“Who is plotting against us.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao was going crazy.

According to the clues obtained, it seems that there is only one person plotting against them. What a damn it is, how is it possible for one person to play them like this.

“It’s not time to find this person. I have solved two insects.” The Beast Whisperer has recovered from the blow.

“en.” Cousin Shengshi also calmed down and said: “People in the guild hall pay attention to the insect egg you see, uh…”

Brother tangled, if according to his idea, it would be best to smash it, and the horned eagle boss that would be killed by this kind of toy would run away.

“Get out, don’t break it, maybe you get an insect egg insect and you will leave.” The beast whisperer said quickly.

“Also.” Cousin Shengshi echoed.

The prosperous players inside want to put the insect egg into the backpack, but they can’t do it at all.

“No, I can’t bear a backpack.”

“Then find a few more people to carry it out.” Sheng Shi Kuang shouted, “Are you pigs.”

The people of the prosperous age were divided into two groups and carried the eggs out.

The two insects that were violently attacking the hall stopped their attacks, and a soft expression flashed in their eyes.

“After playing for so long, how could it end like this.”

Seeing this situation, Li Yao flashed a cold light in his eyes, and a small hand appeared in his hand. Statue, he gently put a crystal into the groove of the statue, and then threw it out.

As he threw the statue, his silhouette also appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, Li Yao was at the top of the hall.

“It was him, he killed us.”

The Small Captain who was killed by Li Yao said quickly.

The beast whisperer didn’t care about the insect anymore, he quickly resurrected, and said loudly: “Your Excellency is who, why plot against Shengshi?”

Li Yao did not look at him, but Looking at the falling statue, when the statue was about to fall, it was suddenly hit by black rays shooting from all sides.

The statue rays of light flashed and disappeared into the void, and then a large amount of gray gas emerged from the mountain of corpses.

This time, the gray gas is extremely rich, and I don’t know how many times it has become stronger.

The gray gas formed a thick gray mist, and the entire resident was hazy.

And the bodies of the two insects wrapped around the eggs also stopped, the two eggs gave out rays of light, and all around the gray mist was absorbed by the eggs as if they had been pulled.

The two glittering eggs are like magnets, like the center of two vortex.

The level of two insects is so high, the wisdom is naturally not low.

Seeing this situation, screamed in surprise.

It occurred to them that their lair has been destroyed. Going back now, I don’t know how long it will take to arrange it in the original state.

They looked at all around, the demonic beast corpses and the players’ bones all over the floor. Isn’t this the ideal place for the nest?

Thinking of this, the two insects looked back again, and one breathed in lava.

Just after relaxing, the prosperous players at the entrance of the lobby were directly killed in seconds.

Two insects pushed the egg into the hall, then turned around, red light appeared in his eyes.

The animal whisperer was angry with a trace of bad emotions. He looked towards Li Yao who was still at the top and said, “What did you do?”

Li Yao lightly saying: “The two insect nests were destroyed. This place is full of decaying and destructive energy. It is a good place for them to incubate their eggs. What do you say they are going to do.”

The Beast Whisperer’s face suddenly turned pale, what else can he do, Naturally, I will treat this as a home.

“Who are you, are you a transformation card?” The Beast Whisperer took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Li Yao said with a smile: “Guess.”

“Fuck, little bitch, you are courting death.” Sheng Shi Kuang pointed at Li Yao and shouted. : “Do you know that you are looking to provoke who? You don’t know what troubles you will face. If you are acquainted, quickly get rid of these two insects, or else…”

Li Yao shrugged Shrugged and said: “Why else? I’m here. Come and bite me.”

“Fuck, kill him for me.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao shouted.

“Don’t attack, do you want to die?” The Beast Whisperer is more than a player who wants to attack Li Yao. Now Li Yao is at the top of the building, what if he rashly attacks two insects and annoys them?

“Code, you wait.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao said with gritted teeth.

Li Yao smiled and said nothing.

“Alright, the main entrance cannot be entered, but we can’t go in. We can also operate the guild hall outside. Instead, we have two more powerful gatekeepers for our guild. They are guarded. Who can break through our guild hall.” The beast whisperer saw Li Yao jump to another building, lightly saying: “speaking of which we also want to thank you, don’t run, let’s talk.”

“Originally, I really wanted to leave, but it made sense to hear what you said. Why did I find a gatekeeper for you, I’m not reconciled.” Li Yao said disappointedly.

“hmph, persisting in evil brings about self-destruction.” Cousin Shengshi looked much better.

What the Beast Whisperer said makes sense. Although it is inconvenient, the insect will not attack them indiscriminately. Doesn’t this mean that there is an extra powerful gatekeeper.

Such a tyrannical boss made up for all the losses.

“hahaha, it’s so cool to lift a rock and hit myself in the foot.” Sheng Shi Kuang Shao laughed.

Li Yao suddenly took out a controller with a red button, and said sorry: “Aiya, fortunately I have other preparations, otherwise it will be really cheap for you. Guess it, this is What? There will be rewards for correct answers.”

Everyone looked at the things in Li Yao’s hands in confusion, what the hell is that stuff.

Suddenly a prosperous player studying engineering yelled: “This is an engineering thing, it is a detonator.”

The detonator, a crowd of beast whispers who were originally smiling complexion greatly changed.

“Trash, do you dare.”

“Don’t be impulsive, put down the detonator, forget the matter today, otherwise…”

Li Yao smiled , Directly pressed the button.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, Bang…

The entire sky-shaking fire appeared. Except for the building where Li Yao was located, other buildings appeared in groups Of fire.

These buildings were originally devastated by horned eagle beasts, and they were not durable enough. With the addition of explosives, they suddenly began to break and panic.

The buildings of the entire guild’s residence have been disintegrated in an instant, the overwhelming majority buildings, as long as a few sturdy buildings are still standing, but they are already in dilapidated condition, on the verge of collapse.

The eyes of the people in Shengshi were red, and they were stunned by the explosion. Their efforts to play the game were all in vain.

But it’s not bad. The two insect eggs were also blown out by the explosion of flames and fell into the player group.

The two insects instantly burned the small universe, and blood covered the eyes again, rushing towards the crowd like lightning.

The civet cat saw the miserable picture below and muttered to himself: “Too ruthless.”…

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