Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 935: , Station (1/2)

Chapter 935, Station (1/2)

Only I Can Use Summoning Text Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirty-five, the hearts of everyone at the station tightened suddenly, and their eyes all shifted to the group of people who walked in.

"You can tell they're not normal people just by looking at them!" Ah Qiu snorted and said, "Manipulating dead bodies is really evil!"

The Dragon King had already revealed his weapon, an iron rod more than ten centimeters long, and he growled, "Let's go too!"

The giant also picked up a large plank from the side, which he used as a shield.

"Girls are behind, we men go first!"

Although everyone has no natural skills now, they still fight according to their original occupations.

Melee professions like Dragon King and Liu Yueying still followed the giant **** and walked towards the enemy, but they did not move their swords because they had no stealth skills, so they also joined the ranks of the battle, holding two sharp knives and following behind.

Zhang Ze didn't have a bow and arrow, so he also took a short knife, ready to use his dragon's breath method to fight the enemy.

On the other side, Wang Qing and the Gao family also saw the group of people who had just entered.

Seeing the other party approaching, Wang Qing hastily shouted: "Madam Gao, hurry up, leave this to us!"

"Boss Wang, you should also be more careful!"

Mrs. Gao immediately walked towards the train ticket gate with her son supporting "Gao Zhi".

"Don't let them get away!"

Michiko, who was among the ghost corpses, gave an order to Yoshino who was next to him. Yoshino immediately drew out his dagger, uttered an obscure incantation, and locked his eyes on "Takashi".

In an instant, the gazes of the dozens of ghost corpses all fell on the target, and then they rushed there like crazy!

The people on the outskirts didn't know what happened, but they saw a group of strange people rushing towards them with teeth and claws, and there was a strong rotten smell on their bodies, and they all stayed where they were in fear, at a loss.

But those ghost corpses didn't care about it, and rushed directly into the crowd, attacking anyone who stood in front of them.

For a moment, there were screams everywhere, some people were injured and fell down, and some people were killed by ghost corpses!

"Evacuate everyone immediately!"

Uncle Jiu yelled at Moonlight Bunny and the others, although they tried their best to block the ghost corpse, but there were too many opponents to stop them at all.

The girls acted immediately, commanding the chaotic people around them, and diverting them to avoid.

The situation in front of him was beyond Uncle Jiu's expectations.

He originally thought that the other party would attack quietly, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to commit murder openly!

They simply don't take people's lives seriously!

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, including old people and children, his heart was filled with anger.

"The method used by the other party is the same as last time, using corpses to kill people, everyone uses the method I taught to deal with these ghost corpses!"

Hearing Uncle Jiu's voice, Zhang Ze and others nodded.

The way Uncle Nine deals with ghost corpses is to eliminate the parasitic worms in their bodies.

And this kind of bug usually parasitizes in the brain of the corpse, because the brain is the command center of the human body, and the bug can control the corpse by controlling the brain.

"So, it's the same as in zombie movies, destroy the heads of these zombies, and they will die!"

Full of fighting spirit, the Dragon King swung an iron rod and slammed it hard at a ghost corpse, smashing the ghost corpse's head instantly, spraying red and white things all over the ground.

And the ghost corpse also staggered and collapsed on the ground, proving that Uncle Jiu's method was effective.

Others followed suit. They themselves had rich combat experience. Although they did not have the weapons and skills at hand, it was not a big problem to deal with these ignorant and stupid ghost corpses.

In addition, they knew the weakness of ghost corpses, and all their attacks were aimed at the opponent's head, so they quickly eliminated more than a dozen ghost corpses.

On the other side, the Gao family was surrounded by a group of ghost corpses in the chaos, and a woman among the ghost corpses sneered: "Gao Zhi, you can't run away, today is your death day!"

This woman is none other than Michiko, the leader of the Three Corpse Cult.

After finishing speaking, the ghost corpses under her rushed towards the Gao family. Suddenly, "Gao Zhi" who was wrapped in the cloak lifted the cloak.

Michiko was surprised to find that the person inside the cloak was not Takashi, but a young man.

She didn't know Meng Hai, so she was surprised, but she soon realized that she had been tricked.

"Damn! Gao Zhi is not here!"

Michiko felt very angry. She had spent so much trouble, but was tricked by the other party.

Now, that Takashi may have escaped from somewhere else!

