Chapter 757: Get up and fight again

Lin Fan had a smile on his face, and at the same time slowly walked over and said, "You guy is also interesting, originally I just wanted to go over like this, but then I thought about it for a while, and I felt that there was nothing wrong with playing with you." "

The two fought again.

The final result was also Wang Lu's loss.

Because he lost to Lin Fan's strategy.

But he also quit willingly, and also looked at the little boys around him and asked them all to leave.

Of course, the little monsters were not convinced, and felt that Lin Fan had used a strategy, so he won over their second boss.

There are also a few mobs who feel that they can swarm at all, and there is no need to have a so-called competition with him.

But in any case, Lin Fan had already won, and now that they said more, it would be useless.

Lin Fan followed the direction of Wang Lu's guidance and began to walk forward.

Finally he came to a stone chamber.

There are many torches in the stone chamber, and each torch has a mark on it.

This also caught Lin Fan's attention.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to collect those marks and analyze what was going on.

But soon he realized a more serious problem.

The marks seemed to have no way to be removed, and although they marked the possibility of taking them, when he reached out and touched them, he only felt the burning of the torch.

Well, it looks like it's just a sign.

Lin Fan also gave up the idea in his heart.

He shook his head slightly, trying to continue walking, but heard a crackling sound in the distance.

It was very loud, like an electric current flickering.

Lin Fan was instantly attracted by the sound, and also walked towards the place where the sound came from.

He saw a large stone appear in front of him.

Inside the stone is a crystal with several dark black clusters of light in the crystal.

He was also instantly attracted to the crystal.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and wanted to touch it, but a strange force hit his fingers, making him subconsciously withdraw his hand.

Several more demon beasts appeared in front of them.

The monsters grinned, but they didn't move, they were more like they were fixed to the wall.

Lin Fan thought for a while before walking over, and then said to them, "Who are you, why are you here?"

"Looks like someone has passed the test set by our boss. One of the monsters trapped on a stone said.

The surrounding demon beasts all nodded.

Lin Fan looked at them even more curiously, and just wanted to ask again, but those people's voices became very sharp.

"I don't think this guy is eligible for our stuff, look at his stupid look. "

"Maybe it was a trick to win our second boss!"

"Why don't you just get rid of him!"

The surrounding demon beasts discussed, and the sound was very, very loud.

Lin Fan felt very speechless, and took a deep breath before continuing: "Even if you want to drive me away, you don't have to be so blatantly plotting, I can hear it." "

But the surrounding demon beasts instantly became excited.

They quickly flapped their wings, and once again formed several dark shadows in the air.

The lights flickered quickly as they flapped their wings.

Lin Fan only felt that there were many things trembling in his ears, and when he looked back, he also saw a huge shadow in front of him.

That shadow was actually a hand, twisting directly in the direction of Lin Fan's head, as if he wanted to tear off his head directly.

However, Lin Fan's movements were more agile and dodged.

When the shadow hand grabbed a stone, it crushed it.

When Lin Fan saw this, he naturally understood that he couldn't be caught, otherwise the end would be very miserable.

He could only dodge as much as he could, and the monster in front of him let out another roar.

He had thought that those guys were still trapped on the rocks around them, but he saw that they could move away from the stones.

That's right, they only used a slight force to rush directly towards Lin Fan,

The atmosphere suddenly became more dangerous.

However, Lin Fan just stared at the demon beasts in front of him expressionlessly.

In his opinion, these guys don't pose a threat, what really poses a threat is the kind of power that doesn't exist in this cave yet.

Although he had sensed the presence of that power, the owner of that power did not appear.

In other words, these guys must be killed before it is possible for the owner of that power to appear?

Thinking so, he put his fists together, and then suddenly burst out a huge air current.

Lin Fan was instantly hit by the air current, and his body was uncontrollably smashed by more than a dozen stones and flew out.

He smashed into the stone pillars around him, and his body flew out of the cave in an instant.

The surrounding demon beasts were also shouting at this time, their eyes revealing joy, in their opinion, Lin Fan's deflated was a very interesting thing.

However, Wang Lu kept looking at Lin Fan with his arms crossed, and said, "Stand up now and continue to fight." "

The surrounding demon beasts didn't understand why Wang Lu was encouraging her, but after thinking about it for a while, they decided to continue shouting and let Lin Fan get out of here.

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