“Idiot, I don’t know this is reflection… Uh…”

The headed shield warrior has a reflection shield that can reflect skills and magic, so I press forward.

He also knows that Li Yao, the dark golden arrow, is a Level 4 charged arrow. If other players encounter a high attack like Li Yao, they will definitely be killed.

But he was ecstatic in his heart, thinking that Li Yao is act recklessly. The stronger the arrow, the stronger the reflected power. When Li Yao died under the extreme arrow, it would be really shameful. .

Now Li Yao is famous, who doesn’t want to step on him to become famous. He thought he was going to succeed, so he started taunting Li Yao.

But when he didn’t expect the arrow to touch the shield, before it could reflect, the arrow exploded.

His body was blown away like a rag bag by the huge power and explosive force. The wizard behind him was not spared either. The two of them flew directly out and fell into the sea with a thump.

The blood of the shield battle is already less than one-fifth. He was shocked. With such awesome equipment, he was still blocked by the shield. He was almost shot by the second. This is your sister’s attack. Much perverted.

If he didn’t have a shield, he would definitely be killed by a spike.

“Idiot, I thought it was invincible in the whole world with a reflective shield.” Li Yao to disdain as beneath contempt, the opponent activated the reflection ability, Li Yao directly used the penetrating arrow instead of the explosive arrow Up.

Li Yao’s body turned directly into red, launching a rapid shot.

One exploding arrow shot out, and the small boats that were speeding toward Li Yao burst into flames following Li Yao’s knowledge.

The players on the boat plunged into the water like dumplings. Although Li Yao’s target was not them, the aftermath of the explosion caused them to lose a lot of blood.

Especially many cloth armors are crispy, and the aftermath of the explosion almost knocked them off.

In just a few seconds, the dozen or so small boats that rushed towards Li Yao were ignited or burst by explosive arrows, and all the remaining players fell into the sea.

And Li Yao also stopped shooting, and watched them struggling in the water with full of smiles with his hands behind his back, especially the plate armor class. They must swim with all their strength or they would sink.

Nearly twenty players yelled at Li Yao in the water.

“Kill if you want to kill, what kind of ability to insult us.”

The attack just now made him feel like a pot of cold water, and it also made him understand and Li Yao’s gap, whether on the ground or on the sea, in terms of attack or means, he is far worse than Li Yao.

Not to mention anything else, his arrows on the floating boat simply have no accuracy, but Li Yao, who is also drifting along with the flow, still has nothing to lose.

He can see very clearly that even though Li Yao is on the water, he still rises and falls with the waves, just like them on the boat.

I thought that I was closing the gap with Li Yao, but meeting here is still far away. His heart is suppressed to the extreme. He finally understands what is far away and what is despair.

“This is the declared command, and only this.” Li Yao said with a smile: “I wonder, do we have such a big grudge? The Prosperity Guild overbearing again and again. Really think I am Muddy?”

The beast whisperer sneered: “Stop talking nonsense, what is prosperous, I don’t know what you’re talking about, kill if you want.”

” Hehe, I don’t even dare to admit who I am. I think I can hide it from the sky and cross the sea with a renamed card covering my face? Beast whisperer.” Li Yao’s eyes have turned into deep blue, as deep as the sea.

The animal whisperer’s heart jumped, but this kind of thing can’t be admitted to death.

“Talk nonsense, it’s dead anyway, fight with him.”

Now there is no boat, this kind of deep sea, they want to find a channel is impossible, and Hearthstone can’t Use, the back road is equal to being broken.


Li Yao stepped back abruptly, opened his palm, countless tentacles plunged into the sea, and then crash-bang pulled out a thief.

He entered stealth and wanted to sneak attack Li Yao while Li Yao was talking with Guardian. As everyone knows, there are too many stealth weak spots in the water.

Countless shots plunged crazily into his skin, and his blood volume dropped crazily.

“die for me.”

The thieves soul flew beyond the heaven, but they are expert after all, and they reacted quickly.

The body suddenly disappeared, freed from the shackles of the touch of darkness, and then appeared behind Li Yao.

Shadow Walk!

The dagger in his hand flashed with green rays of light, and the eyes of people in the water in the distance also flashed with excited rays of light. As long as Li Yao can be dizzy, he will basically die.

Puff chi…

Countless tentacles blocked the back of Li Yao’s head and blocked the sneak attack dagger, eagerly these tentacles entangled his wrist, following the tentacles The increase in his blood volume once again crazily drops.

His blood energy is constantly being absorbed, and with the absorption of blood energy, the tentacles of the Dark Touch split faster and more.

The thief wants to struggle, but the sea is below. He simply has nowhere to travel.

His other dagger cut off a lot of tentacles, but because of the nourishment of his blood energy, the tentacles simply inexhaustible.

As the number of tentacles increased, his other arm, including his entire body, was bound.

crash-bang ……

In less than ten seconds, all the tentacles were retracted. Li Yao is like a giant tentacle monster, with countless tentacles behind him baring fangs and brandishing claws.

A pile of white bones fell into the sea, and then a white light disappeared.

Everyone stayed, this scene is really a bit have one’s hair stand on end.

“I can kill with a single arrow, but it takes ten seconds to suck blood, which is a bit impractical. It seems that I have to look for the next part.” Li Yao tried the new blood sucking function and the result was really unsatisfactory.

After all, this kind of scum can be killed in a flash.

Other people are rolling their eyes, your sister, they have seen it, the thief was killed by the tentacles without even having a chance to fight back, Li Yao didn’t move his face. Not satisfied.

Of course they don’t know that every tentacle needs to be manipulated by a separate mind. If it is an ordinary player, it is simply impossible to have this formidable power.

“Forget it, you are no longer useful, this will send you on the road”

Li Yao also had no intention of trying, and then started bend bow and place arrow.

Puff, puff, pu…

One by one players are directly headshot, and other players quickly dive into the water, and arrows in the water will be restricted.

Furthermore, for the reason of refraction, the alignment of the arrow will definitely be a problem, but who Li Yao is, is also true.

To add the Shanghai CNOOC Hydra and Sea Monster, I want to escape easier said than done.

They can only do the last struggle and want to escape.

At first, some close combat thought that they could fight Li Yao, but when they saw the fate of the thief, they lost their mind.

Li Yao stopped his bows and arrows when everyone sank in the water, lightly saying: “Sheng Shi, this thing won’t be forgotten. If you do the first year of junior high school, don’t blame me Five.”…

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