Chapter 226 The content of the third page-prophecy!

Unexpectedly, I really didn’t expect it!

When the ribs ladder fell at Hu You’s feet, he was stunned!

If this world is a game, then the designer of this game definitely went to a mental hospital for further study!

Otherwise, how could the brain hole reach this point?

Can the spine on the dragon’s back deform? Let alone biology, metaphysics may not dare to pick up your big pot!

Tucao return to Tucao, curiosity is also really curious.

Hu You stretched out his left foot and tried to step on the first step of the bone ladder, with a little effort: “Can you really step on it?”

This thing looks exactly like the spine, if it is really connected to Xiaojin’s central nerve, let alone a heavy blow, even if it touches a special joint lightly, it will be fatal!


Xiao Jin’s voice sounded again, it seemed to hear Hu You’s concerns: “Master, don’t worry, this thing is only connected to my soul, and there will be no physical damage.”


It’s the soul again.

I didn’t have time to ask Shang Yun just now, what exactly is this soul inheritance and soul sacrifice, so I can’t figure it out now.

When she comes back, you must remember to ask sideways.

It is estimated that Xiaohong also has information there, but…in order to prevent Eve from sneaking in again, it is better to ask Shang Yun.

“Then I can come up?”

Hu You tried to press up the weight of half of his body, and after confirming that there was no problem, he stepped both feet up the bone ladder.

One step…two steps…

It didn’t take long for him to get on Xiaojin’s head, standing next to the deformed dragon head, his eyes a little blank.

“I said Xiaojin… Do you have any opinion on me?” Hu You asked calmly.

“how come!”

Xiao Jin hurriedly defended: “I am a specially designed seat according to your temperament! You… don’t you like it?”


I can’t really like it!

Hu You glanced at the grand teacher’s chair that was still dangling in the small courtyard, and then looked at the bone seat in front of him…

It can’t be said that they are the same, they are exactly the same!

My temperament is the same as Uncle Ge in your eyes, so you should lie down like this, right?

In order not to touch Xiaojin’s glass heart, Hu You couldn’t say anything serious, but tentatively asked: “Then you can become something else?

For example… wait a minute, let me draw you a picture first! ”

Hu You hurriedly took out the drawing tool from the warehouse, which was left after he helped Shi An draw the body structure last time.

The moment he held the paintbrush, he felt that he had returned to the world he used to be.

What kind of salvation, what demon spirit, what kind of sword flying to the sky… that is no longer important!

After taking a close look at Xiaojin’s back, he immediately began to paint on white paper…

The sketch was very fast, and Hu You didn’t care about so many details, and soon completed the sketch of a keel throne.

He hurriedly walked down the bone ladder and held the sketch in front of Xiao Jin: “Look at it! Can this be changed?”

“It can be, but…”

“But what?”

“It may take a long time, and it may not be completed in the time I transform the dragon?”

“In the time to transform the dragon?”

Xiao Jin nodded, seemingly tired: “Yes, Master.

I don’t know why, the longer it takes to transform the dragon, the more tired I feel.

There is always a…a feeling that something is missing, do you know what’s going on? ”

“Hualong? Missing something? Wait!”

Hu You looked at it with some surprise: “In other words… can you still look like a whale?”

“Of course you can!”

Of course Xiaojin replied, and looked at him strangely: “Don’t you know, master?”

I know? I know a ghost! It’s not that I let…


It seems that I really made you evolve!

If it was just transformed into a dragon, Xiao Jin would definitely not be able to change from a giant dragon to a whale, unless…

The option that Xiaojin triggered at the time was Unknown Evolution!

Only with this option, it is possible to make it jump repeatedly between dragons and whales!

Only with this option, it is possible to make it become a dragon and still retain the favorability of Little Whale and Jin towards me!

Hu You realized instantly!

Some points that I didn’t understand before have finally been explained!

And this unknown evolution… may have retained Xiao Jin’s original whale gene chain, and added a gene that transformed it into a dragon!

It can turn into a dragon under certain circumstances, and it can also return to a whale!

It must be so!

As for what is missing…

Hu You frowned slightly and closed the picture album: “Xiao Jin, you just said you still lack something, right?

Can you describe what it is? ”


Xiaojin groaned for a while, then shook his head: “Feeling is just a feeling.

I don’t know what is missing, but if I see those things, I will recognize them! ”

This is troublesome…

It feels like the most unreasonable thing, it’s purely by Meng!

But… it doesn’t seem to be completely without clues.

Xiaojin swallowed Xiaojinlong and evolved into a dragon, and Xiaojinlong’s body contains three dragon blood, red, green, and blue.

Plus the content of the notes that Forsi just said.

When three or more dragon master inheritances converge, it is possible to give birth to the Sacred dragon.

When these conditions are brought together, it can be inferred that what Xiaojin lacks should be… the blood of the Dragon Lord!

There are two types of Dragon Lord’s blood left!

As long as the two remaining dragon blood are collected and fed to Xiaojin in an appropriate way, it may evolve into a real Sacred dragon!


All this is just inference! A very likely inference!

“Okay, I see…”

Hu You rubbed Xiaojin’s head dozingly: “Since you are tired, go back and rest first.”


Xiao Jin looked at Hu You with bowing eyes: “You won’t leave without me paying attention, will you?”

“No, no.”

“But you left last time…”

As he spoke, tears filled his azure blue eyes again, and he seemed to be about to cry soon.

“It was just an accident last time.”

Hu You smiled bitterly and rubbed his head: “I promise, I promise I will never abandon you, okay?

Go and rest! ”

“Okay, you promised me!”

Xiao Jin confirmed it again, and then turned into the original whale appearance.

The wings, limbs, dragon head, and dragon body changed instantly, returning to the appearance of a whale, but the dragon scales on its body were still dragon scales, and they did not turn into fish skin.

As for the dragon skull…

At this moment, he was shrouded in a blue halo. Before Hu You could see what was going on inside, Xiao Jin was recognized by the high-tech glass under his feet and fell directly into the water.


Another whale sounded, which seemed to remind Hu You not to forget his own promise.

“How come I have found a pissed off wife…”

Hu Youyou laughed bitterly and turned to look at Forsi: “Go on, what’s the content of the third page?”

“The content of the third page…”

Forsi’s face became a little strange, and he seemed afraid to continue speaking.

“Why? I’m thirsty? I can’t even pour you tea?”

“No…it’s not.”

Forsi shook his head again and again, the weird expression in his eyes grew stronger: “The third page is a prophecy…

Foretells a person who will subdue the dragon whale. ”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

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