Grade 1

HP: 100/100

Blue volume: 50/50

Physical/Magic Attack Power: 10-12

Defense: 9

Strength: 4

Intelligence: 9

Physique: 5

Agility: 5

Lucky value: 0

Crit rate: 5% (Mage’s initial critical strike value)

Potential point: 0

Talent: [Instant Cast (only)]

Skills: [Exploration (Basic Skills)]

Backpack: [Novice Spree (Black Iron)]

Seeing his initial attributes, Qin Feng felt it was okay. The intelligence was 9 points, which was close to the full value of 10 points, which was pretty good.

After reading his initial attributes, Qin Feng directly looked at the novice spree in his backpack.

Generally speaking, every player who enters the game will be given a black iron level novice gift package.

In the spree, there will usually be a book of occupational initial skills, plus a black iron level weapon and equipment and a silver coin.

It's just that... Qin Feng now has a ten-thousand-fold reward system, and he doesn't know what he can get after opening this spree.

Thinking of this, he directly clicked to open the spree.

In the next moment, golden rays of light flashed in an instant.

"Ding Dong~ You opened the [Rookie Gift Pack (Black Iron)] and triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] effect. You successfully obtained the [Thunderfall Skill Book (Rare)] and [Rowling’s Staff (Legend) ], [Gold Coins]*100."

After a series of system prompts sounded, Qin Feng suddenly laughed.

This was a legendary-level equipment just after the server was opened, which was simply a dream start.

You know, in the continent of the gods, legendary equipment is extremely rare.

The level of equipment is divided into black iron, bronze, silver, gold, legend, epic, and artifact.

Being able to obtain a legendary item directly makes Qin Feng invincible in the early stage.

The thunderfall skill book is also extremely rare. In the past life, this skill book is usually only dropped on the level 30 legendary BOSS monster.

It is one of the more powerful group attack skills.

The ability to acquire this skill in the early stages of the game is simply an invincible takeoff.

In addition to this equipment and skill book, the 100 gold coins are not bad.

You know, 100 copper coins can be exchanged for 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins can be exchanged for a gold coin.

In the early stage of the game, there is a gold coin that can be called a local tyrant, like Qin Feng holding a hundred gold coins at the beginning of the game, it is like a giant rich god. .

=== Chapter 4 Hidden Tasks! ===

[Rowling’s Staff (Legend)]

Grade 1

Grade: Legend

Attack power: 172-210

Equipment additional attributes:

1. Intelligence +20

2. Release spell speed +10%.

3. When attacking, there is a 5% chance to recover 5% of magic power.

Durability: 100/100

Introduction: The staff of the Grand Magister Rowling when he was young...

After reading the equipment's attributes, Qin Feng put on the equipment without hesitation. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

After wearing this piece of equipment, Qin Feng's damage directly increased by more than two hundred points.

The average player's current base damage is only 10 points, and Qin Feng has basically taken off with the addition of 200 points of base damage from Rowling's staff.

But this is not enough.

At this moment, he directly took out his skill book of Thunderfall and instantly clicked to learn.

In an instant, the skill book in front of him instantly turned into a golden light and fell on Qin Feng.

"Hint: You have learned the skill [Lv1 Thunderfall]."

Seeing this system prompt, Qin Feng directly clicked on the skill panel and looked at it.

【Lv1 Thunderfall】

Grade 1

Effect: After the skill is released, a lightning formation can be formed within a designated 5×5 area. All enemies in the formation will suffer 50% basic damage per second for 3 seconds.

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