Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 247: , this is not my summon follower

The number of beetles is too large, and they rush upwards without fear of death, and they will pounce on anyone they see and bite them.

Although adventurers all know that magic attacks are very effective in killing these bugs, the setting of blowing up after death is really painful.

This thing must explode within three seconds after death

Explode, and it will explode in chains

Explode, as long as one of them explodes, the Beetle next to it will definitely explode, no matter whether it is alive or dead.


Many people dodged one, only to be injured or even killed by the second and third Beetle!

Boom boom boom!


The sound of the explosion was deafening, thick smoke filled the city, and green juice was everywhere.

The adventurers guarding the four city gates are all gritting their teeth. They know that once this line of defense cannot be defended, the defense line of the inner city behind will be even more vulnerable, so they must persevere.

However, some adventurers couldn't hold on and fled halfway.

Faced with such a person, although everyone felt contemptuous, not many people hated it. Faced with such an extremely difficult situation, it was difficult for ordinary people to persevere. After all, no one wanted to die.

Hangover and Yaoguang led their brothers to persevere. They thought of a good way, although it was risky, it was very effective.

That is to risk their lives, throw the beetle that is about to explode from the top of the city, and detonate the beetle swarm below the city.

Although this move is dangerous, it might blow him up to death, but the effect is very good.

Because the beetles under the city are crowded one by one, densely packed, with almost no gaps.

a beetle burst

It exploded, and immediately detonated a large area around it, and the sound of explosions continued!

The wave of the explosion quickly spread around, until all the affected beetles were detonated.

Someone deliberately counted, at most, there were more than 300 sound booms at one time


Hangover relied on this method to finally persevere to the end, but the situation of the rest of the city gates was not so optimistic.

The worst thing was the South Gate, the squad leader Huakai Liuliu made a mistake in judgment, which led to the loss of the opportunity to fight, and a large number of black beetles rushed to the top of the city.

Then he made another fatal mistake, using the group attack item [Thunderbolt Talisman], instantly killing hundreds of beetles.

Although all the bugs and monsters on the city head were eliminated in one go, it also caused a series of explosions among the bugs.


The large-scale violent explosion made it impossible for the adventurers on the top of the city to dodge, and they were directly killed!

Huakai Liuliu was also killed on the spot. With no leader among the dragons, the remaining more than a hundred adventurers had no intention of sticking to it. More beetles rushed to the top of the city again, and the entire south gate finally fell!

After receiving the news with a cold eye, he immediately brought people over for reinforcements, but in the face of hundreds of beetle monsters, he was helpless, so he had to lead people to fight while retreating.

The other three city gates couldn't take care of themselves, and it was impossible to come to reinforce them. They could only watch the swarm break through the southern city wall and rush towards the inner city defense line!

In the inner city, guarding the south gate is the irritable Dragon King and the melancholy of the sky. The two of them saw a dark tide rushing towards them from a long distance away!

"It's a bug monster! Could it be that the first line of defense has fallen?" The irritable Dragon King's expression changed.

Because the world doesn't regard Zhang Ze as his companion at all, even though the two sides formed a team, Leng Yue didn't inform Zhang Ze and others of the battle situation on the front line at all. .

The melancholy of the sky looked at the densely packed black giant worms and felt her scalp tingling. She trembled and said, "Dragon King, can we keep so many worms?"

"I have to go all out!" The irritable Dragon King gritted his teeth. There were too many bugs, and he didn't know what to do.

The melancholy of the sky reminded: "The giant **** said, if the situation is not good, you should notify Luo Sha immediately... I think it is better to call Luo Sha immediately."

After all, she immediately prepared to send a message to Zhang Ze, asking for support.

At this moment, the irritable Dragon King suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, look!"

The melancholy of the sky looked over, and saw a super-large hexagonal yellow magic circle suddenly appeared in the open space between the first floor and the second floor, with strange characters and patterns flashing on the magic circle.

Those black beetles happened to be inside the yellow magic circle, and their bodies slowly left the ground and floated into the air!

And it is still rising, and it will be tens of meters above the ground in a short while.

"What's going on here?" The irritable Dragon King looked puzzled, he had never seen such a situation.

Sky's melancholy looked at it carefully for a while, and analyzed: "It looks like it should be the effect of trap props, but I don't know what kind of props it is."

