“Let’s start the array first.”

Li Yao started the array directly, and the obscure rays of light flickered, but before anyone noticed it, the rays of light disappeared.

The fighting players did not notice that a decadent power appeared.

It’s just that it’s not normal decay.

Under normal circumstances, the decay of a corpse is decay, but now that the power of decay is running, the corpses of these monsters and players are not at all decayed, but turned into gray.

A trace of gray gas emerges slowly, but as the gray gas emerges, these gases slowly circulate in a certain pattern, not at all disappearing like ordinary gas.

“We have been fighting for nearly one night, and these monsters have never seen the number until now are very few” The voice of the beast whisperer echoed in the square: “We have lost a lot, but we are about to win. Now, there are mainly two bosses left. The other scattered monsters are no longer a concern. As long as we take down two bosses, we will not lose, but we can also get a lot of experience, and there are mountains of demonic beast materials. Waiting for us to collect.”

Now the players are a bit numb, and they start to wince at the level of stinginess. Later, they hang up too much and become indifferent to fanaticism. Now the passion has burned out, and only numbness is left. .

The only thing that inspires them now is to win two demonic beast bosses. Even though the two bosses combined are better than the human demon priest not long ago, they have truly regarded death as home.

“Kill!” Rays of light appeared in the hand of the beast whisperer, and a scroll flashing with purple rays of light was torn apart by him.

At the same time, Sheng Shi Kuang Shao and Sheng Shi’s cousin also tore the purple scroll in their hands.

Countless translucent magic shields appeared, and all players’ blood volume increased by about one third, and the body had an extra shield that reduced any damage by 30%.

“It’s crazy, it’s crazy, Shengshi really stake all on one throw.” Tanuki almost stared at the three rays of light.

“What’s going on?”

“Fuck, how did the blood volume increase so much all of a sudden.”

“It’s rich and imposing, what is this The hell is that thing, the effect is too strong.”

You must know that the number of players in the Prosperous World is at least ten times that of Xinghuo today. Three scrolls can cover tens of thousands of people, which is really not a simple thing. .

“Yes, it turns out that this is the so-called Legion battle scroll.” Tanuki sucked in a breath of cold air.

“You asked, what is it?”

“Don’t sell it.”

“Kitten, you are not kind.”

The audience and the water friends did not agree, especially those in the guild. I wonder if this awesome thing is not sleeping well.

The civet cat smiled and said: “They didn’t send me the specific attributes of the scroll. I just know that the Legion battle scroll. You may be familiar with the Legion scroll, which is the super-wide spell scroll. It’s a kind of gain.”

The civet cat took a deep breath and continued: “The precious thing about the scroll of the Prosperity is that in terms of the word battle, you must know that the ordinary scroll, if it is The effect will disappear after hanging up, but with the word battle, as long as there is no time for the gain, it is hanging up and resurrected, this effect will still be there.”

Everyone is in an uproar. Many people know very well that ordinary Legion reels are not so easy to get. These things are priceless and not marketable. They are not things you can get with money.

Even more how the more precious Legion battle scroll, Sheng Shi actually took out three of them at this critical time.

The only effect they see is to increase blood volume and immune damage. Everyone knows that there are other attributes that everyone doesn’t know.

Look at the original white light flashing square. After the scroll was released, now the battle line has stabilized. This kind of terrifying of the Legion scroll.

“Sure enough, it won’t be a super guild.”

Li Yao shook his head. He has never underestimated these guilds. The connections of these super guilds are so vast and rare. They can all get their hands on the task, definitely not something that Xinghuo can compare to now.

“But, let you be happy for half an hour, and then.”

Li Yao muttered to himself, and then he turned over and jumped out of the guild city wall.

Li Yao melted into the shadows and quickly shuttled on the mountain road of Shizhao Peak.

Ten minutes later, Li Yao came to the front of a mountain. The mountain was full of ash and decay. There were only some decayed flowers and trees on the mountain, but I don’t know how many years it has withered. how many years.

Li Yao looked up at the bottom of the mountain, and he saw a small platform high above. He directly activated his wings and came to the platform.

Appearing at the end of the platform is a dark cave.

Li Yao didn’t dare to be careless, and slowly approached the cave in small steps. As Li Yao approached, the aura of decay became more and more intense.

Li Yao flickered, turned around, and suddenly opened up in front of him. What appeared in front of Li Yao was a huge cave.

This cave is filled with a strong decayed atmosphere, which looks hazy. Li Yao directly attached a breathing purification potion. Otherwise, his blood volume would lose 1% every second.

What’s even stranger is that this cave is like a huge nest, and the cave is like a huge pit.

Layers of white bones cover the bottom of the cave layer after layer. Li Yao can tell that these white bones include the white bones of various creatures.

These bones are simply countless, and they look terrifying and weird.

The most weird thing is that at the bottom of the cave, there are a lot of fresh, even non-decayed bones in the place like a bird’s nest.

These skeletons exude a strong aura of gray and depravity, and these auras are transmitted to the middle of the nest as if they are traction on the top of the two huge gray eggs that are taller than Li Yao.

On the other side, two huge black holes with a diameter of at least thirty-forty yards, I don’t know where they lead to.

In the innermost part of the cave, Liangtuo Roshan attracts Li Yao’s eyes most.

“Sure enough, Hundredfoot Corrupt.” Li Yao smiled. If these two monsters weren’t there, he would be really in trouble.

Liangtuo Roshan is actually like a huge centipede, they seem to fall asleep.

The extra lessons on their bodies flashed with black gloom, Li Yao probed it, and it turned out to be a skeleton. Using the Eye of Creator, Li Yao could see the monster’s level and position, Level 60 demonic beast senior leader.

Li Yao did not to act blindly without thinking, but patiently stayed in place.

On the edge, with his skills, he can still be undetected, but entering the lair and wanting to be undetected is simply impossible.

Li Yao is waiting patiently for an opportunity. It is rumored that this kind of insect will return to the ground to collect earth fire at 4 o’clock every morning, especially the insect that corrupts the insect egg. In addition to the smell of corruption, it also needs massive Elemental energy.

But they don’t have any elemental abilities. They can only rely on earth fire to absorb the elemental power of the earth and flames, and speed up the incubation of the insect egg…

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