

There was the last one in the Boro family, maybe a watchman, but he knocked him out quicker than he could squirt.

There was an Ortier in the back.

He's got his hands and feet tied, and he's got a monkey bite.

I approached and pulled the rope and monkey grub off.

"Thanks for your help"

"Sorry, it's my fault"

"It's okay."

Ortier was laughing openly.

"Are you okay?"

"Because these guys were talking to each other. I knew Hermes was involved, so I knew you were coming to help me."


"That's why I wasn't worried at all."

As usual, Ortier speaks with an uncontrolled smile.

but my hands were shaking.

No, it's not just the hands.

My face is the one laughing, but my whole body was shaking in small pieces.

You can't be not scared.

I'm just desperately strong and acting like I always do.

I held her.

I'll hold him a little stronger than usual, tell him I exist, and stop the tremor.

"... thanks"

"I already got it if you want to thank me"

"You know what?"

"Send for now"


The tremor stops, the feelings, the orthia leaning more moist than usual.

I turn my arm behind her knees like that, and I lift her softly.

Keep walking down the street.

I turned back the way I came and went back to the town of Pindos.

Neither I nor she talked about anything on the road.

Ortier leans on me like a borrowed cat.

Unusual Ortier.

I can be cute with these alters if nothing happens, but now for the cuteness of it, my anger at Gong Almond just solicits it.

While suppressing that anger, he returns to town and comes to the whorehouse.

Trying to get into the store with Ortier in his arms.

"You're not my brother."

Just coming out, I just got a bowl full with Curros.

"Oops, are you looking forward to your brother too? Hey, my brother introduced me. It's great here. The girls are cute, and the service is good. In the middle (,) I feel like a lover, and we're all a regular here -"

"It was a good place. Give me strength, Curos."

Speaking in earnest, the deputy head of the dreams regiment, who had been deluded until then, turned a changed and crisp look.

"What am I supposed to do?

"I want to punish bad merchants who try to make women listen to what they say with threats to ramble"

"I see, we have to do that."

Curros lifted the corner of his mouth.

Watch this. Gong Almond.

I'll take everything you have.

I'm trying to consolidate my resolve.

"You know, Hermes."

In my arms, Ortier has spoken moist, whispering.

"What's up?"

"That hermes, you might be a little scared"

"... right"

I see, did I scare you?

Not at all, not like me.

"I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm talking about it because it's me."

Unyielding smiling Ortier.

All the time, the tremor was completely off her body.

"I don't think Hermes would be so serious about such a trinket."

"Right, I will"

Me snorting.

Ortier is right.

Don't be serious about that little thing. You should twist it a little.

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