Ordinary Little Golden Dragon

Vol 3 Chapter 76: Futile fight

Andre ’s five-player adventure squad is a standard configuration: a shield warrior standing in the front row, a medical priest, a magician who specializes in magical spells, a reticent but chopped monster. Two-handed warrior, plus Andre himself, a demon archer who provides remote support.

The professional grades of the five people are all three, and they are promoted to the D-level squad by accumulating points, so they can only barely deal with the fifth-level tasks.

They are faced with a group of monsters dominated by level 4 ogres.

Do n’t look at the ogre ’s creature level is only four, the threat level of a group of ogre will soar to six-because you can play tricks on the single ogre, but a group of ogre? They will just rampage and want to destroy everything they see.

If it is not the support of the fifth-level bard Galloway, the shield soldier standing in the forefront almost did not stop the first wave of the monster group.

Just resisted the fist of the ogre that rushed to the front to make the shield warrior flushed. It was hard to believe how long he could support.

Galloway had to start commanding loudly, "Greek!"

Andre also echoed the sentence like the first dream, "Master, ground! Greasy!"

He roared and released the greasy technique on the way that the monster group charged.

The Master also applied a greasy technique.

The smooth road immediately added a layer of slimy black oil, and the speed of the monster group's charge suddenly decreased.

The monster who had no time to brake hit the monster in front and squeezed into a ball.

This greatly eased the pressure on the front row of the adventure team. The shield soldier changed his defensive posture and began to cooperate with another soldier to fight back.

At this moment, the third-level priest prepared a group blessing technique to apply to the team members for a while.

This spell can make the subject more fortunate, it is a less practical divine skill.

But this is the only group support of the third-level pastor, so it is better than nothing.

Although the support of the monster group was temporarily cut off, the three ogres missed should not be underestimated.

The reason is very simple, they run faster, so their strength is relatively stronger.

In order to kill these three ogres as quickly as possible, Andrey and the mage gave up the habit of hitting the enemy's rear with long-range attacks, and poured bows and spells onto them.

Bard also speeds up the tune and cuts into a damage gain state.

With the cooperation of six people, the three ogres inevitably went to death.

But the adventure team may spend a little more time ... The monster group in the back row does not give the adventure team any breathing time. They crossed the black oil pool and launched the charge again!

There is not enough space to divide the adventure squad, and the gasping shield warrior is simply impossible to block the aggressive monster group.

"Retreat!" Shepherd Galloway made a decision and immediately asked everyone to retreat.

"But, caravan ..." Andre also thought about the task of guarding the caravan.

The Sheepman didn't even think about Andre, he turned and ran, but he still left a friendly reminder, "No time to hesitate!"

It is normal for the spy leader of the old spy to run away when he sees a bad situation, but for André, a fledgling adventure team, this is really a shame.

This moment of hesitation almost killed them.

"Boss, what should I do?" The Shield Warrior's hand trembling slightly while holding the shield, barely dealing with the three ogres was his limit.

But behind him is a teammate who needs his protection, so he can't retreat before they retreat.

"We ... retreat!" Andre hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision to retreat.

The mage, priest, and Andre who stood in the back row immediately turned around and ran back.

The two soldiers just wanted to keep up, and the forefront of the monster group ran into them.

The barbarian ogre charge easily hit the two soldiers into the sky. They flew a few meters and fell hard to the ground.

Fortunately, the reaction force caused the charging ogres to step back two steps, and the monster group stumbled together again.

"We have to help them!" The priest stopped and tried to run back, but the mage grabbed his hand, "Are you crazy? They will tear you to pieces!"

"But I can't see death and I can't save it!" The thin pastor wanted to get rid of the mage's hand, but he tried two times without success, he could only turn his attention to Andre, "Boss, we have to help them . "

"Boss, let's go quickly, we can't let their sacrifices be wasted!" The mage wanted to pull the pastor away, but the pastor didn't want to, and he didn't succeed.

"How do you ...? They are not dead yet!" The priest opened his eyes wide and was shocked by what the mage said.

Looked at the quarreling two people, Andre was very confused in his head.

Did he kill them? If he listened to Darby, would n’t they die? Go back and save them? Did you die together? ...

These problems kept emerging and subsided.

When Andre was unable to make a decision, the monster group regrouped again.

They did not charge this time, but walked fiercely to the two soldiers who collapsed on the ground.

Noticing this, the mage no longer hesitated, let go of the priest's hand, and continued to run to the caravan, "You can't blame me, I have done my best, and I will not accompany you to die!"

"We are too late ..." After the Master left, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Andrea felt instead that this sentence had been exported.

"We ..." What the priest wanted to say, but the ogres had raised their fists and hit the shield soldier, and the priest was scared to close his eyes.

"Is he dead?" After a moment, the priest shuddered and asked the sentence.

Unexpectedly, Andrea's answer was, "No, he didn't."

Pastor opened his eyes in a little surprise, and then he saw a dark green figure.

This sudden creature held an ice axe and cut off the fist that hit the shield soldier.

The ogre ’s fist flew in the air with red blood, then it landed gently on the ground, completely unable to see the brutal force before.

The ogre looked at the neat incision in his arm in disbelief. The ice axe had completely frozen the wound to death, and he could not feel the slightest pain.

The impactful picture in front of him-he should feel the pain, but he really can't feel any pain. This conflict gives the ogre an unreal feeling.

The priest recognized the creature that saved the shield soldier, which was a lizardman.

There are many beasts in the northern part of the mainland, but this does not include lizardmen. Lizardmen prefer to stay in their big swamps, regardless of the world.

Only a very small number of lizardmen will appear in the eyes of the world, they are all poor people exiled by the swamp.

Especially near the Delta Empire, since the "evil restoration" incident a few years ago, there have been occasional disappearances of the lizard men who disappeared near the Delta Empire.

But everything has exceptions.

Combined with the gold scales on the lizardman's nose, the priest confirmed his identity.

The newly duke of the monster kingdom, Morton the Lizardman.

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