The female officer obviously thought of this, and said: “You wait a moment, I need to ask the general about this.”

Li Yao nodded, expressed understanding, and then began to wait.

About a quarter of an hour later, the female officer came back and said directly: “The queen is discussing with the warchief to end the war with the centaur, and it is expected to end in one to three months.”

Li Yao frowns saying: “It seems that the bright camp is delaying time. It’s really good to plot against.”

The female official just mentioned it casually, didn’t expect Li Yao to see so thoroughly , She re-examined Li Yao once again and said: “Didn’t expect, you can see the essence and understand what I mean, younger brother, you are really not simple.”

Li Yao smiled without saying a word, what’s so hard to understand. Although the two camps temporarily cooperated, but with the end of the centaur war. Although the conflicts between the camps will not lead to war, they will intensify a lot.

The bright faction wants to contain the Dark Faction when it cannot start a war, so it can use this method for itself.

You must know that Dark Faction has mobilized a large number of troops. If these troops are not withdrawn a day, the resources consumed can make Dark Faction heartache for a day, and it can also delay the time for Ox Head Man to regain his land.

And Dark Faction lacks resources most. Dark Faction can’t afford it, but if the bright camp does not withdraw, Dark Faction naturally does not dare to withdraw.

In case they withdrew, and the bright camp directly attacked the root of the problem, Dark Faction would be over.

On the other hand, the meaning is also very simple. This mine is now the most needed by Dark Faction, which means that Li Yao’s proposal is very interesting.

But Li Yao still asked: “What about this?”

The female official said with a smile: “Just the two of us, I will tell you the truth. You told me Things are happening, but this price is impossible agreed. Of course, if you buy some ships, it’s okay, but you still want the right to open routes, this is a bit difficult.”

Of course Li Yao knows his own. The price is definitely not good, and he also knows that this mine is not a big mine.

“Then elder sister just say what to do?” Li Yao smiled wryly.

“Naturally, I will not pit you. Look at this. If it is a medium-sized mine, you get 20%, we are 40%, and the chieftain is 40%. If it is a large mine, you 30%. Workers and so on We are responsible here.” The female officer whispered: “This is a very favorable price. The queen helped you fight for it. Don’t feel less.”

“I understand.” Li Yao is true Understand that 30% is a lot.

You need to know that at this stage players are not capable of developing this kind of mine, and there will be many monsters in mining. The lowest monster in tin mine is also Level 30, and Spark cannot play.

even more how Xinghuo doesn’t have this kind of energy now. When he has it, Li Yao will not waste it on tin mines. He knows many rare mineral veins that have not been developed.

The female officer glanced at Li Yao appreciatively and said: “One more thing, I heard that you have established some connections with the frogman. We also need you to act as an intermediary to complete some ocean resource transactions. If you I agree, and you basically agree to your request.”

Li Yao was overjoyed. He was still worried about this. How could Dark Faction give up his prejudice against frogmen? Didn’t expect Dark Faction But it is actively wanting to contact.

But there was still an embarrassed expression on his face: “You are too domineering, you have to share a piece of the pie.”

“younger brother, don’t be too greedy, especially It’s when you are weak. There are some things that you can’t swallow, even if you leave others with a copper plate, you can’t get it. Develop well, wait until your strength is strong, you can harden up.” Female official patted Li Yao’s shoulder .

Li Yao shrugged and said, “I’m not complaining either. These are all rules. I want to break the rules and naturally have to pay. But what I want to know now is that I paid So much, what can I get in the end?”

The female officer smiled and said: “One large transport ship, four medium transport ships and two medium frigates, small ships can give you ten , And can open routes.”

The so-called route rights are actually the fleet patrol area of ​​Dark Faction. If there is no fleet patrol, if a private route is created, it will inevitably attract many pirates to watch.

Of course, pirates and monsters are inevitable for the opening of the route right, but if they know what pirate robbery is, the fleet will accept this matter, and if the recovery fails, it can still get a certain amount of compensation.

Li Yao’s face suddenly became bitter, and he said, “You are too picky.”

“You know the price of shipbuilding, you have no loss, the mine’s income is fine water , It will take at least a year to make it back. If you didn’t contact the frogman and the general’s fight, you wouldn’t be able to get a large transport ship.” The female officer told the truth.

“Okay, but I want to choose the model of the boat I choose.” Li Yao said.

“Yes.” The female officer naturally knew Li Yao’s plan, and didn’t care about: “Which one do you choose?”

Be aware that the style of boats of each race is different .

The trolls simply don’t have a large battleship or Ox Head Man, but the orcs’ ships are too primitive and require a lot of manpower.

The goblin is more mechanical and the speed is quite fast, but the goblin technology is too unstable and the pollution is serious.

High Elf’s ships are more beautiful than practical, and they are driven by basic magic, which costs more, but they are also very stable.

“I choose the goblin for the frigate, and the others belong to the clan.” Li Yao pondered.

“You will choose, but you’d better transport more expensive things, otherwise you can’t afford the magic fuel.” The female officer recorded.

“Sure, elder sister, just look at it, I’m not a random place to stay.” Li Yao mysterious smiled, Shazhou has too many useful resources, and the current airship technology department cannot transport it. Going out, he believes that Dark Faction will make use of the port when it runs.

The goblin’s other things are not good, but the artillery is still very sharp, a little better than the dwarf’s steam machinery, at least for military purposes.

As for the High Elf frigate, the magic crystallization of the magic cannon is the product of demonic beast, he can’t play it now,

“Then I can wait, you can send your guild By making a warehouse and a sea resource store, I can ask the purchasing department to take care of you one or two. Of course, your goods are what we need first, and the quality and quality pass.” The female officer finally mentioned Li Yao again.

“If there is an elder sister, I can rest assured, then I will build the port quickly and wait for the fleet to arrive.” Li Yao was very happy.

Just when Li Yao was about to go out, the female officer suddenly said: “Remember the task the Queen gave you.”

Li Yao was taken aback, and understood that it was to explore the remains of Titan Things, nothing was said, just nodded, which means that they have not forgotten.

Then Li Yao returned to the main city guild station, and explained the matter to Sister Li, and then he was dragged to the sandbar again. After handing over the ship, he must set out to find the touch of darkness…

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