The attribute of this shield is really amazing. All the members of the team were stunned. With this shield, not only the fruit Knight is more powerful, but the two aura skills can greatly increase the team’s survivability.

Don’t talk about elemental immunity, it’s the group shield, which is extremely domineering.

Even if it only has half the effect on the players, that is 75% of the fruit Knight’s health.

More than half of mt’s blood volume is already more than the total blood volume of most players. This shield is a life for other professions.

As for the light angel, the incidental 225% damage allows the fruit Knight’s damage to follow.

Even though the damage of the Holy Sect army is not weak, there is still a gap compared to the output class of elite occupations.

But this skill can make her burst out of damage. Even though there are only five damages in a short period of time, five times are enough in the battle of life and death.

“Fate is suffering.” The guardian angel’s eyes straightened: “It seems that I want to get this shield only after a long, long time.”

Everyone is happy. , Looked at the counterattack shield in his hand and laughed.

In fact, the counterattack shield is also good now, it has been strengthened to +7, but it pales in comparison to this golden shield.

The Peerless Demon Ji said: “The game is really similar to reality, one step ahead, step by step. Three more pieces of gold are added to the team, which is too beneficial for the battle behind.”

Everyone is nodded, just looking at a piece of equipment is so against the sky, it is really abnormal.

“Although these equipments are good, they don’t need to be deliberately pursued. They are all transitional things.” Li Yao stopped everyone’s words and said: “Next, it’s yours for the little match.”

Little match is nodded, and said: “I still listen to the boss, and choose the light therapy necklace.”

After a while, a pale rays of light appeared on the table. .

Although everyone can feel that this is holy light, they still feel a heavy dead aura, as if it is a dark and decadent aura covered by light, making everyone feel suffocated.

“This should be the breath of an angel of death.”

Seeing everyone still wondering, Peerless Demon Ji said: “I also went to the Neutral Continent yesterday to find some information about heaven. There is not only one archangel in heaven, but different archangel in charge of heaven. They each perform their duties and have their own priesthood. The angel of death is the angel who controls Death Power.”

Hitomi curiously asked: “Then who is the Archangel who is launching the task for us now?”

Peerless Demon Girl frowned and said: “My information is not comprehensive, but that book mentions a prophecy, saying that heaven The fallen angel of justice will surely be banished. When he re-enters heaven, justice is done. Therefore, I guess that the true leader of the neutral camp should be this angel of justice.”

” , No wonder.” Everyone suddenly.

“Now he is no longer an angel of justice. He has even given up on the wings of the archangel representing the priesthood. Except for the sword of justice, he can’t even use his armor normally.” Peerless Demon Fairy Explanation.

Tianxiang said suddenly: “I remember that the president got the Wings of Justice. If we get it together, wouldn’t it be possible to enshrine the gods?”

“It is certainly possible.” Peerless Demon Ji said: “Others haven’t realized this, so don’t tell it to others.”

Everyone was nodded, and the eyes looking towards Li Yao were filled with envy with joy.

Li Yao didn’t explain. His elite career means that he is impossible to be a god by the wings of justice. But he did not explain, but looked towards the necklace of Little Match.

Sigh of the Angel of Death

Quality: Golden Legendary

Spirit: 8%

Intelligence: 8%

Endurance: 8%

Death resistance, facing damage that can be fatal, the death angel’s sigh will form an invincible shield to block the damage, and absorb 50% of the transformed damage power to replenish the wearer’s health. The effect can only start once in 5 minutes.

Death will, the wearer will not disappear after death, but will transform into the angel of death to continue fighting. If all around has enough death energy, the death will will resurrect after it disappears. This effect will be triggered in half an hour once.

Angel of death, the wearer and the wearer’s teammates will absorb part of Soul Power when killed by the sigh of the death angel. When a certain threshold is reached, it will summon a death angel. Each death angel can strengthen 5% of all attributes of the wearer can increase all 3% of all attributes of the wearer’s team. Death angels can appear up to 5, and each death angel can resurrect a dead teammate in battle.

Wearing requirements: Bright Healing Department occupation

Wearing level: 25-35 (growable)

“I really chose the wrong path. If I return It’s good to be treated.”

The guardian angel’s eyes are red, and this necklace is too terrifying.

Li Yao directly took out two soul-bound scrolls, handed them to the two, and said: “You can use these two scrolls for gold equipment. You can die within ten days without falling. This The two equipment is too helpful to the team and should not be lost.”

Both of them used up the scrolls worth one hundred gold coins without the slightest hesitation. They only have the right to use this equipment. If you don’t have the right to sell, if you lose it, you will have to compensate the guild for items of equal value.

This is the requirement of all the core members of the guild, and it is stated in the contract, otherwise.

There was no such law ordinance before, and there are many examples of people with bad moral character getting the guild’s top pretend to sell them privately.

“With this golden outfit, as long as the little match does not die, our team is equal to one more life, plus the quiet recovery, there will be a surplus.” Qin Fengyi said.

Everyone smiled bitterly, now it’s not so easy to want a little match to die.

A death-free skill is too bad, and even if you die, you can continue to fight. If the energy of death is enough, it can be resurrected, and others will play a sister.

Don’t say that this necklace gives a small match for the skill, even an ordinary treatment will become a top treatment with this necklace.

Li Yao said: “The third effect requires the team to kill monsters, and it is estimated that there is a lot of demand. I am afraid it is not so easy to summon five angels of death.”

“Anyway, you have to kill monsters. It doesn’t matter if you need more. After all, the effect is so guarded.” Sister Li said with a smile, such a guarded effect, I definitely need more. Everyone also watched it very openly and became more confident in the second round.

The two used soul-bound scrolls, and then cancelled the rays of light equipped, but even so, everyone can see that the two pieces of equipment are out of the ordinary.

At this time everyone looked towards Li Yao, eyes burning.

Li Yao said with a smile: “You all have seen the strength of the gold outfit. My opportunity is not used. Whoever wants it has to say it quickly.”

” You hurry up, I really thought that Sister Li was eating dry food. The people she chose would value the equipment so much? Besides, this kind of person would not be accepted by us.” Peerless Demon Ji whited Li Yao and said, “Hurry up. “

Li Yao smiled bitterly again: “Okay, my little Divine Item necklace should also be changed. I will choose the necklace too.”…

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