If anyone thought that the monster siege was an accident before then, no one would doubt it after the explosion.

All these are plots against. Okay, it’s too terrifying. This set of combined punches completely stuns the people of the prosperity.

Originally, the loss was very huge, and finally gathered the formation, and then opened the altar with extremely precious materials.

I thought that victory was in sight, and the prestige of Shengshi was going to be played this time, but didn’t expect this kind of change.

It was so cruel, even the Beast Whisperer did not react.

But they can’t reflect, it doesn’t mean that the horned eagle can’t reflect, the horned eagle once again madly hunts these bastards who dare to attack their children.

Suddenly pieces of white light rose again, until countless bewildered souls gathered in the cemetery, the beast whisperer reflected in the astonishment.

He roared and said loudly: “Reorganize the subject, what is MT dare to do, try to pull the hatred, don’t let the treatment and crispy skin be attacked.”

‘S moved towards his corpse ran over, he must be resurrected quickly and command himself to restore the form.

“No matter who it is, don’t let me find you, or my Shengshi and you are irreconcilable.” My cousin Shengshi’s angry voice resounded across the night sky.

Then, Li Yao just burped boredly. And the horned eagle still attacked.

“This time I really played a big game, this crisis and prosperity will probably strengthen great injury in the past.” Tanuki sighed: “But there is still a chance to make up, but I don’t know if I can grasp it. “

“What chance, don’t you sell the kitten, okay?”

“That is, Shengshi is really dead this time, and there is still a chance to take risks.”

“As far as I know, even if the altar is completely destroyed, even if it is repaired, the spirits will not stay there anymore. It is equivalent to being abolished. Isn’t this loss too big?”

” There is no altar in the overwhelming majority guild. The altar is too abnormal. It will be too difficult to break through the guild residence in the future.”

“Well, as far as I know, altar tasks are very difficult. It’s hard to make up for this loss.”

The audience enthusiastically expressed their feelings, but they all looked at the excitement and revealed the emotion of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Other guild players are like this, those small guild players who have no status are like this, and those idle players without human rights are even more so. I want to see these guilds crumbled.

“You have underestimated the background of the top guild, the level of loss can be compensated, don’t forget, the competition for treasure a few days ago, that many guilds did not know how many times they died, but killed After a demonic beast boss, their level directly soared by two Level 3, and there are two here. If you seize the opportunity, hehe, kill in about the same time, then their level will be higher than before.” Cimo lightly saying.

Everyone suddenly realized.

The civet cat continued: “As for the altar, as long as their level keeps up, there are so many experts in the prosperity, and the altar can be set up. Anyway, few guilds dare to launch a trade union war. This battle will not hurt the vitality. “

Of course, there are some things he thought of but didn’t say, he didn’t want to offend the Shengshi Guild.

What he thought was that since the black hand behind the scenes plot against to such a point, would they easily kill the boss? The answer must be no. He also wanted to know in his heart that he planned this game. People are really affordable.

“When the next plan is not true, at least we must let everything fall to level 20, but at least it will take a few hours. These demonic beasts have a lot of experience and cannot be wasted.”

Li Yao was full of food and drink, and was tired of watching the show, so he jumped straight down.

“I want to accept the commission, too.”

Li Yao said directly to a leader of Shengshi, the leader had no time to control anything else, and threw a power of attorney directly to Li Yao .

Li Yao’s transfigured character is only two Level 14, and the basic reward for participating in the battle is a gold coin. The reward is plotted against the number of monsters killed.

It seems very tempting, but in fact the gain is not worth the loss. The average player’s gold coin revenue is not comparable to the loss.

But now simply can’t get out, many idle players are helpless Join, and many life players took the opportunity to go offline.

But this is not safe either. If the defense fails and the hotel is destroyed, it will be dead end when the hotel is offline.

Li Yao caught the request, put it directly into the backpack, and then went straight to an alley in a flash.

He is the only person in the alley, and the other players are all in a group. Playing alone here is killing him.

Li Yao looked at the sky with crazy calculations in his mind.

The short spear in his hand was held in his hand and then thrown out. The short spear shone with gloom, shooting like lightning.

A horned eagle suddenly rushed down and rushed towards the building. The building shook suddenly and its durability was diminishing.

The Hippogryph flashed its wings, and as soon as it was about to fly, a beam of black light got into its arms. The feathers here were sparse, and it was the weak part of the wings.

As the short spear submerged, the horned eagle roared fiercely, and just as it rose, it rolled and fell.

hōng lóng lóng ……

Hippogryph’s huge body fell into the alley. Its huge body was stuck between buildings. It struggled wildly, but It is difficult to accommodate his body, and it is even more impossible to spread its wings now.

Its body is huge, the body is extremely heavy, and it is stuck in the alley by its huge inertia. It is not so easy to get out.

Li Yao slowly showed his figure with a short spear, and submerged the short spear into the Achilles’ heel.

In Li Yao’s view, big size is an advantage. After all, the size is very strong and the attack is very high.

But under certain circumstances, the advantages can also turn into disadvantages. For example, the horned eagle stuck here can only be killed by him.

After ten short spears, the horned eagle hangs up in disbelief. Li Yao collects materials directly. The materials of the demonic beast are precious. If there are drawings, they can make precious magic attribute sets. Although the quality remains the same, just like the mainline copy of the top difficulty, the attributes and characteristics are much stronger than ordinary equipment of the same quality.

Moreover, some materials are also important materials for Secondary Profession such as alchemy, which is the rich and imposing of Li Yao. I don’t want to let this material go.

“Although the attribute is the same as the original, the efficiency is too far.”

Li Yao is a bit dissatisfied with this efficiency. After all, he kills Human Demon and uses three sniper rifles. Can fix one, and now waste more time than before.

That is Li Yao, people are now desperately resisting, he is so relaxed, if others see this situation, he will definitely vomit blood.

But now there is no other way, Li Yao will also be upgraded.

The way of fighting for life outside, Li Yao is very comfortable here. Although the number of people in the prosperous age is competing, at least they have dropped Level 1 now, and bad luck has dropped by more than two levels.

However, Li Yao is still dissatisfied and prevents them from falling to the 20th level. Li Yao will not start the last step of the plan…

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