However, the effect of this seemingly reckless behavior was immediate. Shengshi went to the station this time, which was tantamount to becoming a rootless man.

Let them see the weak side of Shengshi. Many people’s strength began to stir. Not to mention the domineering guilds of Shengshi, that is, guilds without festivals. There are many guilds who want to step on the top of Shengshi. Must be.

In the face of a pack of wolves glare like a tiger watching his prey, Sheng Shi chose a guild that was a bit worse than the big guild, and settled this guild neatly and quickly. Smashed.

Even though most of the players in this guild are already twenty three-four, most of Shengshi is at level 20, but under the attack of Shengshi, this big guild has no resistance at all.

In just four hours, the guild’s efforts have been put to waste.

At the same time, it also shocked the wolves who began to stir, and made everyone understand that the gap between the top guild and the big guild simply cannot be compensated by the level.

Of course, all guilds have become cautious after experiencing this continuous event.

The trade union battle is too terrifying, and Shengshi doesn’t know who it provokes. The guild resident is destroyed, and there is no possibility of recovery.

And Prosperity took a guild power, the guild residence was also destroyed, although it can be rebuilt, but the loss is also very huge, the huge guild went bankrupt and collapsed.

For a time, the gunpowder among the guilds was obviously weakened a lot, but it made the atmosphere of the festival activities intensified. All guilds seized the opportunity of activities to increase their levels frantically.

Because many guild leaders know that the climax of the event is coming, if there is not enough level, even the qualifications to participate.

In this case, Li Yao walked out of his lord’s mansion and activated the token that Archangel gave him.

A colorful rays of light enveloped him, and then Li Yao directly disappeared in place.

Li Yao found himself in an in the sky, this emptiness and weirdness, bizarre and motley, Li Yao was floating in the sky.

Here, Li Yao can only see all kinds of brilliance, but can’t feel up and down, as if there is no the ebbing of time.

“system: You feel countless mysterious breaths washing your soul, your soul feels trembling, as if returning to the mother body, your soul and body are nourished by inexplicable power, your The senses are more sensitive, and your body is stronger and more sensitive.”

“system: Get the baptism of the source world, all basic attributes are increased by 15%, your agility and senses are increased by 30%, and your The battle strength has been improved, and the grade has been upgraded to Yinying level.”

“system: Because of the stimulation of Titan equipment, you become a Samsung Yinying.”

Li Yao feels himself It became stronger, but within a few seconds, it reminded me that I had become a Samsung Yinying. Naturally, his attributes have been improved again.

“Is this the benefit of the main task? It hasn’t even started yet, but it has actually benefited.” Li Yao was shocked. If he had known this, he would have come.

This kind of improvement, not to mention attack and so on, is the increase in sensitivity. It is not impossible to kill a demonic beast boss by trying some other means.

“You really did not disappoint me. The average person will get benefits when you come here, but you can directly surpass the current Life Level, but you are the first.” Archangel does not know when he will appear in Li Yao’s side.

The so-called grade is the so-called Life Level, from ordinary to elite, from elite to silver, from silver to commander or lord, every transformation is a transformation of Life Level.

For most people, the level is easy to improve, but the transformation of Life Level is very difficult.

Don’t say it’s an npc, it’s a player, it’s not that you can be promoted directly after completing the task.

The first few levels are a little better, but since Yinying, it is more difficult to transform each time.

“Many thanks Archangel, I didn’t do anything, so I enjoyed this treatment. I was really flattered.” Li Yao sincerely thanked him, he had too many things, and he planned to decide after Level 30 This saves him a lot of time.

Archangel waved his hand long and said, “This is your chance. This place is just an imitation made by me. It is a place where I realize the laws of the world. It is not that magical. You know, this is me. What’s the imitation?”

Li Yao knew it for a long time, but he couldn’t say that he is a little recruit now. There is no such deep-seated thing in the library. The queen is even more impossible with him Say these.

So Li Yao shook his head blankly and said, “I don’t understand, is it the universe?”

“You are a little bit knowledgeable, but it is still too limited. What I simulate here is world.” Archangel said long.

“world.” Li Yao cooperated with a dazed expression.

Archangel has no doubt about him, and continued: “Yes, it is the world. The world I call is not the universe you are talking about, and it is not the main material plane of the ancient god where we are. It’s not the ethereal world of exhausted dreams, but I said above that these are all included in this World.”

“But what I see is just the void.” Li Yao said.

“It’s not surprising that your Life Level and strength are too low, so naturally you can’t touch them.” Archangel said with a long smile: “Originally, these things should be that when you are strong enough, your instructor wants I told you, but I found that you have great potential for growth and have too strong control over the use of power. Even when I was at your level, I would not be your opponent. You will set foot in this field sooner or later. So tell some in advance Nothing.”

“Does this have something to do with my mission this time or Angel Wings?” Li Yao asked suspiciously.

Archangel nodded said: “Naturally it matters, don’t worry. I will describe our world view first, so that you can understand the importance of this mission more clearly, and let you Obtaining some benefits from the mission.”

Li Yao nodded, said: “Listen to the ears.”

“The entire world is composed of countless oppositions, light and shadow, order and chaos, Life and death represent the ultimate power of this World.”

Archangel waved his hand long, and the entire world was illuminated by several brilliance.

“Of course, there are also elements that are important, earth, fire, water, and wind, the specific composition of the soul, the illusion world, and the material world. Our ancient god world is one of the material planes, which is the material A drop in the ocean in the plane.”

Li Yao listened to nodded, there are several material planes just touched, such as the hometown of the orcs, the hometown of the draenei, etc., the so-called material The plane may be a planet, or it may be a continent suspended in the sky.

Archangel let Li Yao digest for a while, then asked: “Do you know what the ultimate world is?”

Li Yao didn’t rush to answer, he knew, This is also part of the task, and different answers will have unpredictable effects on future tasks or rewards.

Li Yao can move towards a good direction after careful consideration…

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