Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 944: , last mercy

The chairman was finally elated this time. The battle report from the front told him that the Fusang army had suffered heavy losses. He was very happy, and immediately asked his servants to prepare a table of good food. He also specially opened a bottle of good wine and called relatives and friends to join him celebrate.

But he kept guessing in his heart, who was the person who helped him defeat the Fusang army behind the scenes? What is the purpose of the other party?

Before, he also sent a telegram to Zhang Zhi of the Shanghai Defense Headquarters, and even sent a special commissioner, hoping to inquire about this person's situation from the other party's mouth. He was very annoyed.

But because of Zhang Zhi's meritorious service in defense, he didn't dare to do anything to Zhang Zhi, so he had to let it go.

However, he has already ordered all departments to pay close attention to the situation of the mysterious person and report immediately if they find out.

In the sky, inside the Iron Titan.

"Brother, we won this time, where should we fight next?"

Zhang Feng asked excitedly, now she is very happy to see the devils being wiped out.

"Tell me, where are the Fusang people in Daxia now?" Zhang Ze asked rhetorically.

"It should be the three eastern provinces..."

Zhang Feng scratched his head and said, "I remember that the history books said that the Fusang people first occupied the three eastern provinces, and then established the Puppet Manchukuo regime. They have been operating in the three eastern provinces for many years, which should be the place with the largest number of Fusang people."

"That's right, the next step is to go to the three eastern provinces!"

Zhang Ze nodded and said, "Take back all the territories we lost! Drive the Fusang people back to their island country!"

"However, so far today, my Iron Titans have consumed almost 80% of their ammunition and energy in this round of bombing. I will take them back to the summoning space to replenish energy and ammunition."

"By the way, let's go offline and take a rest." Giant God suggested.

As usual, they would go offline to rest for a day after passing through the first layer of Demon Realm, and then continue their adventures to the next layer.

But this time the situation is quite exceptional. In order to save the motherland and people in the parallel world, they decided to stay temporarily, so they haven't rested yet.

Everyone agreed with the Titan's proposal. Zhang Ze ordered the Iron Titan to descend to a safe place, and then everyone left the Demon Realm and went offline to rest.

Everything in the prairie camp is normal. Ding Ning and her mobile troops are still training hard in the distance. Shi Qingzhu takes Zhang Yiliu out to herd and play with the herdsmen. They decide to stay for a few more days. Naturally, Zhang Ze and Liu Yueying are also very happy. They spend as much time with their daughter as possible during the night, and they will re-enter the Demon Realm when the daughter goes to bed at night.

After resting for a day, everyone went online, and Zhang Ze immediately decided to go to the three eastern provinces to recover the territory.

However, in order to ensure the stability of the local order and prevent the Fusang people from being driven in by other countries and forces, Zhang Ze took the initiative to contact the Japanese generals stationed outside the three eastern provinces, hoping that he would drive away the Fusang people. After leaving the Fusang people, take over the Northeast in an all-round way, maintain local order, and protect the people.

After confirming Zhang Ze's identity, the chief of the Communist Party of China who met Zhang Ze immediately sent a telegram to the chairman of the committee to report the situation here.

After the chairman learned about it, he told him to keep Zhang Ze in check, and he immediately flew to see Zhang Ze in person.

The reason why the chairman is so anxious is that he hopes to win over Zhang Ze, let Zhang Ze cooperate with him, and stabilize his dominance.

It's a pity that Zhang Ze didn't give him this chance at all. After informing the other party, Zhang Ze left. No matter how the chief tried to persuade him to stay, Zhang Ze didn't stay.

Zhang Ze must hurry up and drive the Fusang devils away from the three eastern provinces. The land of Daxia cannot be occupied by the invaders for a second!

When they saw the steel titan appearing in the sky over the three eastern provinces, the Fusang army stationed in the three eastern provinces panicked. They had read the battle reports on the front line and knew that the 200,000 elite Fusang troops were wiped out by this terrifying aircraft.

But they didn't dare to give up their positions, so they could only hide in the city and tried to kidnap the entire city and its citizens to blackmail Zhang Ze.

"What should I do? These turtles won't come out!"

The Dragon King said angrily: "We can't bomb the city either! Our compatriots are still here!"

"Of course not." He moved his knife and nodded emotionally: "However, this should not be a problem for Luo Sha, am I right?"

Zhang Ze said with a smile: "It seems that you have already guessed how I plan to deal with these Fusang devils."

