Li Yao looked at the battlefield in the distance leisurely, not caring about the touch of darkness in the distance.

He knows very well that this altar is not simple. Before the priest dies, the idea of ​​hitting the touch of darkness is definitely an act of courting death.

But Li Yao knows that other players don’t know. Although each of these guilds devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, they actually sent people to slowly approach the altar.

Although the God of Nightmare and the two demons continue to kill and sweep these people, there are too many players with players.

After all, someone approached the altar.

“Fuck, to have no shame, didn’t you say that you kill the boss and divide the treasure.”

“Fire Guild, we remember you, fuck.”


“hahaha, how do you say it, treasure has virtues.” Vice-President of the Fire Guild was at the rear command post and was immediately overjoyed when he saw that his guild had arrived in front of the altar.

“Rely, don’t talk about credit.”

The leaders of other guilds here cursed.

“Stop talking about these useless things, don’t you want to get treasure, don’t think I don’t know, you also secretly sent someone to approach the boss, but only our guild succeeded.” Vice of the Fire Guild -President sneered.

The Chief-In-Charge of other guilds yelled at them, and sent people to stop them, only to see a riot.

However, I saw a few players from the Flame Guild as soon as they climbed up a few tables, they were burned and flooded by countless tentacles. As one after another white light floated out, in the blink of an eye, a dozen players from the Flame Guild Just hang up.

The smile of Vice-President of the Flame Guild stopped abruptly.

“hahaha, call you a shit.”

“It’s code, I’ll just say, how can you get treasure without killing the boss.”

” I’m really asking for hardship.”

Everyone burst into laughter, and at the same time revoked the order to snatch treasure.

“It’s really act recklessly because you little reptiles want to meddle with my treasure.”

I said so, but the god of nightmare is not good anymore. As the battle continued, the two demons of his summon had been killed.

The player will no longer give him a chance to summon. He can only roar again and again. Even if he is a player who has harvested a piece of it, it is ultimately this Human Demon too weak. His 1/10000th strength is Can’t play out.

If he can exert one-thousandth of his strength, he can kill all these scum with a single skill, but this is a hypothesis after all.

Li Yao destroyed his plan to absorb the soul and also destroyed the ceremony.

Food Human Demon retreated, but he couldn’t see that the treasure that was just one step away fell into the hands of others, so he could only drop a trace of will on the high priest with an array.

In this way, he can only exert his sacrificial power, and the strength of the increase is limited. This body does not even have a trace of divine force, and his original method cannot be used.

In such a situation, he is not reconciled in every possible way, but after all, it is no match for the player’s wheel fight.

There were countless players, but after a few hours of battle, the equipment was messy, and the level basically fell to 20.

If it hadn’t been stuck at level 20 and couldn’t be dropped, it is estimated that the players would have already left.

Now the players have if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. There are countless players here, knowing that there is only one person who gets the treasure, but all of them are lucky.

I think treasure can fall into my own hands, but things are so simple, let alone whether they can get it.

When they don’t know the treasure attribute at all, whether they can use it or not when they get it, even if they get it, it’s unknown whether they can take it away.

But this is often the case. They have been fascinated by the so-called treasure, plus if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, even if you know it’s a pit, they can’t pick it out. Able to follow Li Yao’s script.

After all, there is nothing left to give up. As long as you continue, there will always be a chance.

“It’s naive to think you can get my treasure by killing me. , I will be back in a day.” After the nightmare god said, he directly fell on the altar IQ.

Countless tentacles entangled the high priest, and the body of the high priest suddenly shrivelled, and the touch of darkness was terrifying to the extreme due to the nourishment of countless blood energy.

The touch of darkness is now hazy, like a huge shadow, occupying the entire altar, countless shots and dancing, and any creature close to him has only one end.

Ding Dongdong…

With the death of the high priest, the players clearly saw two golden three golden items falling on the ground.

“Fuck, gold outfit, or three pieces.”

The players’ eyes were red, and they rushed to the altar like crazy, but the touch of darkness entangled the player as soon as they approached the altar. , The players simply couldn’t resist, they were sucked up and dropped to the ground.

For a few minutes like this, how many players died and how many players died. At this time, the players calmed down.

“Remote, strike him.”

I don’t know who said it, and then the attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth covered the touch of darkness.

“It’s ridiculous, you still want to break things related to the ancient gods. Even more how I don’t know how many tens of thousands of lives are nourished by blood tonight, and now even the world-class bosses may not be able to conquer it.” From the top of a building, watching the performance in the distance sneered: “It’s time to collect the fruits of victory.”

The attack lasted more than ten minutes. After the attack stopped, the touch of darkness remained the same. .

They attacked without showing any blood, indicating that it was invalid and the players were stunned. How to do this, the boss is here, and it turns out that it simply can’t be charged, or is it so bad? Even the corpse of the high priest is inside, which is really stingy.

The players were almost crying when they watched. They hovered between life and death all night for this stuff, and they encountered this situation.

“This can’t go on like this. I have already received news that many guilds are gathering here. If we delay any longer, we can’t control the situation.” The guild of the Fire Guild smiled bitterly.

“Our elites have lost too much this time to let other guilds pick peaches.” The Vice-President of the Giants Guild is also complexion is gloomy.

“What do you think of Fanghua Boss?” The Vice-President of Mengyun Guild also said that Mengyun Guild and Qionghua Guild are the only two Chinese guilds present today, and the others are from other administrative regions.

And he is only Vice-President, but the boss from the Guild of Joan Flower is behind the scenes.

Momentaneous splendor frowned and said, “We originally came here to do a task. We didn’t expect to encounter this. Now we see the same thing. I’m afraid we can only get this thing. All by means.”

The representatives of other guilds here were also silent, thinking of the last words of the Nightmare God, leaving a shadow in their hearts.

“I said you guys, are you still holding it? If you don’t, I will have to do it.” Li Yao appeared from the shadow and said loudly.

Everyone’s eyes are on him.


“It’s him.”

Someone soon recognized who he was, and then they looked ugly…

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