It is said that the loss caused by the scattered team, in fact, the loss of maintaining a normal formation may not be small.

Li Yao is well-known for using tools or scrolls, and the very general scrolls allow him to play an extraordinary role.

Of course, the key is that people have money, and ordinary people who have money to burn like this.

The guild is originally an interest group. Naturally, this is not the case, and individuals will not. The rich can prepare equipment, pets, etc. There are more places to spend money, let alone Play like this.

They are not aware of this at all, it is useless even if they are ready to go.

Actually, the Elementary Swamp Scroll has the same effect as this, except that it is easy to detect and can be detected by thieves’ detection traps.

And the thieves want to get more advanced detection traps, it takes a long time to practice.

The thieves are very powerful in the wild. They can open precious locked treasure chests, detect traps, and stealth.

But again, it takes a lot of time to really master it.

For example, stealth, it doesn’t mean that you are really stealth when you activate the skill. It requires constant practice and positioning and so on, especially the trial of the Shadow God in the 20s, which has caused many thieves to break the blood and begin to master the essence of thieves.

Needless to say about unlocking, if the proficiency is not enough, the treasure chest cannot be opened, but like the detection trap, where to find it and unlock it, this is not a trouble.

The proficiency requirements are too abnormal, and there are many thieves, let alone them, the Peak Guild’s thieves unlocking and detecting traps are both basic.

Li Yao’s previous life, a thief who has played for two years, is also clear about the doorway inside. It is this gap that makes these people helpless against this trap.

More than 500 people were lost. Let them know. The traps are very messy. No one can say whether there are any traps ahead.

In this case, you must go separately, otherwise it will inevitably cause greater losses.

It’s just that they didn’t wait for them to think of a way to deal with it. The battle has already begun.

“What’s going on.” Going crazy and going crazy, although he knows that there is a battle on the edge of the team, he can’t just go over and check.

After all, even thieves can’t detect these damn traps, and the ghost knows if he will step on the traps when he leaves.

“Meow, the grandsons of Xinghuo are so irritating, they directly spell bombed, first the snake scroll, then the ice bomb and flame explosion of Qingyishui, and many people were in seconds. .”

Hearing the return from there, his face turned green in madness.

On the fringe of the mad guild team, the fog cannot conceal the bright radiance of magic.

More than two hundred flame hydras continue to wreak havoc in the ranks of the crazy guild. The sky is a roaring fireball and ice bomb.

Along with the chaos caused by the Hydra exploded in their team, rows of players fell.

Starfire’s attack really caught them off guard. Because of Marsh Trap’s relationship, the front was messed up, and the back was naturally crowded together.

In this kind of chaos, I faced the flame hydras and all kinds of spells, and suddenly fell a piece.

“****Xianren Banban, a group of crispy yet dare to be arrogant, kill them.”

I don’t know who took the lead, and it directly achieved the scope of the Hydra , Rushed directly to the Spark legal group dozens of yards away.

And Starfire’s legal group seems to be unable to see them rushing over, they are still impatient releasers spell, their direct shaman turns on bloodthirsty, casting speed and spell strength are both The addition of not only the little bit, can cause such a huge damage to them.

“Fuck it.”

“Not good, rewind, it’s counted.”

“Your sister, it smells so bad, I don’t want to be The mud is suffocated to death, it’s too embarrassing.”

“Stop talking, I vomited.”

Players who want to attack the Starfire system are halfway through. I found myself trapped in the quagmire, but in an instant, more than a hundred players directly fell into the trap.

“Don’t charge at will, there may be a swamp here at any time.” Crazy Little Mantou said loudly, he is also brow beaded with sweat now.

Now he doesn’t know what to do. The previous commander hasn’t ordered it yet, and he can’t think of it.

Directly charging must be in the swamp, didn’t you see the calm cast of others? Go around, stop making trouble, who knows where there are traps, how big the scope of the trap is, and there is fog everywhere else.

If it weren’t for the constant spell coming over, they wouldn’t even know that there was a wizard group hiding there.

Even if there are people from the crazy guild in charge of commanding these idle players, it is useless. They are all moved towards a safe place and crowded, and for a while the whole team becomes chaotic.

“Damn, there are only more than two hundred people, but I killed hundreds of them. Let’s forget them.” The crazy little bee’s face turned green.

The crazy military division hurriedly said: “No, it will lose more. Since they can come and go freely here, they must be 100% sure. No one can say how big this fog is, chasing at a loss. It can only be the loss of more manpower,” said the crazy military division.

The crazy runaway also calmed down, and said: “Yes, they must be marked on the map, and they can’t fight in the swamp.”

“That’s the way they are The team is only more than two hundred in total, how many can kill us, don’t forget, there are three people in the other three directions, Xinghuo does not have any foreign aid, you can only play like this, but this is just Final Struggle, ten million The military’s mind that cannot be disturbed.” The crazy military division said.

Nodded crazy, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes, and said: “Then go straight, as long as you reach their station, the victory belongs to us. Do you have any way to quickly pass through the swamp?”

“It’s very simple. Let some thieves fix the ropes on their waists and let them go forward to explore the way, so that a safe path can be explored. At the same time, let the high defenses be to the periphery of the team, crispy and healing are moved towards The center converges and closes.

The people in the Crazy Guild thought of this method. Nearly 20,000 teams became a long snake formation. Their ropes are not much, only a limited width area.


But the thieves covered in mud will be replaced. Soon, a group of players whose lower body is covered in mud will appear, and the number is increasing.

And the Starfire Law System The regiments are constantly appearing in places where they are weak, arrogantly, causing casualties and casualties.

The carriage used by Xinghuo to transport the corporate groups, every time the corporate group retreats to them After frigid irony and scorching satire, it blows up the lungs of the people on the crazy side. It is really irritating.

With the dispatch of the Starfire Thieves group, this guild team moves extremely slowly. And people were alarmed, just like frightened birds.

The other three directions are similar, and they are all disgusting by this shameless tactic.

At the same time, Spark appeared for the second time. In the post, there are Li Yao’s declaration and the hunting video of these invading guilds. For a while, a large number of anchors moved towards this side…

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