“Strange… Strange? Where did all the wild monsters go? ”

Looking at the empty map, all players were stunned!

Wild Boar Forest, Wilderness Plain, Flying Moon Canyon, Long River Valley, Black Wind Mountain…

All the wild monsters… It’s gone!

It stands to reason that after the maintenance update, all the killed wild monsters will be refreshed, but now, not a single wild monster in the entire novice village can be seen, even the most … The lowest level 1 pheasant, fire hare, etc., are all gone!

“Lying groove, is this convulsion in the Heavenly Dao? Such a big bug has appeared? ”

Not only wild monsters, even the bosses that should have been refreshed are gone, and the two bosses who have been killed by the Boar King and the Wolf King should be resurrected today, but their territory is still empty.

“, the chests are all refreshed, but the boss hasn’t come out yet? What’s going on? ”

Some people were pleasantly surprised to find that the black iron treasure chest in the territory of the Boar King and the Azure Wolf King was actually refreshed, indicating that the boss should also be refreshed together, but the result was not, which is puzzling!

“How the is this fun? Even the wild monsters are gone! Some players couldn’t help but curse.

“Has this happened in other novice villages?”

“I asked our guild friends, none of them encountered this situation, only our newbie village has a bug!”

“I’ll go, Lao Tzu is not convinced!”


The number of people in each novice village is tens of thousands, and now, the tens of thousands of players in No. 10086 No. 10086 are all at a loss.

This is not the end, soon, another sensation happened in the whole village!

At the mouth of the novice village, the appearance of a behemoth scared a large number of players!


The lava saber-toothed tiger king lay under the big tree at the head of the village, shrugging his head, listlessly waiting for Qin Yang to pick him up!

At this time, the level of the lava tiger king has been raised to level 13, and the magma markings on his body are bubbling hot, and the temperature of the surrounding air is extremely hot, and many players dare not approach at all, and they can’t withstand the high temperature at all.

The Lava Tiger King was very depressed, didn’t he say that he would come to pick him up in the morning? This is not coming yet, the sun is all in the ass!

So many players around him to watch, the lava tiger king sneezed with disdain, a large amount of magma splashed out, players retreated one after another, once stained with magma will definitely hurt, the burning state is not a joke.

“This is not … That evolved saber-toothed tiger king last night? ”

“Why did he come here? I remember that the rare beast seemed to be unable to leave the territory! ”

The Lava Tiger King is now a well-known evolutionary rare beast, last night Qin Yang made such a big fuss, even other novice villages heard about it, his reputation is still quite big, after all, this is the rarest rare beast at present!

“So, what happened last night? Since there is magma everywhere, we players can’t get close at all, has Qin Yi Absolute God been successfully domesticated? ”

“It should… Success, look at the top of this tiger king’s head, there is no tamable mark, which means that he is already someone else’s pet! ”

“Lying groove, awesome, even the rarest mutant rare beast in the full service has been obtained, Qin Yi is extremely powerful!”

“Nima, there is no harm without contrast, Lao Tzu can’t even domesticate an ordinary saber-toothed tiger, he actually domesticated even an evolved version of the rare beast!”


Soon, the news was also spread, and when those guilds that were destroyed by Qin Yang’s group last night heard the news, their faces suddenly became ugly.

Originally, they also had a chance to compete, if it weren’t for Qin Yang alone occupying the Saber-toothed Tiger King, maybe this mutant rare beast would be one of them!

“That bastard actually left his pet in the newbie village and ran to the world copy by himself, so he is not afraid that we will make a move on his pet?”

“This guy is deliberately angry with us, he just wants to show off that he has domesticated a mutant rare beast, an arrogant guy!”

“Damn, isn’t it just domesticating a rare beast? Did he deliberately stay in the newbie village, wanting everyone to know how awesome he was?! ”

“Last night, the group destroyed so many of our guilds, and today we will release the rare beast to humiliate us, uncle can bear that Aunt can’t bear it!”




In the Taoyuan Wonderland, Qin Yang couldn’t help but sneeze!

“Is anyone thinking about me?” He rubbed his nose innocently!

Is it Elsa? Or Lily Xia?


“Ah, remember, said that I would go back to pick up the volcano, I felt that I forgot something, it turned out to be this matter!” Qin Yang suddenly slapped his head!

In addition, the [Contract] skill book still has to find a way to get it, and the peach blossom fairy full of good feelings is still waiting for him!

If you want to return to the Novice Village, you must pass through the teleportation tower, so Qin Yang still has to run back!

“By the way, send back that little girl in the peach forest, it should be some side quest!”

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