After Blizzard's more than 20 people left, there were only nearly 30 people from Death Scythe and more than 50 people from Juxian Pavilion, so the members of Death Scythe were quiet a lot.

"Damn, that guy from Blizzard is too unjust, he just left like this?" Happy Little C complained in the mercenary group channel.

"It's normal. Although Blizzard is not our enemy, but they are not friends. They don't need to be involved in the grievances between us and Juxian Pavilion, but I don't understand why the iron hand hates us so much. This is the third time to grab. Our territory is now." The guarding knight Gui Ming looked solemn and gathered at the Xian Pavilion. This guild is not easy to mess with.

"That iron hand deceives people too much, let's fight with them!" someone suggested.

"Yes, we 27 against more than 50 of them, isn't it 1v2? We have never been afraid of Death Scythe."

"No, if we start the fight, there will be no relaxation between us and Juxian Pavilion. Our Death Scythe has experienced the changes in the previous game, and our vitality has been severely injured. Now we occupy the city of the sunrise, and we will finally recover some. Fighting against the Grand Duke will have disastrous consequences!"

"Old chop, you are an old man of the mercenary group, what happened in the last game? I heard that our mercenary group broke up a big guild, right?"

"That's it, but we also paid a heavy price. The Haier brothers are gone... Well, let's not talk about it yet. Is the matter at hand still not resolved?"


The kindergarten vaguely heard the conversation of the brothers in the mercenary group, but he did not respond. Instead, he looked at the iron hand and said in a deep voice: "Iron hand, now the blizzard is gone, just say whatever you want."

Hearing this, Tie Shou smiled coldly: "What I think you should know, you guys like Death Scythe are determined not to get out of here today."

When the kindergarten heard this, he sneered: "Just rely on you more than 50 people? I'm afraid not?"

"Hahaha, to deal with you, 50 people are enough, but I will give you one chance, so let’s go. The last few times have been my personal grievances with your Death Scythe. If you obediently let us kill once, then I will not pursue the matter, but if you refuse and must resist, then from now on will be the grievances between the entire Juxian Pavilion and you, the head of the kindergarten, you'd better think clearly before making a decision." Tie Shou smiled treacherously. With his 50-person combat configuration, it is indeed not easy to deal with 30 Death Scythes, but it is not impossible to take it down.

There are only more than 50 people brought by Tie Shou, indeed not many, but they are all his cronies and part of the most elite, and most of them are remotely treated. In fact, Tie Shou does not want to bring more people, just because the chairman left Xian has already issued an order, not to cause trouble for some time recently, and is fully leveling up to deal with natural disasters, so Iron Hand can only keep a low profile.

But Tie Shou is the leader of the elite group of Juxian Pavilion. He is one of the characters second only to the chairman Zuo Xian. He leads the team to grab the site to practice leveling. As long as he grabs the site of a powerful guild, it causes unnecessary Zuo Xian will not blame him for the struggle.

The Death Scythe is just a mercenary group with less than a hundred people, which does not belong to the category of the powerful guild. Although some old people in Juxian Pavilion have said not to easily offend this mercenary group composed of PK players, there will be a lot of them. People have also heard of the deeds of the last game of Death Scythe, especially the rival of the Iron Hand Association, Qiufengluye. They are very jealous of the Death Scythe, and do not agree with the Guild's offending the Death Scythe.

But Tie Shou doesn’t care about the opinions of Autumn Wind Falling Leaves at all, because Tie Shou is the president of the Flying Guild that was disbanded by the Death Scythe at the time. Now he changed his name and entered the "New World". One of his goals is revenge, even if he sacrifices Juxian He didn't care about the interests of the cabinet!

After the kindergarten listened to Tie Shou's words, his face was extremely gloomy, and he understood what Tie Shou meant. These few times to deal with the death sickle were just the actions of the iron hands, which had nothing to do with Juxian Pavilion, but if they resisted, they would win. If you kill these people like Iron Hand, you will offend the entire Juxian Pavilion, and you will be wanted by all the members of Juxian Pavilion in the future, so you choose to escape? No, the man with the Reaper's Scythe never flees without a fight.

"Boss! Fight with them! We are not afraid of Juxian Pavilion!" someone in the mercenary group shouted, and this voice quickly caused a chain reaction.

"Boss, what else do you want? Let's start the fight, let's not resist, it is impossible!" Happy Little C persuaded, he saw the kindergarten's hesitation.

"Yes, Boss, isn't the grudge with Iron Hand the grudge with Juxian Pavilion? What else to consider!" The little thief also said to you tonight, they don't know the grudge between Iron Hand and the death sickle. I don’t know that these few actions of Iron Hand are all personal actions, so I don’t understand the kindergarten’s hesitation at this time.

