Online Game: Island War

Chapter 408: Ranked battle begins

Since the system does not limit the number of units participating in the qualifying battle, and the qualifying battle will not cause actual casualties, Lei Jiu naturally doesn't mind pulling all the fighters to train.

This also includes the garrison on the island.

Unlike the main battle legion, which has the opportunity to see blood, the garrison has not performed any combat missions since its establishment. Lei Jiu hopes to take this opportunity to let this troop who only has training and has never experienced fighting experience the battlefield.

After all, the garrison shoulders the task of guarding the safety of coastal defense, and the responsibility is still very important.

Of course, to really score points and record records, it also depends on the island's high-end combat power and the main battle legion. Lei Jiu will not have too high demands on the garrison.

This island ranking battle is divided into two parts.

The first link is for points ranking, and the second link is for battle ranking.

Points ranking, as before, kill monsters!

The ranking range is divided by the points obtained by killing monsters in 24 hours.

In the battle ranking, the final ranking is determined by the battle within each point interval.

The integral spans of different intervals are not equal, and the system will divide the interval according to the integral distribution.

This move should be set to prevent the non-weak from being eliminated by the super-strong like Huanghuang Island from the beginning.

Although it is not absolutely accurate to distinguish the strength by the efficiency of killing monsters, it can still be done to distinguish the general strength.

I just don't know how many points intervals the system will eventually divide, and how many players there are in each interval.

The teleportation of this qualifying battle is no longer completed through a narrow teleportation door.

With so many people, it would be a waste of time to go through the portal.

This time, the overall transmission is used.

At 8:00 a.m. on July 1, Lei Jiu brought all the high-end combat power except the sea dragon eels that could not leave the sea, plus 9 legions and garrison troops totaling 190,000+ troops, in a relatively wide open space. wait.

When the time is up, the system sends a query whether to transmit.

The moment Lei Jiu replied to the teleportation, more than 190,000 people disappeared from the spot.

When they reappeared, they were already in an unusually vast plain area.

There are three routes in front, and signs with elementary, intermediate and advanced are erected respectively.

What is marked on the sign is the starting minimum strength of Warcraft in different routes.

Lei Jiu tried it first and found that division of troops was allowed.

Think about it, he brought so many people here this time, if they are all blocked in one passage, it will seriously affect the efficiency of earning points.

Moreover, the gap between the high-end and low-end combat power is too large. If you can only choose one path, you cannot achieve a sufficient training effect.

Needless to say, the garrison regiment chose the primary path and began to practice from the low-level Warcraft.

The 9 major legions, along with the mage and priests, took the middle-level road. First, they cleaned up the middle-level monsters and advanced steadily.

As for the advanced roads, the task of horizontal push was left to the super-order group of Huanghuang Island.

Lei Jiu naturally followed the super-order group. Although the number of individuals here is the smallest, the propulsion ability is indeed the strongest. At least in the beginning stage, he can walk directly with his eyes closed.

The members of the super-order group, including Jiu Ge, Han Bao, Gun Gun, Jiu Feng (little tiger), Jiuzhong 1, 2, and 3 (three Qinglong candidates, are still in the Lv1 super-ranking combat power at this time, who will become Qinglong in the future? , whoever is called Jiuzhong), Jiu Ming 1, 2, and 3 (competitors for the position of Xuanwu, ibid.),

15 angels, the giant dragon army led by Crowley, several ordinary super-orders that have been conquered + random **** in recent years, and Xiang Liu's five amphibious Lv2 super-order beasts.

Apart from the five temple guardian beasts, Lei Jiu did not draw any other combat powers belonging to Chen Dao. First, it was not necessary for him to pick up and drop off from Chen Dao. The second is to keep some hole cards and not allow other players to fully understand their own bottom line.

In fact, the members of the super-order group, in terms of affiliation, all belong to the racial alliance.

But relative to them, the cannon monkeys, vampires, ogres, and cyclops, the other members of the racial alliance, would drag the super-order group back, so they acted separately.

For others, the ranking battle is the ranking battle, but for Lei Jiu, the ranking battle is no different from the previous New Year's activities, and it is still an activity used to earn points.

Since he had to earn points, he naturally had to pay more attention to efficiency, so Lei Jiu did not hesitate to divide his troops.

On the advanced route, the first thing that appeared was a large number of high-level Warcraft.

However, in front of the super-level group of Huanghuang Island, these high-level monsters are not enough to watch.

Pushing horizontally all the way, there was no pause at all, and it was only after rushing to the super-order area that the team's advancing speed decreased.

Different from the New Year's event in previous years, this year's time to kill monsters to get points is only 24 hours. In order to maximize the efficiency of point acquisition, Lei Jiu's front is very open and long.

After 24 hours of continuous slaughter, the Huanghuang Island troops who were divided into three groups suddenly gathered together again.

Lei Jiu, who was watching the battle, saw all the monsters suddenly disappear, and his subordinates assembled, and was slightly taken aback.

However, he quickly reacted, and the first stage of scoring points seems to have passed.

There is no suspense, Huanghuang Island's points once again topped the list, and the total points of 1.9 million are also in the dust.

It is a pity that the time is only 24 hours, and the fighting intensity is not comparable to that of the previous New Year's event. Nine satisfied.

Fortunately, there are also points to be won in the second stage of the battle, otherwise, he would be extremely disappointed with the results of this qualifying battle.

The number of reductions in the main army is not With the support of the mages and the **** of the priests, with the current combat power of the 9 major armies, it is not a problem to push the middle-level and high-level monster areas horizontally. big.

As for the super-order Warcraft, 24 hours was just enough time for them to push the front line to the super-order area. In the case of several legion commanders fighting at the front, there were not many casualties.

On the garrison's side, the downsizing was more obvious.

One is that many fighters are not used to it because of their first participation in the fight. The second is that their combat power is much worse than the main army, and there is no help from the priest group, so even if they only face low-level and middle-level monsters, there will be a lot of attrition.

In the low-level Warcraft area, the situation of attrition is only an individual phenomenon, but in the middle-level area, it is impossible to form a crushing garrison in combat power. As time goes on, the battle is getting worse and worse.

This is a comprehensive gap in experience, discipline, strength, etc. Lei Jiu has no way to smooth it out. Only through this battle, these recruits who have never seen blood have an impression and understanding in their hearts.

After rectifying the garrison troops with nearly one-third of the total attrition, the system sent a teleportation reminder again.

This time, it was still the overall teleportation, and the location where they appeared was still the plain terrain.

However, there are no monsters on the map, and it seems that human figures can be vaguely seen in the distance, which should be under the command of other players...

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