Qin Yang stopped!

“If you want to PK straight, I can satisfy you!” He turned around and looked at Tianhe Qingyun with a smile!

Tianhe Qingyun was slightly stunned, and immediately laughed: “A level 7 assassin wants to PK me, a level 8 swordsman?” Don’t you know that a swordsman is an all-round profession? ”

Swordsman, whether PVP or PVE, is a very stable class, with high output, strong survivability, and diverse skills, to have group injuries and group injuries, and to have a single burst with a single burst.

Compared with assassins, although the single output of assassins is stronger than that of swordsmen, but their comprehensive ability is much weaker, a set of skills will expose the position if it does not fall in seconds, once the position is exposed, it will be seized by the swordsman, and a set of combos will be ruthlessly taken away.

Melee combat, swordsman is a very powerful class.

Qin Yang grinned and slowly stretched out two fingers.

Tianhe Qingyun was stunned: “What do you mean?” ”

“Seconds you, only need two knives!”

This is an understatement, but it is full of unparalleled confidence.

Tianhe Qingyun burst out laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world: “I heard it right, two knives… Hahaha, who do you think you are! ”

However, the other players around couldn’t laugh, thinking back to what happened to the Azure Wolf King, they couldn’t help but raise a bad premonition.

“Qing… Qingyun big guy, you… You have to be careful, this person has a special proclivity and likes to stab others…”

A kind person just wanted to remind Tianhe Qingyun, but before his words were finished, suddenly, a terrifying scream came out.

I saw the figure of Tianhe Qingyun flying, screaming while covering his butt.


Everyone was dumbfounded, startled by this sudden scene.

In the original position of Tianhe Qingyun, Qin Yang’s figure appeared out of thin air, and on the other side, the substitute also returned to its original form.

It’s a stand-in again!

All the players around felt the chrysanthemum tighten and retreated one after another.

After stabbing out more than four hundred critical strikes, immediately after, the [Sneak Attack] was launched, instantly approaching Tianhe Qingyun, and another stab went down.

The blood trough of more than eight hundred Tianhe Qingyun instantly bottomed out, and directly fell down, entering a weak state!

“That’s it… Seconds?! ”

The eyes of the surrounding players widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

If the single brush of the Wolf King was a bug before, then it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence now.

“My mother, this is the real big guy!”

“Qin Yijue, Qin Yijue, I seem to remember, the assassin who is the number one in the equipment list… Isn’t it called Qin Yijue? ”

“Lying groove, sure enough, look at his weapon, shining with golden light, it is a sign of glory weapon!”

“Great God, Qin Yi Absolute Great God, please take the flight!”

“Great God, I am a full-time assistant, I have milk and control, and buff skills, please take me!”

“Brother Qin, people can sell cute and hairy, and you can also warm your bed after going offline at night, and ask for support!”

Qin Yang smiled lightly, turned around dashingly, and left with his clothes on.

Just kidding, Lao Tzu even has beauties such as Elsa and Lily Xia around him, and you rookie players still need to follow behind your ass?


Tianhe Qingyun was very depressed, and soon after being resurrected, he fell down again, this time directly dropping from level 8 to level 7, which was a very heavy blow to him.

“Qin Yijue, Laozi does not share the sky with you!”

Others can be tolerated, but stabbing his chrysanthemum in front of so many people is simply a great shame for men.

I think he is a rich second generation, when did he receive such insults? Pass it out, where does his face remain?

This is the stain of life that will follow him for the rest of his life, how can he endure it?

“Lan Feng, Lao Tzu wants to reward a person, at all costs, no matter how much money it costs, I will kill that mongrel and can’t get out of the novice village, you go and help me send a world announcement, no matter which guild, as long as you can kill him, money is not a problem!”

“Wait, what’s wrong with you? Who messed with you again? ”

“Don’t dick bullshit, do as I say!” Tianhe Qingyun’s eyes showed unprecedented madness.


The day was destined to be uneventful.

The actions of the Tianhe Guild shocked the entire Huaxia costume!

A large guild actually offered a heavy reward for the head of a level 7 assassin? What is this situation?

“Lying groove, as long as you can kill him once, you can get a bronze weapon? The Tianhe Guild is ready to lay down its blood! ”

“Bronze? Really fake? Even if with the increase in level, today’s explosion rate is higher than yesterday’s, but the bronze equipment can’t explode much, right? Are they so willing? ”

“Qin Yijue? Isn’t this the assassin who is at the top of the equipment list? ”

“666, it’s just a level 7 assassin, actually making such a big move, who is this person divine?”


Full service reward, this is the first time, many people are holding the mentality of watching the excitement!

At the same time, “Jun Moxiao”, who was the number one in the Heavenly List, also noticed this.

“No. 10086 No. 10086 No. 10086 is the novice village, go and ask who is in our guild where, go and pick up the bounty for me!”

PS: Roll around all over the ground for flowers, evaluation votes!

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