Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums

Chapter 465 Is it okay to get married with a son? (Additional update for leader Xi Xiaoyaozi)

The wedding plan of Mei Youyuan's three giants has gone through many reviews and deliberation, and finally decided to use the plan of Fengzi's marriage as the cornerstone. The three parties will simultaneously promote the ideological work related to parents, so that parents can be mentally prepared before the day comes.

The key point here is to get married at the same time, because if they can conceive a child together, the parents will be in a dilemma and reach a certain compromise of the threesome.

If Fengzi's marriage plan cannot be carried out simultaneously, Mei Fang will become a scumbag who cheated on her during her youth. Once the incident is exposed, both her own reputation and reputation will plummet.

The initial prototype of this plan was to perform a two-year rotation like a girlfriend, that is, marry someone first, have children, divorce, and then change someone to perform the same operation.

However, considering the energy involved in planning a wedding and having children, and if the threesome continues during this period, the family will inevitably feel that they have been deceived and become antagonized, so at least the family must know most of the true situation. degree.

After gaining the understanding of his family, he slowly faded out of the public eye, quit singing and band performances, stopped exploring and developing AI, ended chasing his gaming dream, and began to live a peaceful and leisurely family life.

So what the three giants of Mei Yuyuan have to do next, apart from working hard to create people seriously, there is only one thing left to do -


From the perspective of immediate family members, there are a total of six parents and one sister in the Big Three family, including Mei Fang's grandparents and Xia Yuan's grandmother.

Among them, the views of parents are the most important.

In fact, in the past two years, the Big Three have been engaging in showdowns and hints, intentionally or unintentionally. The relationship between the Big Three, Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Youyuan, who are most concerned about their son's situation, is only separated by a layer of window paper.

But obviously...this layer of window paper is not that easy to poke.

Mei Fang woke up from the nightmare of being chased by his two father-in-laws, Xia Xun and Lin Guochuan, with knives. He stared at the ceiling for a long time with his eyes open, and then slowly moved into Yuan Yuan's arms and rubbed her balls.

Xia Yuan, who was awakened by Mei Fang, only opened his eyes slightly, and then gently patted Mei Fang's head.

"My dear... you must have had a nightmare... don't be afraid... give me a hug, mom."

"Yuanyuan, don't you want to hear what nightmare I had?"

"I think...but we'll talk about it later, phew...let me sleep a little longer...\u003em\u003c"

Xia Yuan yawned while lying on her side and pulling Mei Fang. Mei Fang was about to move Yuan Yuan's thigh when the sound of flushing came from the bathroom in the bedroom.

Lin Youxi was coughing while wearing a simple white shirt. Mei Fang got up from Yuan Yuan's embrace and handed Lin Youxi a glass of water, and asked tentatively with some curiosity:

"Did you hit it?"

Lin Youxi shook his head and looked at Mei Fang. There was only one bar.

"It's okay, it's's still early, you don't have to be so anxious, right?"

"The days of this month are coming to an end."

Lin Youxi sat beside Mei Fang's bed, swallowed, paused and said, "The last doctor's examination also said that it is difficult for me to have a baby due to my cold constitution, so I must seize the opportunity to try more."

"It's just not that easy. It doesn't mean that you can't get pregnant, and how can it be so easy to get pregnant? Yuanyuan hasn't shown any signs yet."

Mei Fang held Lin Youxi in her arms and said, "We are still so young, and technology is so advanced now. If it doesn't work, just see a doctor. There is really no need to worry..."

The gentle Mei Gou was trying hard to coax Wife Xi. At this moment, her hand suddenly held Mei Fang's future, and then they began to rub their ears and temples together.

"Now, do you want to increase points in double queue again?"

Lin Youxi narrowed her eyes and smiled at Mei Fang: "If you are energetic, then give me a few more."

"How many? I kept them open all night last night!"

"But, but..."

Lin Youxi's words suddenly contained some sadness. She cooed and coquettishly, and pretended to rub her eyes.

"After all, there are not many days left..."

"Is it the rest of the month?"

While complaining, Mei Fang skillfully stretched out a hand and interlocked with Lin Youxi's fingers. When Xia Yuan stood up, rubbing her eyes, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang lay down again and made love.

"Ah, right...aren't you all tired?"

Xia Yuan rubbed his eyes and was about to say something, but Mei Fang also hugged him with one hand at this time.

The three giants of Mei Youyuan live a peaceful life in seclusion on the 100-meter flat floor overlooking the entire Lanshan District, spending only a small amount of time on work every day.

He plays games with them, works out with them, watches movies with them, cooks with them, takes turns washing dishes, divides housework, takes baths with them, and rests with them.