Afterwards, Zhang Ze summoned Brainstorm, which he specially collected when collecting followers.

He feels that the ability to brainstorm is very useful, especially in this situation, it is the most suitable.

"Brainstorm, use your ability to control all the Fusang people in the city and let them gather outside the city."

"Obey my master."

Brainstorm immediately cooperated with the Iron Titan, and through the signal transmitter of the Iron Titan, covered the entire city with its own brainwaves.

It didn't take long before I saw figures coming out of the buildings in the city. There were men, women, old and young. They all had numb expressions and stared straight ahead, like puppets on strings. come outside.

Zhang Ze waited for more than an hour, and finally no one came out of the city. He locked his eyes on those Fusang people.

"Let these people be dealt with by the Daxia army. Our goal is to recover the three eastern provinces. Now that the goal has been achieved, the next step is the Fusang mainland!"

The capital of Fusang Kingdom, the imperial residence.

"What? Our troops surrendered without firing a single shot?"

Emperor Fuso, who was eating lunch, stopped the movement of his hands when he heard the news.

"My soldiers should be absolutely loyal. They would rather be broken than surrender! What's going on?"

Under His Majesty's stern gaze, the cabinet minister felt uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to answer: "According to the information we have obtained, it seems that they have been subjected to some kind of mental control, lost their sanity, their bodies are out of control, etc. When they woke up, they were already surrounded by the Great Xia army, they had no weapons on them, and they had no way to resist."


The emperor threw the white napkin on the table, and said coldly: "You mean, the incident in the three eastern provinces is also caused by that mysterious person?"

The defeat on the frontline had already reached the emperor's ears. He was startled and angry, and ordered the military to come up with a countermeasure, and at the same time hold a cabinet meeting to study what to do next.

But his ministers were helpless and could only make some unnutritive suggestions, which made him very angry.

Today, the situation has become serious again. Even the three eastern provinces that have been in business for many years have been lost. His Majesty the Emperor can't bear it.

"Where are our planes? Where are our warships? What are they doing?"

He slapped the table angrily and asked loudly: "The enemy is about to attack the door, are they still sleeping?"

"Tell the minister of the military department to immediately dispatch our air force to shoot down that mysterious flying object! We can't let it go on rampant!"


But His Majesty's order didn't last long, and another subordinate rushed up to report to him: "Your Majesty! An unidentified aircraft has appeared in the sky above our city. The military department requests you to go to the air-raid shelter immediately for safety!"


The emperor was stunned for a moment, he walked quickly to the window and looked out, his eyes widened in surprise at the scene in front of him.

In the sky, huge spaceships hovered in the sky, almost completely covering the sky above the city.

"When did these big guys come? Why is there no air defense siren?"

The emperor looked at his subordinates, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

For the Iron Titan, Fuso's outdated radar systems are almost useless. It can easily pass their detection and enter Fuso's volley.

When they found out, the cucumber dishes were cold.

People in the city came out and stood on the street, looking at the spaceship in the sky and pointing in surprise, they didn't know what it meant.

Thousands of fighter jets took off from military airfields all over Fusang, and they received an order from the headquarters, asking them to shoot down these spaceships overhead!

Fighters lined up in a neat formation and launched a fierce attack on the Iron Titan.

The pilot poured all the ammunition on the fighter plane on the Iron Titan, but they were shocked to find that their attacks were all blocked by an invisible light curtain, and none of the bullets hit the target.

"What's that? Why can't our bullets penetrate?"

"I don't know, is it some kind of mysterious enchantment?"

The Fusang Air Force Command was also stunned. They had never seen such a situation before and could not give instructions on the next step.

At this time, because several planes were too close to the steel titan, they collided with the shield and exploded immediately. The whole plane turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

"Don't go near the target! Don't go near the target!"

Seeing this scene, the air force commander immediately warned all pilots that he did not want unnecessary casualties.

Upon hearing the commander's order, all fighter planes immediately flew away far away, not daring to approach again.

No one knows what to do next.

Just when the Fusang Air Force was at a loss, the Iron Titan released its small drones, which were densely packed and numbered as many as tens of thousands!

That scene was like stabbing a huge hornet's nest!

When people saw it, their scalps became numb!

"Be careful! The enemy's fighter plane is coming!"

When they saw these drones, all Fuso pilots became nervous. They had already learned from veterans who survived the previous Shanghai air battle that this was the mysterious aircraft that destroyed countless planes at that time!

