Online Game: Island War

Chapter 335: Copy of famous general

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In the city where the adventurer resides, the system is only responsible for the construction of four buildings, and the rest need to be built by the players themselves.

These four buildings are the dungeon corridor, the task release hall, the Babel Tower and the city wall!

The dungeon corridor, as the name suggests, carries the dungeon entrance, where players enter the dungeons one by one, which is very similar to the gallery of portraits of famous officials and generals in the Soul Tower.

The mission release hall, where Huanghuang Island officially releases missions, also allows players to post missions for a fee.

Although the Tongtian Tower in the resident city is also affiliated to Huanghuang Island, it is different from the Tongtian Tower in Huangxiao City, which covers the whole island through a relay station.

These three buildings will become the core of the resident city, and all restaurants, hotels, drug stores, and equipment stores will be built around this core.

Needless to say, the city wall needs to be built by the system, the key is because Huanghuang Island itself has no rules and power, and it can't limit the players at all.

At the same time, within the range enclosed by the city wall, fighting is prohibited, which is the so-called safe zone.

The resident city, Lei Jiu chose among the mountains in the west.

Uneven terrain?

It's okay, find a deserted island to merge, and operate it like the island where the Dragon Kingdom was originally, and you can make a small plateau that is equal to the mountain.

Of course, you can't go too deep into the mountains, otherwise the building materials will not be transported in.

Moreover, the topography has to be considered comprehensively. From the resident city out of the mountain to the plain area, the eighteen bends of the mountain road are all right, and the nine series of water routes are avoided.

The nine-ring waters in the mountains are not suitable for boating, which seriously hinders traffic.

In the vast plains in the central and eastern part of the island, Lei Jiu had to grow various crops, so he was willing to set out such a large area to build a player city.

Even in the cities where the islanders live, Lei Jiu tried to reduce the scale as much as possible. After all, there are few light and heavy industries on the island. Except for agriculture, water conservancy and construction, there are no labor-intensive operations at all, so there is no need for urbanization. .

Lei Jiu has made a plan. Even if industry and commerce develops in the future, he only intends to build some key cities in light and heavy industrial areas to relatively concentrate the population.

In this way, the corresponding environmental pollution problems are also convenient to standardize and control in a unified manner.

The next day, Lei Jiu took people into the mountains for a walk, looking for a suitable place to build a city closer to the plain area.

It took a few days for Lei Jiu to finally choose a location, and he postponed the Mage Island, which had originally decided to merge, until the next time.

This time, he found a level 3 island with relatively flat terrain and threw it into the site he had chosen to build the city.

The third-level island with a thickness of up to 1000 meters fell down, and the mountainous terrain of the nearby boss directly turned into a plateau. Then, the engineering team on the island began to continuously transport building materials to this plateau.

The first to get up were the three buildings such as the dungeon corridor, because compared to the city wall, the building materials required for these three buildings were not worth mentioning.

The building efficiency of the system has never been unparalleled.

As long as the building materials are prepared, the three buildings are just three white lights covering the system, and they can be built in the blink of an eye.

Let the engineering team continue to deliver building materials, and Lei Jiu began to consider the construction of the dungeon.

Speaking of building a dungeon, in fact, Lei Jiu does not need a little bit of self-built maps, detailed arrangement of level monsters, design drops, etc. He only needs to enter the general information of the dungeon, and the system can automatically generate it.

Of course, if Lei Jiu is addicted, he has to design a little by himself, and the system will not stop him.

Only after he has designed the dungeon, he will evaluate how many gold coins he needs to invest every day to maintain the dungeon he designed.

The automatic generation is reversed. He first sets how much he intends to spend to maintain this dungeon, and whether the main body of the dungeon is dark, bloody, ordinary, or Q version, happy.

Coupled with the overall size of the dungeon, the number of levels, monster strength and other information, the dungeon will be randomly generated.

Lei Jiu can also specify the category of the items produced by the dungeon, but the specific value is directly linked to the input. There is no such thing as wanting to pay more, but still want high output.

The background and process of dungeons related to famous historical officials and generals are fixed, and they are set according to the corresponding famous officials and generals. The input-output ratio of this type of dungeon is much higher than that of ordinary dungeons, but correspondingly, the output items of this type of dungeon are also fixed, and the island owner cannot specify.

Of course, as long as the investment is increased and the maintenance cost is increased, the quantity and quality of the output items will increase accordingly, and this will never change.

To build such a dungeon, apart from investing money, the only requirement is that there must be a corresponding general on the island.

Like Huanghuang Island, you can now build dungeons related to Lu Bu, Li Yuanba, Qin Qiong, Han Xin, Li Si, Gan Ning, Huang Gai and Wei Zhongxian.

Since the input-output ratio of the dungeons of famous officials and generals is higher, Lei Jiu naturally wants to get such dungeons first, and this dungeon is more attractive to players, right?

Not only is it influenced by celebrity effects, but with a higher input-output ratio, Lei Jiu can make more profits to increase its attractiveness.

Just do what he says, Lei Jiu plans to get a copy of Lu Bu first.

As he expected, the background of the dungeon was the battle of Hulao Pass.

The content is definitely impossible to fight like Lei Jiu challenged Lu Bu. There are still many soldiers and lieutenants in the dungeon.

Hua Xiong is also there, but because Lei Jiu doesn't have Hua Xiong's general soul, killing Hua Xiong here will not lose his exclusive title and attribute items.

It is enough to defeat Lu Bu, because Huanghuang Island has the soul of Lu Bu.

Of course, the exclusive title of defeating Hua Xiong is definitely far less attractive than the exclusive title obtained by defeating Lu Bu: Lu Bu among the people!


Warm wine kills Huaxiong?

Please, this title belongs to Guan Yu, okay? You dare to claim that you are comparable to Guan Gong after defeating Hua Xiong?

The difficulty of the copy is graded, so these titles are also graded.

The dungeon starts at level 0, with a small file every 10 levels, and a large file at level 100.

Taking Guan Gong as an example, players can obtain titles such as Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong, Killing Yan Liang, Zhu Wen Chou, Wu Sheng and so on.

A title like Wu Sheng is naturally obtained by defeating Guan Yu, who is at his peak strength.

There are not so many titles of Lu Bu. From the beginning to the end, he is Lu Bu among the people. The difference lies in the color of the title, the pale white board, how can someone's noble diamond be dazzling?

For some players who are more concerned about practical benefits, these facade-adorning titles may be generally, but it is absolutely impossible for them to let go of the attribute beads that can be swiped once per small file.

The attribute beads produced by the C-level and B-level famous officials and generals can add 1 attribute, strength beads add strength, agility beads add agility...

2 points for A-level, 3 points for S-level.

And every 10 levels, that is, a small file, each of the four attribute beads can only be used once.

Therefore, compared to the C-level, B-level and A-level, holding the copy of the S-level general soul establishment has the competitiveness of the dominant level.

Although the rewards of the famous general dungeon are more than these, the most attractive ones are definitely these.

Of course, the explosion rate of this thing is very, very low.

However, that is an attribute. The four items add up to 12 attributes, or once every 10 levels, even if the explosion rate is low, everyone has to fight!

With this big killer, Lei Jiu is not afraid that the players will not come, but he is afraid that too many people will come and the whole city will be overcrowded...

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