Walking, the surrounding space gradually widened, the smell in the air has become more humid.

It should be close to the underground lake.

"Well? What seems to be in front of you

Liu Yun stopped suddenly.

He held his breath, carefully pressed against the wall, and looked cautiously forward.

Ding! But in front of the corner, shaking three monsters.

Lin jiandart's puppet: strength can't be detected.

"This must be a puppet used by Lin Jianbao to keep watch. If they find out, I'm afraid that they will inform Lin Jianbao as soon as possible..."

Liu Yun's heart sank and looked around, but behind the puppets, there was a shallow river.

This underground river is the passage to the natural cave.

Liu Yun pondered secretly, thinking about how to go quietly in the past.

Cluttering Cluttering At this time, a puppet came out of the corner and came straight here Liu Yun's heart was beating. He looked around, but there was no big stone to avoid. Behind him was a long passage. I was afraid that he would be seen by the puppet before he ran back to the corner No way to go?

No way!

Liu yunning eyes, calm thinking.

The footstep sound of organ puppet is getting closer and closer!

Time is running out.

In a hurry, Liu Yun looked at the sky which was four meters high, and quickly triggered the "daogui Robe" gliding skill. He jumped up quietly and looked at the two jagged convex stones. His eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he stretched out his hands to hold on to the rock wall like a spider.

Liu Yun's face was red, his hands were hard to grasp, the weight of his body was all borne by these two arms, and his fingers gently rubbed the convex stone, and he was about to slide down.

He gritted his teeth and never let go.

At the bottom, the puppet, which is more than one meter high, slowly swung past. All the monsters have horizons. The light here is dim and the horizon is short. Liu Yun's current position is just out of its horizon. In its blind area, it is safe for the time being.

We can't go down yet.

Looking at the road ahead, Liu Yun immediately reached out and climbed hard. He carefully climbed along the cliff to the corner for a short distance Near the corner, he put out his head and looked at it.

However, the remaining two puppets, all with their backs to themselves, walked towards the other end of the path.

Looking at the river not far away, it is about 40 meters away from here.

He quickly confirmed the direction, and then did not want to think about it. Before the puppets turned around, he directly activated the "traction necklace.".


The traction necklace was activated in an instant and turned into a bullet that shot out in an instant. It pulled Liu Yun and flew towards the river.

Seconds count 50 meters, this sudden, less than a second, Liu Yun then burst into the middle of the river, the water spray suddenly splashed.


The three puppets immediately heard the noise and ran to the river "What's going on?"

"Something seems to have fallen into the river!"

All of a sudden, the puppet's eyes flashed green.

"Green eye: vision increased by 300%

Seeing the green light shooting down the river, Liu Yun was startled and quickly stuck to the edge of the river. The atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

Those green lights, like pillars, shoot into the river and sweep around the river I passed by LiuYao several times, which was breathtaking "There seems to be no problem..."

"I don't know, but no matter what, we'll report to him when Lord Lin comes here!"

From the shore came the voice of the puppet's conversation, and then the green light sweeping the bottom of the river began to recede.

Liu Yun was mentioned to the heart of the throat, and finally put it down.

The sight at the bottom of the river is even weaker than that on the bank. It is almost hard to see five fingers. Feeling the direction of the river flowing and distinguishing the position, Liu Yun gently and quietly swam forward.

"Who are you? Dare to break into this place? Don't you want to live? "

On the way to a mile ahead, suddenly, a group of golden lights burst out from the dark bottom of the river. A thin and gloomy man in a dark blue sword suit and holding a long sword suddenly blocked Liu Yun in front of him.

The man appeared very suddenly, and as soon as he appeared, he drank in a loud voice full of anger.

Liu Yun was stunned and startled, but he felt that the man appeared strange. After careful consideration, he was immediately pleased and quickly swam towards the man.

Of course, he is not crazy or stupid, but really happy.

"I didn't expect that Lin Jianbiao put such a treasure here to scare people approaching here. It's wonderful, but if you meet a brave person, you'll lose the baby! "

"Be bold! This is the forbidden area of Tianshui sect. No one is allowed to get close to it. No matter who you are, get out of here quickly. Otherwise, you will be the enemy of Tianshui sect. Don't blame me for my hands. I'm merciless under the sword! "

The man is still drinking, a ferocious face, eyes such as copper bells, staring at Liu Yun.He is the Lin sword dart.