Meng Hai lifted his clothes and showed his pistol. His marksmanship was accurate, and he hit the foreheads of the three ghost corpses with three shots, blowing their heads off. Naturally, the bugs inside also died, and the ghost corpses collapsed to the ground immediately.

"Mrs. Gao, go away! I'll deal with them!"

Meng Hai covered Mrs. Gao and her son's retreat, while he shot at the ghost corpses rushing up.

Yoshino said to Michiko from the side: "My lord, these guys were invited by the Gao family to deal with us!"

He pointed to Uncle Jiu and said, "Especially that old man named Uncle Jiu, a Taoist priest invited by the Gao family!"


Michiko smiled angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Since Takashi can't be found today, let's deal with these people conveniently!"

She looked back, more than half of the ghost corpses around her were dead, only seven or eight remained.

And Uncle Jiu and Zhang Ze had already taken care of most of the ghost corpses, and they were coming to surround them. They also saw Michiko, Yoshino and others.

"The man and woman are not ghost corpses, I think they are probably members of the Three Corpse Sect!"

Uncle Jiu narrowed his eyes. He didn't feel any death from Michiko and Yoshino, so he concluded that they were two living people.

"Are you Uncle Jiu? I am Michiko, the leader of the Three Corpse Sect."

Michiko stepped forward and asked Uncle Jiu: "I heard that you are a Taoist priest? What kind of Taoism do you practice? Why are you against my Three Corpse Sect!"

"I am a descendant of Maoshan. I specialize in slaying demons and demons, and doing justice for the heavens!"

Uncle Jiu said with a serious face, "Your Three Corpse Sect has been a cult since ancient times. It created chaos among the people and harmed the people. Later, it was expelled from Daxia by the imperial court and fled to Fusang."

"But you don't know how to repent, and you continue to harm people everywhere, and now you're back in Da Xia to harm people. We cultivators, of course, can't stand idly by, and we must eradicate you!"


Michiko laughed, with disdain on her face, and she said: "It's just you, you still want to eradicate our Three Corpse Cult? It's just a dream!"

"Let me tell you, you are the one who will die today!"

Aqiu yelled from the side: "I think you are a fool, we have wiped out almost all the ghost corpses you controlled, and you are the ones who died today!"

Meng Hai was also holding a gun at the side, aimed at Michiko and said, "Surrender immediately and follow me back to the police station, otherwise my bullets won't have eyes!"


Michiko laughed lowly and said, "You guys are so stupid! Let me show you the power of the gods I teach!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she opened her mouth suddenly, only to see a large group of black shadows swarming out of her mouth.

It was a group of thumb-sized strange bugs, similar in appearance to wasps, they flew in all directions, attacking any targets they saw.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu immediately shouted: "Be careful, don't be stung by this bug!"

Everyone hurriedly drove away the bugs flying towards them, while looking for a place to hide.

But the surrounding people didn't know the danger. Some people were accidentally stung, foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground in convulsions, and finally fell unconscious.

Although they did not die, they were still poisoned. If they were not treated in time, they might die.

"It's despicable!"

Uncle Jiu was full of anger. The thing he hated the most was killing innocent people indiscriminately!

After thinking for a while, he said to Ah Wen who was following him: "Ah Wen, go and see if you can find something to ignite!"

"Yes, Master!"

Ah Wen immediately went out to look for it. In order to prevent being bitten by the insects, he wrapped a rag around his head, kept driving away the flying insects, and looked around for what Uncle Jiu needed.

On the other side, Meng Hai and Zhang Ze hid behind a long wooden bench. Meng Hai shot at Michiko, but the bullets were blocked by the ghost.

As for Michiko, she hid safely behind, spraying worms continuously, as if the worms in her stomach were endless.

"Damn! What kind of sorcery is this strange woman using?"

Meng Hai ran out of bullets, and he stepped back and complained to Zhang Ze: "What should we do now? If we don't try to get rid of her, the people here will die!"

Zhang Ze looked around and saw that there were already people lying around, many of them covered in red and swollen bumps.

"Why hasn't anyone come from the police station?" Zhang Ze asked.

"The police station is very slow." Meng Hai sighed, "It will take at least an hour to arrive."

"So slow?" Zhang Ze sighed. It was too slow. When they came, not to mention Michiko's escape, the common people here would almost die!

"How to deal with this guy?"

When he was in trouble, Zhang Ze saw Awen rummaging around with his head covered, and he shouted, "Awen, what are you doing? Hide quickly, it's dangerous!"