A lazy and comfortable life will not make people feel bored. The days of doing whatever you want and not doing anything you don't want to do are really exciting.

But it feels a little too leisurely.

When Xia Yuan woke up this morning, he came out of the bedroom, stroking his fluffy hair. He saw Mei Fang playing with iron in the living room, while Lin Youxi was preparing breakfast in the open kitchen.

While yawning, she poured a glass of milk and drank half of it, then wiped her mouth, then sat on a high chair nearby and asked Mei Fang:

"Afang, do we want to go out today?"

"You actually want to go out..."

Mei Fang put down her weight and wiped her sweat, then asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"It's not like we're going somewhere to play, just go out for a walk. It's a bit boring to stay at home all the time...don't you think?"

Xia Yuan scratched his head and said, "After I stopped singing in the band, I feel like I have entered old age ahead of schedule!"

The Yixia band is currently in a semi-disbanded state, but now Peng Xue is a signed artist of Yuanxia Music, while Liu Xiaoyu and Xiang Bingbing have returned to work in the music studio. Each has their own areas of responsibility. Only Xia Yuan is very free now.

Due to the preparation for pregnancy, I actually have very little contact with electronic devices. Playing games and watching movies is only an occasional activity. It is normal to feel idle.

"The weather is quite hot now, but you can drive to the beach for a walk in the evening."

After Lin Youxi prepared breakfast, she began to greet Mei Fang:

"I've exercised enough today, let's go take a shower and get ready for breakfast."

"Oh, okay."

Mei Fang entered the bathroom with a change of clothes that Lin Youxi had purchased on the cabinet.

"Then I'll eat first!"

Xia Yuan trotted to the dining room to help Lin Youxi put away the dishes, chopsticks, cutlery and put them on the dining table.

Because of the need to prepare for pregnancy and avoid the impact of animals, Mei Youyuan sent the cats to another place to be taken care of by dedicated people. Xia Yuan struggled for a long time at first whether to give the cats to others for adoption, but when he thought of the cats, they had to be taken care of by someone else. It was very painful to leave Xia Yuan, so in the end, she decided to raise her by herself after preparing for pregnancy.

"I don't know how Daju and the others are doing now, whether they miss us..." Xia Yuan cupped her chin and lost herself in missing the cats.

"As long as a cat has someone to shovel its poop, it will be fine. Missing him probably won't happen."

Lin Youxi poured another glass of milk for Xia Yuan, and Xia Yuan thought about it while holding the milk.

"Daju may be like this, but I think Xiaobai will miss me if he kisses me so much."

"Isn't Xiaobai's dearest person to Al Fang? Every time he sees Al Fang, he has to crawl into his arms..."

"It's not that A Fang always brings cat strips to Xiaobai to eat. He obviously thinks that Xiaobai is the youngest, so he is partial! I won't do that. I am a master of water transfer, and I never favor anyone, hum..."

As Xia Yuan spoke, he picked up the sandwich made by Lin Youxi and bit into it. After taking one bite, he put the sandwich down with a troubled expression.

"Isn't it delicious? I probably added all the things you like to eat."


Xia Yuan picked up the sandwich made by Lin Youxi again.

"I just drank the milk too quickly, and now I feel a little nauseous when I eat..."

Lin Youxi smiled slightly when he heard this and said, "You won't be hit, right?"

"I haven't had a day these past few days, how could it be possible, hahaha."

Xia Yuan said seriously, "And if you are just pregnant, it is impossible to have such a big reaction. It will take at least eight weeks for it to happen."

"This is usually the case..."

Lin Youxi sat down together and prepared Mei Fang's breakfast. At this moment, Xia Yuan took a small bite of the sandwich, then tilted his head and asked Lin Youxi:

"Youxi, speaking of, about the showdown with your family...what are you going to tell your family?"

"My mother is more anxious to have her grandson than our mother. I made it clear when I had a video chat with her before that I plan to have a child with Al Fang without getting a certificate..."

"Ah, just say it! So awesome."

Xia Yuan was shocked, "What did Mother Liang say?"

"She said she would support me as long as I didn't feel wronged."

Lin Youxi cut into small pieces of poached eggs and put them into her mouth, "I think she should know my thoughts from the beginning. After all, she has seen the three of us living together."

"What about your dad? He cares about you so much."

"I'm not sure about this... He asked me if I was still interested in A Fang, and I directly said that I still like him. There is no difference between our relationship and our relationship."

"Then, why don't we just make it clear that you and A Fang are still Dou Dou Doo! It doesn't matter..."

"No, he didn't say anything." Lin Youxi ate breakfast silently, "After all, I chose it myself."