But right now, they can't escape. Below is their country and their last territory. They have no way out, so they can only bite the bullet and fight these strange flying objects in front of them.

These pilots even had the determination to die with each other, trying to save Fusang by sacrificing themselves.

Unfortunately, their efforts are in vain, the speed is not as fast as the drone, the firepower is not as strong as the drone, and even their planes are not as strong as the drone.

Even if they collided, those drones just dangled in the air, and then continued to fly and fight as if nothing happened.

The once mighty Fuso Air Force was beaten to the point of crying, and their planes were shot down in pieces, while Iron Titan lost only two or three unmanned planes...

In the end, the commander of the Fuso Air Force became numb. Almost all the pilots under him were killed in battle, and none of the planes that flew out returned. Now he has become a polished commander.

Occasionally, one or two planes escaped, and they were chased and intercepted by seven or eight drones. In the end, they panicked and slammed into the mountainside.

Now, the air supremacy over Fusang has been completely controlled by Zhang Ze, and he can destroy the country anytime, anywhere!

Seeing that their air force was wiped out, the emperor and his ministers panicked. They tried to contact Zhang Ze and wanted to negotiate with Zhang Ze, but they had no means of contact.

No one knew how to contact Zhang Ze in the sky, even if they shouted with a loudspeaker, no one paid any attention to them.

After waiting in anxiety for several hours, they finally received an ultimatum from Zhang Ze.

"I am Rakshasa from Daxia. You Fusang invaded my motherland and hurt my compatriots. You must pay the price!"

"I declare that starting today, the Fusang Islands belong to Daxia! I will give you 24 hours to evacuate all of your people, otherwise I will treat them as illegal entry!"

What Zhang Ze announced made the emperor and his ministers unacceptable. How could this be a negotiation? It is simply a unilateral ultimatum!

"Your Majesty! Let's fight him!"

A minister of the military department slapped the table angrily and shouted: "This is simply a humiliation! To humiliate you is to humiliate our country!"

The flesh on the emperor's face was shaking. Of course he was angry, but he was even more afraid.

Because the terrifying power displayed by Zhang Ze is not something he and this country can compete with.

At this time, another minister said: "Your Majesty, we must seek help from the outside world at this time. We can no longer solve the current predicament by ourselves."

His Majesty's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Quickly tell me, what should I do?"

"Immediately send a request to other countries in the world, asking them to come and help us, especially the German Empire and the Soviet Union, don't worry if they don't come, you know, the strength shown by this man named Zhang Ze will definitely make us They're terrified."

"If they allow Zhang Ze to wipe out our Fusang country today, they have to consider whether they will also be wiped out by Zhang Ze in the near future?"

The emperor was lost in thought, he felt that what the man said made sense.

The minister added: "We can provide these countries with various benefits, such as signing some favorable terms for them, and even, we can cede territory..."

The emperor frowned suddenly, how could he be willing to cede his land? But he also knew that this was a helpless move. If the wolves were not given enough benefits, how could they come to help him?

So, he made a difficult decision, agreed to the minister's suggestion, and immediately sent power to all countries, asking them to come over for support.

Zhang Ze, who was hovering over Fusang, was observing the situation on the ground. Princess Qian curled her lips and said, "You are too kind, why did you give them 24 hours? They should all be killed!"

Zhang Ze didn't speak, UU Reading Zhang Feng explained for his brother: "We are not as cruel as the Fusang people. If we kill innocent people like them, what is the difference between us and those beasts?"

Zhang Ze waved his hand and said, "This is the last chance I give them, and it is also my last mercy. If they don't do what I say, then when the time comes, I will be ruthless!"

Yiye Zhiqiu shook his head and said, "Based on what I know about Fusang people, they don't cry when they don't see a coffin. I don't think this kind of deterrent warning is useless."

"That's right!" The Dragon King echoed from the side: "If you want me to say, just throw two atoms/bombs down like the same person, and if they are subdued or scared, they will naturally succumb."

"That's right, Brother Luosha, Iron Titan should have atomic/bombs, right? Throw two of them too!" Moonlight Bunny asked.

"Iron Titan has weapons that are more powerful than atoms/bombs. However, I consider that the Fusang Islands belong to our Great Xia. If we blow up here and cause nuclear radiation everywhere, it will not be worth the loss."

"So, I hope to let them leave by themselves in the most peaceful and merciful way."

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