Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 30: , monster

While walking in the dark hall, everyone looked at the various calligraphy and paintings hanging on both sides of the wall. Although the place had been abandoned for a long time and was full of dust everywhere, the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall were still well preserved. In one breath, blow off the dust on the calligraphy and painting, and the simple fonts and black and white lines on it will appear.

"The picture of rafting on the Spring doesn't seem to be the case." The lunatic shook his head.

Lao Ba also searched there, but couldn't find the painting and calligraphy that the boss wanted.

At this time, Zhang Ze saw a pair of calligraphy and paintings hanging horizontally on the wall. He stepped forward and blew on them. After seeing a few words, he asked Lu Kai, "Gift to the this one?"

Lu Kai hurried over, took out his mobile phone, found the photo and compared it with the calligraphy and painting on the wall, with a look of joy on his face, nodded and said: "That's right! That's it!"

Madman and Lao Ba climbed up, carefully took off the calligraphy and paintings from both sides, then rolled them into a bundle and put them into the rectangular box that had been prepared.

"You're done! Hahaha!" Lao Ba stroked his bald head and laughed loudly, "When I get the money, I'll go to Yunding Club to find some girls!"

But the lunatic showed contempt on his face, and said: "Be careful of excessive indulgence! Let's use it to buy more magic soul **** and strengthen ourselves. Maybe next time we will encounter monsters in the magic cave, and even our own lives will be killed." Can't keep it!"

The old eight didn't take it seriously, waved his hand and said: "Life is a destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky! If you don't enjoy it when you should enjoy it, you will have no chance when you die!"

"Madman, let me also advise you, people like us have too low mental strength, no matter how many magic soul **** you absorb, the effect will not be very good, and it is even less likely to reach the level of a strong man in the demon realm, so it is better Have fun in time, lest you regret it before you die!"

The lunatic shook his head and muttered, "Playing with things! Superficial!"

The things were already in hand, Lu Kai picked up the walkie-talkie to talk to Tie Gang outside, and heard that the calligraphy and painting had been found, Tie Gang's voice was also very excited, urging Lu Kai and the others to come out quickly.

"This guy Tie Gang, it is said that he has fallen in love with a woman, and he is planning to save money to marry her. After this ticket is settled, he will have the money for the marriage." Lu Kai smiled and hung up the walkie-talkie.

A group of people returned the same way, and soon walked out of the cave, but they were shocked to find that Tie Gang was gone!

"Tie Gang! Where are you?" Lu Kai picked up the walkie-talkie, frowned and called repeatedly, but there was only a rustling sound from the walkie-talkie, but no one responded.

The lunatic's expression became serious, and he asked in a deep voice, "Boss, did something happen to Tie Gang?"

Lu Kai looked around, the doubt on his face became stronger, and he said: "There is no trace of defeat here, nor any blood, Tie Gang should not have been attacked by monsters in the Demon Cave..."

"What the hell! A big living person, why did he disappear!" Lao Ba cursed, but his face was also very worried.

After all, they are companions who have been through life and death for many years, and it would be nonsense to say that they don't care.

"We can't stay here and wait for him, it's too dangerous..." Lu Kai gritted his teeth. He was unwilling to give up Tie Gang, but he had to take other people's safety into consideration, so he finally decided: "Leave Tie Gang a safe place." Message, let's withdraw first!"

Madman and Lao Ba looked at each other, and they also knew that this was the best choice, so they didn't say much, and left a sentence on the side wall with acrylic spray paint, telling Tie Gang that they should leave first, and then left in a hurry Koto Museum.

Everyone had just walked a few meters away when they suddenly heard a strange cry!

The strange cry sounded like a baby crying, but also like a woman's weeping, it was creepy!

Except for Zhang Ze, the faces of Lu Kai, Madman, Lao Ba and others all changed immediately!

"Damn! We still met!" Lao Ba pulled out a short knife from his waist, and Zhang Ze noticed that his hands were shaking!

The lunatic's voice was a little hoarse: "Boss, what should we do? The voice is not far from us!"

Sweat dripped from Lu Kai's forehead. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry about it, let's go!" After finishing speaking, he turned to Zhang Ze and said, "Follow up! If you fall behind, we won't Come back and find you!"

Lu Kai wasn't trying to scare Zhang Ze. The monsters in the Devil's Cave were no joke. If you were not careful, you would be killed!

At that time, everyone will not be able to protect themselves, how can they have the energy and leisure to save others?

Zhang Ze nodded. He also sensed the seriousness of the problem from the performance of the crowd, and immediately raised his vigilance. He quickly followed behind Lu Kai, and the group ran at top speed on the deserted road.

However, that voice was getting closer and closer to them!

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past their heads, and then a loud bang was heard! The earth trembled!

Zhang Ze looked up and saw a monster more than three meters tall standing in front of them!

This monster has a head as big as a bucket, with three eyes on its head, no nose and ears, but a big mouth full of sharp teeth!

The monster walks upright with two legs like a but it has four arms behind it! Each arm is extremely thick, Zhang Ze felt that it seemed to be thicker than his waist!

"Demon monster!" The lunatic's voice was out of tune, and there was a trace of panic in his tone: "Second-level monster!"

Lao Ba suddenly yelled, and swung his short knife like a monster in the devil's den to charge towards him!

Lu Kai exclaimed: "Old Ba! Be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, Lao Ba's short knife had already slashed on the neck of the monster in the devil's cave. However, the sharp short knife only left a shallow white mark on the monster's neck in the devil's cave, and then broke into two sections!

"His grandma's! The skin is so thick!" Lao Ba cursed in a low voice, and then he saw a huge claw slamming the door towards his face!


The old eighth who weighed more than two hundred catties was slapped away by the monster in the devil's lair!

With a plop, Lao Ba fell to the ground hard. Fortunately, he used his arms to block it just now, which saved his life, but his two arms hung down like noodles, which was completely useless!

"Hee hee hee!" The devil's cave monster tilted its head, three red eyeballs were staring at everyone, its mouth almost split the whole head in two, and a long line of saliva drooped from the corner of its mouth.

"Crazy! Take Lao Ba and go!"

Lu Kai aimed the shotgun at the monster in the Devil's Lair, and pulled the trigger with a bang, the burst of flames and loud sound made the Monster in the Devil's Lair hug its head tightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the group bypassed the monsters in the Demon Cave and ran quickly.

However, it didn't take long for the demon cave monster to react and chase after him.

"Zhang Ze! Throw your dead chicken out!" Lu Kai yelled at Zhang Ze, Zhang Ze immediately followed suit and threw the dead chicken in another direction!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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