Although Dong Zhuo didn't say anything on the surface, in secret, he secretly tested Li Ru several times.

Coupled with Dong Zhuo's performance before, Li Ru was also completely disappointed in him.

Originally, according to Li Ru's plan, he was going to Taoguang to recuperate for a while, and he also took the opportunity to take a break when he dispelled Dong Zhuo's suspicions.

But the situation is strong, even if Li Ru doesn't want to do anything, Dong Zhuo will not let Li Ru go so easily.

As far as Li Ru knew, just the day before, Dong Zhuo bypassed him and secretly summoned several generals in the Xiliang Army.

As for what exactly they were talking about, although Li Ru didn't know, he couldn't think of it?

Otherwise, why should he be spared, you must know that in the past, whenever Dong Zhuo personally participated in the meeting, even if he didn't have time to attend, Dong Zhuo would inform him.

Not like now, when Li Ru learned about this incident, his heart could be described as cool and cool.

Thinking of the invitation from Lin Yang that he had received a long time ago, Li Ru was even more disappointed.

Think about Lin Yang, and then look at the current Dong Zhuo, he is really more popular than people.

For the sake of his own life, although Li Ru would not go directly to Lin Yang, he would definitely not be able to let Dong Zhuo continue like this.

This is also the reason why Li Ru came to Lu Bu, and after explaining this, Lu Bu is also more sympathetic to Li Ru.

After all, for Lu Bu, he was originally an outsider, and it was relatively normal to be excluded by Dong Zhuo, the descendants of the Xiliang Army.

But Li Ru is different, as a veteran of the Xiliang Army, Dong Zhuo can have the current power, which can be said to be inseparable from Li Ru's contributions.

So after Li Ru explained these reasons, Lu Bu agreed without hesitation.

However, for the invitation to defect to Lin Yang that Li Ru had received before, whether it was Li Ru or Lu Bu, there was some rejection of these.

After all, after such a thing happened, they felt that it was better to do it alone, and it was not the husband's work to live under others for a long time.

After discussing these, Li Ru also left, and in the next few days, there was also an undercurrent surging in Chang'an City.

Many generals who have been guarding near Chang'an City have also been dispatched, and the instability in Chang'an City has also given Dong Zhuo a sense of crisis.

So at this time, Dong Zhuo also took Lu Bu to his mansion, so that even if there was really any crisis, he would be able to protect him with Lu Bu's force.

When he learned the news, Li Ru also laughed, and sure enough, the entire Xiliang army left him, and he couldn't discover these conspiracies.

And after these days of walking, Li Ru also persuaded some generals in the Xiliang Army.

After all, they all trust Li Ru very much, and now Dong Zhuo is also disappointing them more and more.

So when Li Ru found them, they also agreed.

After organizing these manpower, Li Ru also launched an attack on Chang'an City.

Of course, it was only limited to the inner city, and for those Xiliang troops who guarded the city wall of Chang'an, Li Ru also pretended to be Dong Zhuo's order to let them guard the city and not worry about the affairs in the city.

Although those people were also a little puzzled, Dong Zhuo's violence over time also made them suppress the doubts in their hearts.

When Dong Zhuo found out that someone was going to attack his mansion, he was also shocked, Dong Zhuo couldn't have imagined that he couldn't receive any news when he was in Chang'an City?

But at this time, he was not allowed to think too much, the most important thing was to call Lu Bu over first.

When he saw Lu Bu walking towards him with Fang Tian's halberd, Dong Zhuo was also a little relieved.

But soon, Dong Zhuo's pupils were also constricted, and at the same time, his gaze also moved.

With a flash of light, Dong Zhuo's wide-eyed head also fell to the ground, and rolled for a distance.

When Lu Bu and Li Ru converged, Li Ru also took advantage of the news of Dong Zhuo's assassination, integrated the rest of the army, and left Chang'an City.

And when they learned the news of Dong Zhuo's death, Li Yu and Guo Yan were also a little shocked, they didn't expect that the danger actually came from within.

But since Dong Zhuo is dead, then the rest of the matter should be up to them.

The two glanced at each other, and from each other's eyes, they also saw the same thoughts as themselves.

Soon the chaos in Chang'an City occurred, although there was a suppression of Li and Guo Yan, but after all, there were still a small number of soldiers of the Xiliang Army who did not obey their ideas.

Faced with this situation, Li Dao Guo Yan also chose to suppress part of it, kill part of it, and let some of it go.

Those Xiliang soldiers who left Chang'an City also defected to Zhang Ji and others.

When these news reached the ears of Zhang Ji and Fan Chou, they were also a little incredulous, but the situation didn't have time to make them think about it.

After all, they were in an awkward position, and they had to find a place to settle down.

The breeze blew across the land, and it also brought the news of Dong Zhuo's death to all the princes.

Compared with the other princes who have been keeping an eye on the changes in Chang'an City, the spies of the four seas have also reported the news to Jia Xu a long time ago.

When he learned the news, Jia Xu also smiled, sure enough, he was not afraid of his opponent but afraid of his pig teammates, although Li Ru was very strong and could see through some of his schemes.

But he couldn't stand Dong Zhuo's comparatively waste, and in the face of his discord plan, Dong Zhuo really believed it.

Even Jia Xu didn't expect that Li Ru would be so ruthless and slaughtered Dong Zhuo without hesitation.

In this way, the forces under Dong Zhuo's command are completely dispersed, and it can be regarded as eliminating a major disaster for them.

It's a pity that Li Ru didn't accept his invitation, but left with Lu Bu.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is gratifying and gratifying, so after getting the news, Li Ru immediately found Lin Yang and told him the news.

And when he learned that Dong Zhuo was killed by Lu Bu, Lin Yang also showed a weird smile on his face.

Lin Yang didn't expect that the general trend of history would be so unchangeable.

He had already taken Wang Yun away from Dong Zhuo's command, and according to history, it should have been Dong Zhuo who Wang Yun designed for Lu Bu to kill.

Now that Wang Yun has left, he actually replaced this person with Li Ru, of course, this is also inseparable from Jia Xu's contributions.

Sure enough, his decision to let Jia Xu take charge of the intelligence department was right.

Only people with a character like Jia Xu can better play its role.

Dong Zhuo's pig teammate won't use his god teammate, but it doesn't mean that Lin Yang doesn't make good use of the talents under his command.

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