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Chapter 33: statue (top)

The sense of security brought about by the dwelling, in addition to the physical aspects, also comes from the inner instinct of the creature. As soon as the wind blows, the chicks will hide under the hen's wings for the first time, and the kittens will also hide in the shadow of the mother cat's abdomen. Whether it is viviparous or oviparous, dwelling and the protection and shelter provided by this mother or eggshell have much in common.

After entering the cave, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Barrit felt his tense nerves instantly relieved, and there were bursts of hunger in his stomach.

In fact, the physique of the real adventurers is very good (the weak ones are eliminated), including in enduring hunger. Barrett used to survive on only a handful of berries and insects for a week, while running for his life and bleeding.

It was the first time he met the four-armed devil ape 'Caesar'. Its huge figure is agile and agile. It will not only hide its figure with the help of dense firs, but also quietly go around behind you and give thunder one strike.

Although Barrett was strong enough at the time, he was still negligent during the battle, and his throat was scratched by Caesar's sharp fingernails. That was arguably Barrett's closest experience to death.

The reason why he was able to escape from that predicament was not only because his life was hard enough and his physique was good enough, but also because the forest itself gave him a lot of help.

The foggy forest favored him as a 'feeder'. When 'Caesar' was chasing him, the forest used some powerful creatures to entangle the four-armed demon ape's footsteps. Of course, it may also be the sound of battle that attracted those creatures. .

When Barrett was scratched by 'Caesar', he would be crushed by the four-armed ape in the next blow. That was the favorite way of killing the ape. But at that time, on the fir tree closest to the place where he fell, there was a titan python entrenched by chance. The giant python also fell in love with the barbarian, and jumped down from the tree to swallow him alive.

The character of 'Caesar' is extremely proud, cruel, and irritable. It does not allow other creatures to touch its prey. 'Caesar' roared angrily and fought with the Titan python.

It was at this opportunity that Barrett was able to escape, and this kind of plot was staged several times in the pursuit and escape that followed.


After a busy night, fighting fiercely, and traveling, not only the ogre and Barret, but the others were also a little hungry.

As a hired guide, Barrett was arranging supper as usual.

He piled up the firewood and put the soup pot on it. Old Will snapped his fingers out of thin air, and the firewood turned into a bonfire that crackled.

It has to be said that mage is much easier to use than flint, Barrett thought to himself. If you can always carry a mage with you, it is really convenient for an adventurous journey.

Barrett put some edible mushrooms picked on the road into the stock pot along with onions and potatoes, added half a block of goat cheese, salt and black pepper, and cracked a bird egg, the ogre was looking for a snail discovered when.

Barrett couldn't tell what kind of egg it was—the turquoise shell was speckled with tan, the size of a dwarf's head, and it would have grown to be a big guy, but it didn't stand a chance.

All bird eggs are not poisonous. This is the common sense of adventurers, so the barbarians are very relieved to beat the eggs into a pot of egg flowers. As for those big snails not much smaller than Barrett's fist, they were thrown into the bonfire by him.

The nobles may be more refined about their diet, and many foods have other different ways to eat, but most of the adventurers only have two ways of stewing and roasting. Simple, straightforward, and tastes not bad.

Although the food prepared by Old Will and the others is enough to last for several weeks, if conditions permit, adventurers actually prefer to eat hot food during the journey.

"You can eat the snail's shell when it's slightly cracked," Barrett said to the ogre, "then the shell will shatter with a single tap, and the sticky slug inside is already roasted. Shrinked into a long strip of dried meat." At least it will be more acceptable in terms of appearance, which is especially important.

"If you have the conditions, it is best to dip a little date palm vinegar when you eat it, and don't need to sprinkle salt. This snail is born with a strange salty taste, just like those sea fish. However, this salty taste will be slightly bitter, So it's better to have some vinegar or wine or something," Barrett continued, "and if you choose to eat it raw, the bitterness will be very strong, like eating pepper directly."

"Oh? This is really a luxurious way to eat." Old Will joked, "I mean eating pepper raw. It's no different from eating gold coins directly."

"Maybe more expensive, of course, it depends on your appetite." The half-elf said with a smile.

No, I haven't eaten like this. My father told me this. Barrett opened his mouth, but after all, he did not say the words, because he felt that it would be more shameful to explain.

The snail shell made a fine cracking sound in the fire, and this slight sound was caught in an instant by Moglock, who was watching them intently.

"Looks like I can eat it!" The ogre looked at Barrett with anxiety in his eyes. If it weren't for the latter saying that this kind of snail was poisonous when eaten raw, it would have taken it out and judged it with its tongue. Moglock doesn't mind eating half-cooked food, which is his favorite.

When eating, everyone tasted the roasted snail. Old Will thought it tasted a bit like beef, and it was the part of the cow with a little tendon. The half-elves thought it tasted like a traditional food made from dried lamb in the desert kingdom of Takara.

And the dwarf said that it tasted more like dolphin intestines, but Barrett had never eaten dolphins, he had not even eaten dolphins, and others also said that they did not know what it tasted like.

But anyway, Moglock likes this kind of food. He used two twigs to pick up the snails from the bonfire one by one. He didn't even break the shell. He just blew the ash on it and threw it directly into his mouth.

Barrett heard the creaking sound of the snail shell being chewed from the ogre's mouth, and felt that his back molars were aching.

A person with a good appetite must first have a good mouth, and ogres are outstanding in both aspects.

After the supper, everyone was ready to rest. There were a lot of things that happened that night, which really made everyone a little tired. In particular, several people in the "dirty novel", because it is the first time to come to the foggy forest, they are not as familiar with it as Barret, so they will be more or less affected by the strange environment in the forest.

Barrett calculated the estimated that it would be dawn soon, so he proposed to rest until noon of the day before continuing the journey, and everyone readily agreed.

Old Will set up several magic traps outside the entrance of the cave, and the ogre was responsible for blocking the entrance of the cave. After its huge body lay down, it was not easy for other creatures to come in again. Moreover, it is wearing an enchanted full-body armor and has super defensive power. Even if it is attacked by unknown creatures, it will not be much dangerous.

But even with the double protection of magical traps and the "Ogre Gate", the rest still needs to have someone on guard just in case. This position fell to Barrett, who made him know the environment of this forest best, and his mental state is also very good. This level of fighting and rushing on the road is not enough for him feel tired.

However, the time he needs to be on duty at night is not too long, and the dwarf will replace him after dawn.

After a while, everyone else fell asleep, and the ogre's deep snoring echoed regularly in the cave. Old Will released a silent barrier in the cave ahead of time to ensure that Moglock's melodious snoring would not spread too far and cause unnecessary trouble. As for the people in the "dirty novels" in the cave, they are obviously very used to the snoring of ogres.

Barrett, who was alone at night, sat by the bonfire and looked out of the dark hole, feeling a little bored. He remembered the bust that he had obtained from the cave before, and took it out of the cowhide bag and carefully observed it in his hand.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Barbarian's heart. He wanted to use the unique ability that he had just acquired to observe the statue, and wanted to know how those strange words would describe this thing.

Thinking of it, doing it, so Barrett stared at the statue without blinking.


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