In the distance, seeing the human world and his subordinates hiding aside with cold eyes, watching those black beetles fly hundreds of meters into the air, and there was no sign of stopping, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"There are more than five million white flowers, and the effect of [Floating Trap] is very good. These black beetles will be sent high into the sky, and they will not fall until the effect of the trap ends."

But it's a pity to look at the world with a cold eye, because this [Floating Trap] is one of his trump cards. He originally planned to save it for the last wave of attack, but now it is triggered by the black shell bug...

"Forget it, let's get through this level first, otherwise it will be nothing in the future. Besides, I still have the last trump card that is useless." Looking coldly at the world, he took a deep breath, turned his head and took the remaining few Ten beetles were dealt with.

At this time, the second wave of attacks was gradually coming to an end.

The corpses of worms were everywhere around the stone fortress, and the green blood of the worms was also smeared on the city wall, turning the fortress completely green.

The adventurers on the top of the city have reached their limit. If there are still insects attacking, they will definitely not be able to defend.

"My mother... finally made it through!"

"Who designed this level of magic domain? Is this something that people can keep?"

"Why are you scolding yourself? Didn't we keep it?"

"I kept it, but how many people died? At least half of them!"

"Without a good background, if you want to get rich and become a master, you have to fight! Fight with your life! No one can succeed casually, so don't complain!"

Because of the ravages of monsters in the Demon Cave, the world is difficult, and class solidification is more serious. It is even more difficult for ordinary people to stand out.

And the Demon Realm has become an important way for many ordinary people to break through class barriers, get themselves out of the bottom and enter the upper class.

"Grit your teeth and persevere, get through this difficulty, and the road ahead is the Sunshine Avenue!"

"Yes! There is still the last wave left, everyone must persevere to the end!"

Everyone cheered each other on.

Hangover counted the brothers in his team, and his face became ugly.

Yao Guang came over and asked in a low voice, "Brother, how is the situation?"

"...More than sixty brothers died!" The hangover said in a sad tone. These brothers all fought with him all the way here. Although they have no blood relationship, they are better than real brothers.

Yao Guang sighed, not knowing how to comfort his brother.

He looked coldly at the city gate where the people were led by the hangover, and didn't say much when he saw the situation here. He just patted the hangover on the shoulder and said, "Thank you and your brother for your hard work. This time it's a success." After that, 10 million points is not a lot!"

The hangover nodded silently, now he suddenly felt that ten million would not be enough to kill his brothers.

Huakai Liuliu and his team were almost wiped out. They watched with cold eyes that the last few dozen remnants of soldiers had assembled to defend the south gate instead of Huakai Liuliu.

Looking at the exhausted looks of his subordinates around him, he sighed inwardly as he looked at the world with cold eyes.

"I thought I was well-prepared and had the chance to win, but the result is still so tragic..."

But for the sake of his wife, he still decided to make a final fight, and he still has a final trump card that is useless, so he can't just give up like this!

Big deal, risk your life!

After thinking about it, I looked at the world with a cold eye. Taking advantage of the last free time, I wrote a letter similar to a suicide note to my wife, and then sent it to the forum for regular release. If I really died in battle, my wife will be able to see this letter when I go online. .

After finishing all the affairs, he quietly waited for the arrival of the last wave of enemies.

In the sky, Zhang Ze and Liu Yueying sat on the Dark Dragon King and looked down at the ground.

"It's so miserable..." Liu Yueying couldn't bear it, and said in a low voice: "In fact, many people don't have to die. They can escape in time when the situation is not good, and they can survive, but why don't they leave?"

Zhang Ze pondered for a moment and said, "I think everyone has a reason to work hard."

About half an hour later, the second wave of monsters finally arrived!

The sky in the stone fortress suddenly darkened, but the sun was shining brightly in a place thousands of miles away.

Everyone looked up at the sky in surprise, and was shocked to find that a huge dark red vortex suddenly appeared in the sky!

No one knew what this vortex was, but soon, they discovered that many strange creatures appeared in the vortex!

These creatures are hideous in appearance, with a strong body like a cow, with sharp horns on their heads, long tails with arrows behind them, and two legs with hind limbs and hooves similar to those of cattle and sheep. They hold long-handled machetes, battle axes and Sharp weapons such as long forks look extremely ferocious and cruel.

