Opening Check-In: Back To Ten Years Ago As a Surgeon

Chapter 89: Inflated self-confidence?

But looking at Wu Yuan's appearance, he seems to be very confident.

I don't know if Wu Yuan is really confident or just bluffing.

Tranquility was really confused.

Why is Wu Yuan suddenly so evil? I feel more confident than Fang Qiwei, a genius doctor in internal medicine.

But Ning Ning felt that Director Liu Dazhu should not let Wu Yuan go to the operating table.

This operation is too dangerous, and it is not something that ordinary surgeons can do.

At this moment, Liu Dazhu asked out loud, "Dr. Wu, are you sure you will perform pancreaticoduodenectomy?"

Tranquility's eyes widened.

What does Director Liu mean?

Are you really planning to let Dr. Wu perform this kind of surgery?

Wu Yuan nodded and said solemnly, "I'm sure."

Wu Yuan's current state of mind is very stable, and he doesn't have to express his thoughts.

Man proposes, God disposes.

Wu Yuan really wanted to operate on this patient.

But if Liu Dazhu, as the doctor in charge, really does not agree, then he will not force it.

After all, if something really goes wrong, Liu Dazhu will be responsible. Not to mention what will happen to the patient and the patient's family, it will have a great impact on his reputation.

So Wu Yuan said it here, let's see how Liu Dazhu decides.

At this time, Dong Zhigang couldn't take it any longer and said, "Director Liu, otherwise we should transfer to another hospital. It may be too late to do it now!"

Liu Dazhu shook his head: "It's too late, it's better to wait for Director Zhao to come over."

Dong Zhigang: "Then, what should we do?"

Liu Dazhu turned his head and said to Wu Yuan, "Dr. Wu, please prepare yourself. The operation will begin in ten minutes!"

Tranquility and Dong Zhigang were stunned and speechless.

Unexpectedly, Liu Dazhu really wanted Wu Yuan to undergo surgery!

Dong Zhigang: "Director Liu, this can't be done, if something goes wrong..."

Liu Dazhu: "You speak auspiciously, hurry up!"

Having said that, Liu Dazhu left Dong Zhigang and went to the ward.

Ning Ning glanced at Dong Zhigang and followed him out.

Next is a tough fight.

With the assurance of Liu Dazhu, the patient's family signed the letter.

Then, the nurse pushed the patient into the operating room.

Wu Yuan said to Liu Dazhu, "Director Liu, then I'm going to prepare for surgery."

Liu Dazhu nodded: "Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Wu Yuan waved his hand and left the ward.

Ning Ning couldn't help but ask: "Director Liu, is he alone? Is it okay without the second chief knife?"

Liu Dazhu pondered for a while: "You should also prepare and be his second chief swordsman."

Tranquility was stunned: "Me? I'm not a surgeon."

Liu Dazhu: "You can do the basics. I understand Wu Yuan's ability. You only need to help a little."

Serenity was silent for a while.

Is this a bit too much?

At the very least, a surgeon like Dong Zhigang should go.

Liu Dazhu actually has his own considerations.

Dong Zhigang has always been dissatisfied with Wu Yuan, and everyone can see that.

If Dong Zhigang was forced to be Wu Yuan's second chief swordsman, it would be even more troublesome if there was a quarrel in the middle.

Although Tranquility is a physician, she has basic surgical skills. Her character is calm and judgmental, so she probably won't cause trouble for Wu Yuan.

So, Ning Ning was put on the shelf, changed into a surgical gown, entered the operating room, and stood opposite Wu Yuan.

At this point, the patient was unconscious, so the anesthesiologist injected a certain dose of sodium thiopental.

Wu Yuan glanced at the readings and life curve on the monitor, they were stable and there was no problem.

Ning Ning glanced at Wu Yuan: "Doctor Wu, are you really okay?"

Wu Yuan pulled off another pair of gloves and replied with a smile, "As long as you don't have any problems, then I'll be fine."

Tranquility was stunned.

Wu Yuan was too confident, and he didn't know whether it was expansion or real strength.

But I have to admit that Wu Yuan's current appearance is very handsome, which is completely incompatible with Wu Yuan's previous image of being a dick.

At this time, the anesthesiologist said, "It's time to start."

Wu Guo nodded, glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "At 13:50, the pancreaticoduodenectomy operation begins."

Wu Yuan took a deep breath and said, "No. 3 scalpel."

Wu Yuan held the scalpel and began to cut.

Very stable!

Ning Jing couldn't help being surprised.

Wu Yuan's hand holding the knife did not shake at all, as if it was made of stone.

I saw Wu Yuan's eyes widened, and following the formation of the incision, he went in.

The incision made by Wu Yuan is located in the middle of the upper abdomen and is about 5-6 cm long.

After the incision was made, Wu Yuan reached out and touched the gallbladder.

Ning Jing watched intently, for a moment he forgot that he was not a surgeon, and was a little afraid of seeing people's internal organs.

Wu Yuan stopped.

Ning Jing asked, "What's wrong?"

Wu Yuan: "To decompress the gallbladder."

Ning Jing was stunned, not knowing how to respond for a while.

Pancreaticoduodenectomy is complicated because there are many difficulties.

First of all, there are many emergencies.

There are some problems that cannot be seen through X-rays, and require the surgeon to be flexible during the operation.

Why should gallbladder decompression be done?

It is because of the obstruction of the lower biliary the pressure of the gallbladder is very high, the gallbladder is obviously dilated, edema, and even associated with cholangitis. Timely decompression can improve the surgical field.

Wu Yuan's eyes are very tax-profitable, and he has the ability to "key lock", but the operation must not be sloppy, and must be done in the existing way, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Wu Yuan: "Electric knife."

The nurse handed over the electric knife.

Wu Yuan began to operate carefully.

He made a small incision at the base of the gallbladder with an electric knife.


The bile spurted out immediately.

Ning Jing's eyes widened. He had never seen such a situation before, so he couldn't help but panic.

Is it really okay to do this? The risk is too great!

But looking at Wu Yuan's actions, it didn't stagnate, it seemed to have been expected long ago.

Wu Yuan: "Second chief knife, help me clean it up."

Ning Jing reacted, quickly picked up the electric suction device, and sucked out the bile that spewed out.

She can still do such a thing.

Wu Yuan: "Very good."

Ning Jing calmed down, seeing Wu Yuan in such a state, he felt a little more at ease.

Then, Wu Yuan began to probe between the internal organs.

Wu Yuan's key talent for targeting, can easily target lesions, so Wu Yuan's time for this process is very short.

Wu Yuan: "The patient has severe intra-abdominal adhesions, so he began to separate."

With that said, Chengyuan began to operate with a scalpel and forceps.

The movement was very meticulous, but not slow, and it was quiet and dazzling.

This, this is too great.

Wu Yuan's surgical ability was completely beyond Tranquility's imagination.

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