"Master asked me to find something that can light a fire!"

Arvin responded.

Zhang Ze was stunned for a moment: "Things that can ignite?"

He realized immediately that Uncle Jiu was planning to use fire to deal with Michiko.

"I'm here to help too!"

So, he and Meng Hai also started to help Ah Wen find it. Soon Zhang Ze found an old-fashioned kerosene lamp in a corner. A big tank full of kerosene, a smile on his face.

"This should be able to meet Uncle Jiu's request!"

Seeing the direction where Uncle Jiu was hiding, Zhang Ze rushed over quickly. A few bugs kept chasing him, but Zhang Ze cut them into two with a knife.

"Uncle Jiu! Can you read this?"

Uncle Jiu took the kerosene lamp from Zhang Ze and nodded, "Yes!"

He looked in Michiko's direction, saw several ghost corpses beside her, pursed his lips, and said, "There are ghost corpses around her, I can't do it alone, Luo, you have to help me."

"Uncle Jiu, tell me, how can you help me?"

"Let those ghost corpses around Michiko go away, otherwise I won't be able to get close to him."

Zhang Ze nodded: "Leave it to me!"

After speaking, he clenched the dagger in his hand and rushed towards Michiko!

Michiko has been concentrating on spitting bugs, and did not find Zhang Ze, but Yoshino, who was protecting her next to her, did, and he immediately ordered the ghost messenger to fight Zhang Ze.

Zhang Ze was overjoyed when he saw this, and after fighting the ghost for a while, he pretended to be defeated and fled.

The ghost corpses didn't know there was any fraud, and ran to the side after Zhang Ze.

It's a pity that not all ghost corpses were led away by Zhang Ze, and there were two ghost corpses and Yoshino beside Michiko.

But Uncle Jiu couldn't wait any longer, he took a big gulp of the kerosene in the kerosene lamp, put it in his mouth, took out a piece of yellow paper with one hand, and rushed towards Michiko.

Yoshino found that Uncle Jiu was rushing towards this side, so he took the remaining two ghost corpses to block Uncle Jiu. Uncle Jiu also has kung fu, and his skills are very good.

Uncle Jiu shook the yellow paper in his hand. The yellow paper was naturally fire-free. He put it near his mouth, pointed it at Michiko's face, and sprayed it suddenly!


The raging flames instantly engulfed Michiko's head!


Michiko let out a scream immediately, and she kept patting her cheeks with her hands, hoping to extinguish the flames.

But all the kerosene stuck to his skin and couldn't be extinguished at all.

After a while, her black hair was completely burned off, the skin on her face was also scorched, and she rolled on the ground screaming.

"My lord!"

Yoshino didn't care about other things, and immediately looked around for water sources. Seeing a large bucket of water in the corner, he hurriedly brought it over and poured it all on Michiko's body.

The flames were finally extinguished, but Michiko was also disfigured.

Her face has become ugly now, and she has lost her human But she is not dead, because her body is no longer the structure of a normal person because of practicing sorcery, and this burn does not make her die.

"My face! My face!"

Michiko's hands trembled, and she didn't need to look in the mirror to know that her face must be finished.

For a woman who loves beauty, this is definitely a fatal blow, it is better to kill her.

"Resign yourself to your fate, Michiko!" Uncle Jiu rinsed his mouth, spit out the kerosene left in his mouth, and said to Michiko in a deep voice.

At this time, the bugs had already scattered and flew away, the ghost corpses were all dead, and the surroundings became quiet. This battle was won by Uncle Jiu and the others.

However, the people in the station suffered disasters. Many people were bitten by poisonous insects and became unconscious. They had to be sent to the hospital immediately.

Fortunately, the doctor from the hospital has arrived to rescue the wounded on the spot.

There are also many enthusiastic citizens living in the surrounding area who came to help rescue people.

Seeing those injured people being treated, Zhang Ze and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Hai stepped forward, pointed his gun at Michiko and Yoshino, and ordered them to stand up and follow him back to the police station for investigation.

But neither of them moved, and Yoshino said with a savage face: "We Fusang people will not accept the trial of you Daxia people! You are not qualified..."

Before he finished speaking, Meng Hai punched him to the ground!

"Bastard, if you talk nonsense with me again, I'll **** kill you with one shot!"

Meng Hai is now full of anger, these Fusang people are too rampant!

They domineering and harming the people in the land of the Daxia people, and dare to say that the Daxia people are not qualified to judge them?

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