"..." The kindergarten clenched his fists, struggling constantly in his heart. It was not that he didn't want to fight the iron hand, but the price paid for doing so, whether the death sickle can still be paid!

The current Death Scythe is no longer the former Death Scythe. Since flying against the Great Guild in the last game, although it succeeded in making the flight sluggish and finally disbanded, the Death Scythe itself has also been greatly affected.

In order to harass the people of the Flying Guild, Reaper Sickle spent a lot of energy and gave up many opportunities to practice and participate in PK competitions. The whole game is stuck in the fight with the Flying Guild in the middle and late stages. Then this mercenary group with the purpose of PK has long been involved. It lost its meaning. Later, many people left the Death Scythe, including two extremely powerful deputy heads. Although the Death Scythe became famous with this victory, but who can see the extreme decline after the heyday ?

Today’s Death Scythes are almost all new faces. Only some old players who are nostalgic are still with the kindergarten. However, their strength is not strong enough. For example, the "old cut" just talked about. They can't stir up the main beam, a PK mercenary. The regiment or the Grand Guild must have a certain cutting-edge combat power, just like the Blizzard Mercenary Corps, in addition to Blizzard, also has Windmill Brothers and others.

However, the death god's sickle was severely injured and the brain drain was serious. He could only replenish fresh blood, such as Little Rogue and Happy Little C. They all spent a lot of time in the kindergarten looking for and training.

Entering the "New World", the Death Scythe has finally developed to the present, the members of the mercenary group has also increased a lot, and the number of elite group members has increased from the original few to the current nearly 30. The guild is the enemy, the future development of the death sickle will be greatly affected, and even the four words death sickle will disappear in this game. Therefore, as the head of the kindergarten, the entire mercenary group cannot be sacrificed for the struggle of spirit. The future.

But let his brothers lay down their weapons and let people slaughter them. The kindergarten is unwilling. People fight for a sigh. Happy little C and Shimian are all proud young people. If they are asked to give up fighting, they will give up. Their future development will have a very bad impact, so the kindergarten is struggling and hesitant, but no one can understand.

"How? In fact, it's not a big deal to be killed by us once. In a fight, there will always be a win or a loss. This time, it's just a failure. It's just that today, the reputation of your death sickle is not very good. "Iron Hand saw the kindergarten's struggle and couldn't help but said with a smile.

In fact, Tie Shou very much hopes that the kindergarten will resist, so that he can justifiably use the power of the guild to deal with the death sickle, but if he resists, the more than 50 people in Tie Shou may lose more than half, so he will be "kind" Give the death sickle a chance.

The kindergarten’s expression was cloudy and uncertain. Finally, it seemed that it took a lot of determination to say: "Iron Hand, I know you want revenge. Well, my kindergarten stands here and lets you kill 10 times. If 10 times is not enough, 20 times, 30 times. Kill until you are satisfied, but I hope you don’t embarrass us with the Death Scythe in the future."

As soon as the kindergarten said these words, the faces of Happy Little C and others changed drastically. What kind of trouble is their head? However, the kindergarten turned around and gave them a fierce look, making them all shut up.

"How about, Iron Hand?"

Tetshou just heard the kindergarten’s words and was I never thought that the kindergarten would be willing to make such a big sacrifice for the death sickle, but his revenge is not just the kindergarten, but the entire death sickle mercenary group , At the beginning, the Death Scythe destroyed his guild. Now he wants to destroy the Death Scythe. Otherwise, how can he be worthy of the guild brothers who have fought with him. Due to the disappearance of the Flying Guild, some people have left the game forever. Jie, never come back.

Therefore, the iron hand snorted coldly: "Kindergarten, you too value yourself, can you take care of the mistakes you made back then? Even if you can, I will not let go of the death sickle, I iron I once had a group of brothers who could share joys and sorrows, and there was a guild with a harmonious atmosphere. It was because there was a conflict with you, and all of this disappeared. I will never forget this hatred!"

The kindergarten was a little disappointed, but it was not surprised. It seemed that I had guessed Tie Shou’s answer a long time ago. There was no right or wrong in what happened back then, only a different position. Now, Tie Shou’s revenge has just confirmed one sentence: Come out and mix. , Always pay back.

Tie Shou’s refusal left the kindergarten no choice but to fight Tie Shou. He didn’t believe the joke promised by Tie Shou that as long as they did not resist, their grievances would be wiped out. He showed his hatred for the death sickle with his iron hand. Is it possible?

So the kindergarten smiled and changed back to an indifferent appearance, and said, "In that case, how about my death sickle against you Juxian Pavilion again, come on, Iron Hand, I want to see how many years have passed. Have you grown!?"

"Very well, this is the sickle of the **** of death in my memory!" This sentence was not said by Iron Hand. Hearing the kindergarten's words, Iron Hand sank. Then who said this sentence?

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound. In the dark night, two tall figures slowly appeared...

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