Countless players are jealous and hateful. This kind of opportunity can’t be bought with money. The benefit of knowing advanced NPCs is more than just such a little bit.

Especially, players from other guilds are wondering how to trigger this kind of mission, and want to know advanced npc.

Seeing that the Chief Ox Head Man stood up, he was overjoyed in the prosperous age and said: “It’s very good. Two damn insects dare to invade the resident under the chief, but facing the chief is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.”

The chief’s complexion with a serene face suddenly changed, and he said: “insect, what’s the name?”

“What is greed? Rot, Aiya, I have forgotten the specific name, anyway, it is a demonic beast of level sixty.” Shengshi Kuangsheng did not pay attention to the name of the boss, he felt unnecessary.

However, Chief Bullhead froze. He rolled his eyes and suddenly said: “Aiya, I almost forgot the major event. The Chieftain just notified me and asked me to transport a batch of supplies. It’s very important. I must be escorted by myself. I’m not going to keep you. Really, I forgot about such an important thing. Damn it.”

Seeing the expert style just now The chief immediately changed his face, and the prosperous age was stunned.

But he hurriedly chased it out and said: “Chief, our guild residence is occupied by monsters, you can’t leave it alone.”

“Asshole thing, the affairs of the chieftain are still important to you. The matter is important. It delayed the affairs of the Great Chief. Did you delay it?” Chief Stone Expander coldly snorted and said, but in his heart he thought of what monster your sister’s bastard would provoke. It’s not good, Shizhaofeng can’t provoke it. Monster, you got offended.

Let me take care of it, did I take care of it? I’m just a senior leader of the sixtieth level, but I’m a demonic beast. Fortunately, I can ask myself clearly, otherwise it’s not a courting death. .

These two damn insects occupy the highest peak of Shiclaw Peak and the earth veins fire. I don’t know how many years, how overbearing the centaur was before.

Sent an army to encircle and suppress, but the result is not to lose the soldiers and replace the generals. With my own manpower, self-protection is reluctant, and I want to provoke this kind of monster. What are you kidding me?

As for a small guild resident, it will be occupied. As long as it is not occupied by the Expanding Stone tribe, they will not be able to choose another resident.

“Then, when will you be free.” Shengshi Kuangsheng refused to give up. Now the guild resident has been destroyed. If it is not resolved soon, this place will be abandoned.

“cough cough, what about this, it’s hard to say, who knows if the warchief has other missions, alas, for example, the battle against the centaur before and after, when I was busy for several years without rest, Alas, it’s difficult for the Expansion Stone tribe.” Chief Expansion Stone waved his hand in melancholy: “Ai, forget it, that’s it.”

Chief Expansion Stone hurriedly left, and Sheng Shi Kuangsheng wanted to chase him. Go up, but are directly stopped by Ox Head Man guards.

Ox Head Man seems simple and honest, but if you think they are stupid, you would be wrong, but it is true that Bull Head believes in Mother Earth and has a peaceful personality.

If it is other seeds, it is possible to directly kill the prosperous life.

The light curtain disappeared, and the residence of this prosperous age was silent. The faces of all the players in the prosperous world are hot.

And the audience is have a big laughter. The live broadcast rooms of several anchors are covered by 66666666 full screens. Several anchors are also dry and don’t know what to say.

The slap on the face is really that Shengshi wanted to show off their strength, but their goal was achieved.

Who knows, the extreme joy turns to sorrow once again in the prosperous world, this kind of mood is hard to describe what it is like.

Prosperity players today can be said to be overjoyed and compassionate.

When they encountered the demonic beast siege, they were first killed. In despair, the guild displayed two altars, which immediately turned things around.

The result was only a few seconds away. An explosion brought them back to hell. After some battle and slaughter, their level basically fell to 20th.

Then they launched the scrolls to gain hope again. After killing two bosses, they can upgrade to twenty four-five level, which not only has no loss, but also earned. With so many demonic beast materials, there is basically no loss.

However, when the two bosses were half-blooded, two insects appeared, and once again a major killer, this time it was almost desperate. The two horned eagle beasts they could kill were also Scared away. There is no place to reason, hope is dashed.

Then Vice-President said that he could be a gatekeeper, and they were comforted. If this were the case, even if they dropped out, they would endure it.

No matter what, the sky-shaking explosion once again turned the entire guild residence into ruins.

There is no hope for the level recovery, and then they use the means again, spending a lot of gold coins and want to ask an expert.

As a result, your sister, the so-called powerhouse was scared away when she heard the names of two insects, and even the deposit they gave was not returned.

Today, there is a wave after wave, which is really frustrated. They are players in the prosperous age. When did they suffer from this loss, but today one by one eggplants like frost, a little Essence, Qi, and Spirit are gone.

No need for tomorrow, now Shengshi has been discredited.

What’s even more hateful is that your sister, who on earth played them so badly, can’t even find the target of revenge. This boring loss, they are pretty sure.

“Good thief, dare to hit the idea of ​​our warehouse, you are courting death.” Suddenly angry roar woke everyone up again.

“Not good, the guild resident is abolished, the guild warehouse is unsafe, fucking, courting death.” The beast whisperer finally thought of something wrong.

“Kill over and kill him.” Cousin Shengshi and their eyes were red.

Li Yao appeared in a fairly complete building at this time, didn’t expect one or two invisible thieves, and a warehouse manager inside.

The two gatekeepers were killed by Li Yao, but the administrator still shouted out.

“A warlock, then you are dead.”

A beam of black light flashed by, and the warehouseman was killed directly.

Li Yao closed the door again, and then locked it. Although it didn’t matter what it was, but if it was delayed for a while, he could get more.

After so long delay, so much money spent, it is not his style not to harvest anything.

Li Yao directly took some things against the door, and then went to the warehouse.

Now this warehouse is a treasure chest with a lock, and the level of the guild warehouse is not high, his master key can take a while to open.

Li Yao turned the key over and over, watching the progress bar slowly go, throwing out bottles of fuel and barrels of explosives over and over.

At the same time, the door of the warehouse also rang loudly. People outside opened the lock, but they were held back by something, and they directly started hitting the door.

“No matter who you are, you are courting death. You don’t even want to run away, but you want to rob the warehouse. It’s really greedy.” The tone of the beast whisperer was full of cold air.

“Resurrect some people and surround this warehouse to see how he can escape.” Sheng Shi’s cousin said angrily.

“Death by yourself, now you are a turtle in the urn.” Sheng Shi Kuangxiao laughed…

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