Xia Yuan covered her face and muttered, "It would be great if my family could be as reasonable as yours."

"Have you had any resistance from your parents lately?"

Lin Youxi said in surprise, "Have you already shown your cards?"

"Not yet... I've been thinking about how to hint to my parents about a threesome. Although my mother said it doesn't matter how I do it in the future, she would be shocked if she knew that I wanted three people to be together. I don't know if it would be opposed to."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "My dad is more - what's more, do you understand? Although he didn't ask, I think he is the kind of person who would rather me be single for the rest of my life than let me share a life with you. husband."

"Maybe he expects you to be single for the rest of your life, or to be with me, so that he can always pamper you."

"Ah! No, why do I still need my father to pamper me when I'm so old? It's so disgusting."

"That's not what you said when you pretended to be your daughter in front of A Fang and called him Daddy -"

"Ouch! Youxi, you are so annoying! That one is different!"

Xia Yuan held her chin and thought for a while, "But in the past two years, I feel that my dad has become more open-minded and will not be so active in video chatting with me. In the future, he will have to contact my family to talk to me."

"Isn't it because you say you're busy every time you answer a video that your dad feels chilled?"

"It's true... my family called me and I couldn't control it. In addition, I complained about it once during a video chat with my mother. I guess she also told my dad, and my dad gradually let go."

"Speaking of Mama does she take care of herself? Why does it feel like she is getting younger and younger now?"

"I'm also very curious about this! Last time I went shopping with my mother, people said we were sisters when we went shopping. It was really outrageous. Some people even asked for my mother's contact information, but they didn't want mine. It's my fault. Dad is not here..."

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were chatting happily. At this moment, Mei Fang finally finished taking a shower, wiped her hair and came to the dining table to sit down and eat.

"What are you two talking about? You are having so much fun talking."

"We were talking about why my mother is getting younger and more beautiful."

"Oh, that's true...Teacher Yu—Mother Yu—"

"No, Alfang!"

Xia Yuan suddenly stopped her and said, "You can't call my mother mom."

"Ah, why?"

Xia Yuan said seriously: "You only have three mothers. Apart from our mother, you can only call me and Youxi mother."


Mei Fang was a little confused, "You mean we're not married yet, so it's not okay?"

"Not even after marriage."

Xia Yuan said seriously.

"Then what should I shout? I...I'm even dizzy." Mei Fangzhan scratched his head.

"You can just call me Teacher Yu."

Lin Youxi joked from the side: "Yuanyuan is jealous of her mother. She is worried that you have thoughts about her mother."

"Ah! I'm not that kind of person, okay!"

At this moment, Mei Fang was suddenly possessed by drama. He covered his heart and said seriously, "There are no three days in the sky, and there are no three masters in the country. In my heart, I only have two true loves, His Highness Xia Yuan and His Highness Lin Youxi. The sky can be used as a guide, and the sun and the moon can be used as a guide." Ke Ming!"

"You're the one who talks sweetly, right? Hurry up and eat! You're going to do yoga with us later, so we can have fun, okay?"

"Youxi is done, got up so late."

"What! So that's what it is!"

Another relaxing day.

In the evening, Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi, and Mei Fang completed their disguise. Mei Fang drove the two of them to the coast of Pengcheng Bay.

“The sea breeze is so comfortable!”

Xia Yuan walked barefoot on the beach. She opened her hands and felt the sea breeze, looking very satisfied.

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang walked behind Xia Yuan. The two suddenly became very quiet at this moment, seeming to be enjoying the peace.

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Youxi's face, Mei Fang helped Lin Youxi pull up her wind-blown hair and asked her curiously.

"I always feel...that my current life is so happy that it's a bit incredible."

"What's so incredible about this?" Mei Fang wondered, "This is a very ordinary peaceful life between lovers."

"is that so?"

Lin Youxi raised his head and stared at Mei Fang, and Mei Fang did not avoid her gaze.

"I just think... although life is very simple now, maybe in different parallel planes, if you want to live such a life, you don't know how much sacrifice you have to make to achieve it... just like you and I are in right now. The beach, maybe we don’t even have the capital to play here.”

"If you say should really cherish it."

Mei Fang sighed as she spoke, then looked at the sky again, and suddenly couldn't help but sigh with emotion as she closed her eyes.

"I will make you happy forever."

"Then, I will also make you happy forever."

Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's hand and was about to imitate him and feel the sea breeze together, when Xia Yuan, who was running in front, suddenly squatted down.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi ran over immediately upon seeing this.

Originally it was for extra updates! It turned out to be just one update!

Don't worry, I will add another chapter later to let the leader know how powerful I am.

Okay, the modification is done, let’s take a look again.

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