Online Game: Island War

Chapter 251: source of magic

For Lei Jiu, the only advantage of this angel feather is that after using it, he can directly get an archangel with full combat power (the combat power reaches his upper limit), and he does not need to spend time to slowly cultivate it.

At this stage, this is a reason for a lot of extra points. After all, everyone is rushing to fight and grab the soul. This is also the part that Lei Jiu can't understand the most.

Did this vampire in the sun have water in his head?

If there is no problem with the other party's head... then there is something in his Millennium Earl Island that excludes or restricts him and makes him have to give up calling the Archangel.

It can make him give up the things or creatures of the Archangel with full combat power... It seems that everyone has a lot of good things in their hands!

After all, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp that can be among the best.

In the end, Lei Jiu decided to leave it alone and automatically returned after half an hour.

Time passed slowly, and Lei Jiu had already started the public sacrifice with his subordinates. Once a reminder came, Lei Jiu might not have time to deal with it immediately.

Fortunately, it's not like I haven't had time to take a look for half an hour in a row. Therefore, unless he is indecisive, he will automatically reject it after half an hour, and the others will either pass or reject.

After going back and forth several times, Lei Jiu passed three more, all of which were mines!

One water element crystal ore, two magic material ore, the value is not low, at least several hundred million.

Lei Jiu was also very depressed, because he found that if the bright crystal ore is excluded, it seems that these people are richer than him!

There are actually two people who can come up with a large-scale elemental crystal ore, which makes Lei Jiu feel very happy and satisfied with only a medium-sized elemental crystal ore in his hand!

This severely hit Lei Jiu's confidence in his level of luck.

If it weren't for the support of a bright crystal mine, Lei Jiu would have wondered if he had gone to Africa to become a chief.

When the public sacrifice was almost over, Lei Jiu was helpless when he saw the Angel Feather submitted to him for the third time. This vampire in the sun is really persistent. Forget it, pass it!

At least, after passing Angel's Feather, my Lord Glory can come up with something good. This one has been rejected by Lei Jiu twice. If he is interested in Angel Feather, he must think about it.

As for the last undetermined one, it is Rhode Island.

It wasn't that Lei Jiu rejected it. This guy didn't submit an application from start to finish, and he didn't know if the other party didn't get up at all.

Think about it carefully, this is really not possible!

After all, the island owner players are all distributed in different time zones.

It's just... Could it be that some of the other people are also staying up late? If it is really affected by time zones, it makes no sense that only the eternal knights are still sleeping, right?

In other words, for the system to engage in such global activities, it should temporarily unify the time zone, otherwise it will not be easy to carry out!

I don't understand!


Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, and the application of the Rhode Island owner has arrived... er, it is not an application, the value of the items provided by others is high enough, and the system has passed directly.

Source of Magic: Artifact (Half Destroyed)

An artifact belonging to the God of Magic. After the God of Magic disappeared, this artifact disappeared.

Right now, this half-destroyed artifact only retains a small portion of its power.

Effect: Within a radius of one kilometer from the source of magic, all your units are in a state of infinite magic.

The source of magic? It is another auxiliary artifact, and it is also half-destroyed, retaining only a small part of its abilities.

By the way, can this thing be replicated by the system?

Although it is not marked, the artifacts should be unique, right?

The Eternal Knights actually took this thing out, can they guarantee to grab it back? Are you confident enough? Looking down on Huanghuang Island?

If you are not confident, you are stupid!

The effect of this thing at this stage can be great!

What? Did not see it?

Other players can't come up with a ship now, and they don't want to stay in the sea with sculls.

But with the source of magic power, it is completely different. Organize some air magicians and blow hard with wind magic!

Anyway, there is a source of magic power, and the mana will not be exhausted. As for mental consumption, let the mages work in three shifts.

Not to mention that in the future, in large-scale wars, the importance of the source of magic power cannot be ignored. Although the radius of one kilometer is a bit small, it is enough for the mages to stand close together.

Infinite magic power is one of the most powerful Buffs for magicians.

No matter what others think, Lei Jiu is bound to win this half-destroyed artifact anyway.

The steamship trial on Huanghuang Island is about to end. Lei Jiu doesn't need a blower to flow the sailing battleship, but with the source of magic, Huanghuang Island is below nicotine, and the value of the mages who master flying thaumaturgy skyrockets!

Why is flying thaumaturgy always tasteless? Is it because the mana is consumed too fast?

Once there is a source of magic power, oh, what is the need for a Qi-type mage to blow the sails in external battles, and the spar-powered ships do not need to go up and down directly, taking the flying route.

If it wasn't for the clouds under his feet, he could directly pretend to be a heavenly soldier.

The source of magic, must be won! For Lei Jiu, this thing has almost the highest level of importance and priority. Other players do not have flying thaumaturgy in their hands, so the value is not so high.

Knowing that there was a chance to get this thing, Lei Jiu would not enshrine the **** of the ocean as the main god, and the big deal would not go to the sea and fly in the sky all the time.

It's a pity that a thousand pieces of gold are hard to buy. I knew earlier that the main **** enshrined in the main god's seat cannot be replaced.

Now, my Lord is the only one left to honor himself. Before and after, this person has been rejected by Lei Jiu 5 times, and the value of what he took out did not exceed 10 million.

Judging by the urgency of this guy, it doesn't look like he doesn't want to take out something good!

No... This guy is really poor, right?

In fact, whether the island owners and players have good things in their hands depends not only on their strength, but also on their luck.

If you are born with bad luck, no matter how high your strength is, you will definitely be shy. After all, the era of big robbery among players has just begun. Except for a few lucky ones, I haven't encountered any players that can be grabbed.

Speaking of the glory of our Lord, at first glance, he is a devout believer. Under the protection of God, his luck should not be so bad... right?

S-rank Huo Qubing's challenge card?

The value given by the system is 10 Of course, now let the player spend 10 million to buy such a card, no one will do it, because no one except Lei Jiu can come up with so much cash, unless Sell ​​mines.

In short, this kind of thing that is difficult to realize value at the current stage and has no uniqueness in itself cannot be compared with the items provided by other 8-bits.


In view of the fact that this Jihad Island owner seems to be really poor, and Lei Jiu really values ​​this S-rank challenge card, because the most suitable general soul for Xiao Fagu is Huo Qubing!

In a word, in view of the above two points, Lei Jiu has passed the application of our Lord Glory. It is estimated that if Lei Jiu hadn’t refused strangers to add friends, he must have written a letter to thank his friend in Jia Lei Jiu now, right?

The other 8 bits may not be so satisfied.

What about him, Lei Jiu has the right to decide anyway, even if they are not satisfied, they can still come over and beat him? Anyway, as long as you pass, you can no longer withdraw, because at the same time as passing, the prize has been taken away by the system.


Although they couldn't come to Huanghuang Island to beat Lei Jiu, they could still do it in the event that was about to start in a while.

As long as they have this strength!

At 12:30, Lei Jiu ate something and went to the military plane.

When I arrived at the gate, I found that nine of them had arrived early, "Go, follow me in!"

The group came to the backyard, and there was an extra portal beside the grandfather. Seeing Lei Jiu and the others coming, the grandfather made a gesture of invitation.

Can you get in now?

Chong Grandpa nodded and shouted in his heart, "The prizes, I'm here!", Lei Jiu took the lead and walked in...

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