"Nimma, what is this? It looks so scary!"

"This thing seems to be a demon, right? Haha! We are so lucky that we have encountered the most difficult ghost monster...Damn it!"

"Can we retreat? Humans can't beat demons at all, right?"

"I'm really not reconciled! So many people died, and it's hard to persist until the last wave..."

"I don't want money or anything, I don't want to die yet!"

Some of the adventurers on the ground have already started to retreat, and this panic quickly spread to the entire camp.

Looking at the world with cold eyes, he tried his best to appease his subordinates, but dozens of people still escaped.

"Forget it, I understand their feelings, it's just that it's even more difficult for the rest..."

Looking coldly at his team roster list, many people's names have disappeared, and some have also turned gray because they left the team. Only four or five hundred people are still sticking to their posts.

"It's too difficult!" He sighed, and clenched the two scrolls of props in his hands. This was his last trump card.

The speed of the red vortex was getting faster and faster, and more demons flew out of it. They let out piercing laughs and fell to the ground like meteorites.

Zhang Ze and Liu Yueying looked solemn, the number of Leng Yue's team had dropped to four to five hundred people, and the number of demons appearing in the vortex was simply innumerable, so there was almost no suspense in this battle.

"Let's go back and tell everyone to prepare for battle!"

Zhang Ze said in a deep voice, Liu Yueying nodded, and silently hugged Zhang Ze's waist tightly.

The Dark Dragon King brought the two back to the ground, and Zhang Ze conveyed the news to everyone.

"The third wave of monsters are demons. The number and strength are unknown, but based on my feeling, it should be difficult to deal with." Zhang Ze sent a message to everyone in the team channel: "It is only a matter of time before the outer city wall falls, and we will rely on us next." Already!"



"We will win!"

"Come on everyone! Come on!"

Everyone left messages on the channel to encourage them.

At the same moment, the devil's siege began!

"Jie Jie!"

The demons bared their fangs and rushed under the city wall at an extremely fast speed!

The defensive adventurers only felt a blur in front of them, the devil had already boarded the top of the city!

Running from hundreds of meters to the bottom of the city, and then to the top of the city, the whole process takes about 10 seconds!

"The speed of demons is far faster than that of humans!" Hangover's eyes widened suddenly, and the talent skill of a subordinate next to him is [Eagle Eye], which can check the monster's attribute value. At this time, he had just checked the demon's attributes, and his face was pale horrible.


Grade 1

HP: 25000

Attack: 3600-5200

Defense: 4000

Skills: None

"This attribute is too scary! Apart from having no skills, it can be compared to a small boss!"

Hangover listened to his subordinates' description, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

And this is just one of the demons, there are thousands of other demons running towards the fort in the distance!

"It's over, this time I can't hold it anymore!" He murmured.

On the head of a city.


An adventurer raised the giant sword in his hand, and went crazy to chop a demon who had just climbed up to the top of the wall.

And that demon just blocked all his attacks with the spear in his hand casually, and then stabbed the adventurer with a light blow!


-5944! (demon)

The adventurer was still alive, holding the spear with both hands and screaming in pain.

The next moment, his screams stopped abruptly, because another demon rushed up and chopped off his head!

Facing the incomparably powerful demons, the adventurers were clearly no match, and they were simply looking for death if they wanted to single out.

Unless four or five adventurers cooperate to barely solve one, and it will cost a lot.

Seeing more demons rushing to the top of the city, people's hearts are cold.

"Retreat! All retreat!"

The hangover saw the brothers around him fall one by one, he couldn't bear it, and gave the order for all the members to retreat.

Many people had already taken out the random teleportation scrolls and were about to run away when they suddenly heard a deafening roar coming from behind them!

"What's that? Another new monster has appeared?"

Everyone looked back, only to see a huge stone monster standing 40 to 50 meters high behind him!

Yao Guang froze for a moment, and suddenly shouted to the hangover in pleasant surprise: "Did the monster be summoned by Raksha?"

On the other side, the Giant God, the irritable Dragon King and others also looked surprised, and they all looked at Zhang Ze.

Zhang Ze shrugged: "Don't look at me, this is not my summoner."_

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