Unfortunately, Liu Yun didn't eat his way.

Liu Yunyou comes to Lin jiandart, squats down straight and reaches out his hand to dig among the pieces of gravel at the foot of Lin jiandart.


The image of Lin sword dart disappeared.

Liu Yun slowly pulled his arm out of the rubble, a dark red square box, which he firmly grasped in his hand.

The strategy here was described in great detail in the previous life, and the key point was also mentioned for this level. However, there is only one box, and it has been taken away by the first person who arrived here, so the later players have not seen it.

This is a box full of copper lines. Although the luster of the lines has faded, it is very delicate. On the top of the box, a strange face is depicted. Seeing this strange face like a clown, Liu Yun knows that the box is from the demon world.

Virtual shadow box: it can create a virtual shadow to confuse nearby players. The virtual shadow has the same smell of its owner and has independent consciousness, but it can't communicate with the host.

Service condition: none.

Usage times: 12 (unable to charge).

Duration of Shadow: 3 minutes.

To use, intimidate, intimidate, intimidate.

Seeing the words that can't be used, Liu Yungang's blazing heart immediately extinguished most of them.

It turned out to be a limited treasure. Unfortunately, no wonder Lin Jianbao put it here. Once it has been used many times, it will be of little value.

But some are better than none.

Liu Yunxin thought, put away the box, continue to swim forward Soon, the dark river bottom gradually lit up.

Here we are!

Looking up to see a flash of light on the river, Liu Yun Meng stares at his feet and swims out of the river.


Liu Yun a fish jump, out of the water, jump on the shore.

This is a cave that has not been completely closed. The cave is extremely open, and there is a little gap above. Some light shines through the small gap and falls on the river surface, reflecting a burst of sparkling light.

The river flows slowly into the front of a half meter, less than a small gully, to the surface.

The walls of natural caves are very smooth and spacious.

Liu Yun stretched out to the cave, a light wind blowing, suddenly felt chilly, not uncomfortable.

If the humidity reaches 100%, the player's flexibility will decrease by 10%.

After a few minutes, the light in the cave is getting brighter and brighter. When you look at the rock walls on both sides, you can see that there are rows of crystal stones for lighting.

This is what NPC Lin Jianbao did.

Keep going, and soon, you will come to the deepest part of the cave.

The space here is already very vast, surrounded by rock walls, and the road under your feet is very flat. However, the emptiness of everything will inevitably make people despair and lose.

His sight began to patrol the surrounding rock wall carefully, as if looking for something.

Finally, a convex stone shaped like a five pointed star caught his sight The convex stone is located in the middle of a potholed stone. It looks insignificant. However, if you don't look closely, you can't notice that there are many small lines on the top of the convex stone "Found it!"

Liu Yun ran over and put his hand on the convex stone.


There was a slight noise.

Ding! System: you have successfully opened the starlight array.

Deng Deng Deng As the sound of the system falls, the rock wall in front of us starts to rotate gently. The dim rock begins to embed into the interior, and rows of crystal clear and bright materials are replaced.

The light reflected the whole cave and made it as bright as day.

In front of me, there is a big circle in front of me. I can see all the big circles in front of me.

And the five pointed star shaped rock before is the eye of this big array The large array reflects the rays of light, which are slanting on the ground in front of Liu Yun. They fall into circles, one horizontal and one vertical, totaling 17 circles The moment these things appeared, some information also came into his mind.

Xingguang array: arrange people (unknown) formation structure: horizontal: gongkan, gongkun, Gongzhen, Gongxun, Gongzhong, Gongqian, Gongdui, gonggen, Gongli.

Vertical: the gate of rest, the gate of living, the gate of injury, the gate of Du, the gate of view, the gate of death, the door of alarm, and the door of opening.

Liu Yun tried his best to recollect, but not clear memory told him how to take the first step.

"Hurt the door!"

Liu Yun stares at the third circle, with an interval of nearly two meters.

He took a deep breath, took a slight leap, and jumped forward.


At last, the whole person fell into the circle safely.This array is not a kind of warm array. If you step outside the circle carelessly, you will be killed by seconds. If you take a wrong step, you will end up like this.


Liu Yun adjusted his mind and immediately jumped over again.


All of a sudden, the whole person was transferred, and then stabilized, he was already standing in the horizontal row of palace ridge circle.

Adjust the position, be careful, hold your breath and step forward!


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