At noon on the 3rd day, Li Yao was in a dark shadow, looking down on the city where Human Demon was eaten from a tall building.

After three days of leveling, I was almost six level with a little experience.

Fifth Level is a small hurdle, tenth level is a big hurdle, experience will increase too much.

Previously, Li Yao killed these level 25 demonic beasts. In addition to his own experience, the more important thing is the experience bonus caused by the level difference, but after level 25, the experience is much worse than before.

In the past three days, it has become very lively here, and more and more people have learned about the situation here.

A large number of players are upset about the troubles here. There are all kinds of people with more people.

Although the npc said that the Divine Item will only appear when the memorial ceremony is to be paid, there are always those who do not believe in evil and want to get the Divine Item in advance.

So a large number of thieves wanted to fish in troubled water. The result was basically went but never returned. Facing the demonic beast, the fragile thieves were surrounded by only one dead word.

At night, there are also people who do not believe in evil, but they are simply invisible under the nightmare Formation. I don’t know how many thieves are buried here.

In a short period of time, the diet of Human Demon has improved significantly, and you can eat the flesh of humanoid creatures. The result is naturally caused, and countless people have left a deep shadow on this place.

Although it is illusory, it feels like seeing my corpse being turned into a dark dish that eats Human Demon.

Of course, it is not easy to eat Human Demon. With the increase of players, there will always be groups and constant attacks on cities that eat Human Demon.

Although players have suffered heavy losses, Human Demon also lost a lot.

Now that more than half of the city of Food Human Demon has been occupied by players, there are too many stubborn diseases. Even though the tried Food Human Demon are back, they still can’t resist countless players forming a team Offensive.

Moreover, the action of eating Human Demon also shows that there must be a Divine Item to be born.

Since the beginning of the 3rd day, a strong breath lasts for a long time, and the nightmare Formation that would have appeared at night can remain in existence during the day.

It’s just that now there is no alert function anymore. After all, most of the city has fallen, and Human Demon can only shrink to the innermost part of the city next to the mountain range.

It’s not that eating Human Demon really lost that many, but that I don’t know what order I received and didn’t really fight with the players.

Many thieves seem to be investigating, the flashing and twisting inside, it is so wide, it is no problem to eat Human Demon all back.

But what the players are, it would be okay if Human Demon was able to show off its prestige. Such retreat would make the players crazy.

The teams of each guild were divided into squares, occupying one side and attacking Human Demon frantically.

Three days, because of the temptation of the so-called Divine Item is that idle players gather in some well-known experts to form a condensed team, which has also formed a lot of power in many guilds, and also occupied An area.

“Ai, really, idle players are just cannon fodder.” Li Yao shook his head and sighed.

The strength of guild players is one aspect. Idle players simply have no cohesion. Now they can still unite if they have goals. However, if the so-called Divine Item appears, the so-called team itself will collapse.

Simply don’t need the guild to take action to defeat it. In previous life, Li Yao has seen too many such things.

Many active idle players have the upper hand, but every time the benefits are distributed, they start to kill each other, and it is the guild players that ultimately profit.

Many events of grabbing treasure chests and bosses are not without the benefits of idle players, but they are insignificant compared to countless crowds.

“The sacrifice should be at night.”

Li Yao clearly saw the battle, and now the captured humans have basically been released back.

But with so many players, plus the corpse of the demon Tyrant Dragon, the sacrifices simply don’t worry about blood and soul, but at this moment, Human Demon has begun to fight every inch of the earth, and no more concessions. The two sides are in a fierce battle.

It’s just that there are too many players, just like endless. Even if eating Human Demon is powerful, it is invincible.

“I can’t waste such a good time, free tanks.” Li Yao chose a good position and started shooting and killing Human Demon continuously.

The current battle situation is really messy, and no one noticed Li Yao to fish in troubled water in the dark.

Everyone knows that today is the last day, the players are all red eyes, and now no guild shrinks. Otherwise, if the sacrifice begins, everyone knows that they would be impossible to squeeze in.

This battle, until the sky is completely dark, and the players are even more crazy, now the corpses and blood on the ground, if you give up now, then it must be a waste of all previous efforts.

Food Human Demon are also fierce and unafraid of death. In the half-day battle, the players simply didn’t advance much.

Suddenly, the fire plate on the altar jetted out soaring flames, brightening the square, and a mighty voice echoed in Between Heaven and Earth.

“The great god of nightmare, our extremely admired master, please come.” An old Human Demon priest knelt on the altar.

“Have my treasures been fed?” A misty voice appeared. In the sky’s eyes seemed to open, and a beam of light enveloped the high priest.

“The great master, as you wish, irrigated with fresh and powerful blood every day, has been successfully accomplished.” The high priest knelt down on the ground religiously.

Only Li Yao can understand what the high priest is saying. The players are all in the clouds, and only a small group of people can understand what the nightmare god is saying.

Because the god of nightmare actually uses the ancient elves, and the priests use Human Demon. Needless to say, no one understands except Li Yao.

As for the ancient elves, the ancient elves and high elves present have learned very little.

Even so, according to some translations of people who understand ancient Elvish, players still know that Divine Item will appear soon.

Just as they thought, with the sound of hōng lóng lóng, a stone pillar appeared in the middle of the altar.

Suddenly appeared like a black mist filled with countless shots, an extremely evil aura spread in Between Heaven and Earth, and even the aura of the god of nightmare was suppressed by this force.

“hahaha, that’s it, I was fed successfully, and the Ancient God Strength is really strong, and I will become truly immortal after today.” The nightmare god was instantly extremely excited.

“My lord, please grant divine force to kill these people to the last one.” The old priest begged loudly: “My clan has already suffered a lot of Internet access.”

“I I already know that when I come, I will give you a divine force, but before that, I need to show a blood soul, you know how to do it.” After the nightmare god said that the eyes kept rotating, one after another mysterious power transmission among them.

“According to the Oracle, all these Outsiders will be beheaded to sacrifice to our great Spiritual God.” The high priest stood up and said loudly.

Eating Human Demon started to go crazy like chicken blood…

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