Just when everyone thought that Li Yao was going to be killed by this unexpected trick, Li Yao stood still, as if he knew that he couldn’t dodge the skill and no longer dodge.

“This is the skill you want to see, goodbye!” Xiao Xuanfeng appeared on the right side of Li Yao for the last time, and again waved a sword light, his face was full of surprises and expressions of pride.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

Those bitter sword lights then split countless small sword lights in the same place. As the four paragraphs are over, the big sword lights also rush To Li Yao.

puff puff puff ……

All the sword lights passed through Li Yao’s body without exception, Li Yao said with a smile: “Do you think I’m dead? It’s time to see you again.”

After Li Yao pulled the trigger, a dark golden rays of light shot out.


The crossbow arrow directly pierced Xiao Xuanfeng’s throat, full of incredible expressions.

“What is this…”

Xiao Xuanfeng clutched his throat, and his body crashed to the ground.

Ding Dangdang…

Xiao Xuanfeng’s weapon fell directly, Li Yao walked forward slowly, picked up the two-handed sword, took a look and said: “Twenty-level purple His two-handed sword seems to be a real capital. Thank you.”

Soon, Xiao Xuanfeng was resurrected. He was so unwilling to go to his own line and couldn’t help it. Asked: “What kind of skill is this.”

Li Yao shrugged and said, “Don’t you want to play routines, then I’ll play routines with you. It’s okay to tell you, this is The skill attached to the weapon dropped by the last boss of the main line dungeon.”

“Damn, isn’t it good luck? It just restrains our president’s skills, otherwise you will be dead long ago, stupid.” Xiao Xuanfeng The Vice-President next to him directly scolded.

If they can win Li Yao and get twice as much commission as they do now, everything will be ruined now, and they will naturally feel extremely unhappy.

The cute pupil was immediately unhappy, and said mockingly: “You are stupid, your whole family is stupid, if it wasn’t for Big Brother deliberately letting water out, I want to see what kind of tricks you want to use. It’s a joke that you Xiao Xuanfeng can last ten seconds under Big Brother’s hands.”

Those people were suddenly speechless. Although they don’t want to admit it, Li Yao’s release is an indisputable fact that even ordinary players see. Out.

Apart from the fact that Li Yao did not use pets, everyone knows Li Yao’s archery speed. If it is a normal attack, it is estimated that Xiao Xuanfeng is really difficult to approach Li Yao.

“There is still that rubbish who wants to challenge our boss, hurry up, we have to go back to the barbecue.” Ying Wu Kuang said loudly.

The union ambassador of the Spark Union said: “Next, who will challenge?”

At this time, a Knight with a shield slowly stepped forward and said proudly: “Listen Saying that you can’t find your opponent, I’m the same, I hope you don’t let me down.”

Li Yao said with curled lips: “Yes, it’s very strong. I actually snatched my lines. Heavenly king, I’m a person of the same way, and I don’t care about the name.”

“The name is not important, as long as it can kill you, it is a good name. Are you ready? I’m coming.” Said the tyrant little king. He took the shield and weapon in his hand, and the rays of light flickered on his body, obviously using a scroll.

“It seems that you are very good at robbing my lines. When you are good, just say it. I hate the scum of my lines. This round, I will not give you a routine. Opportunity.” Li Yao said that the two crossbows were hung on the head, and the blue moon bow appeared in his hand. With a flick, the blue moon bow directly turned into a full moon shape.

“Well, it is as arrogant as I am. I advise you, summon, your pet, otherwise you won’t even have the chance of summon.” The bully little heavenly king is equally proud.

It’s not just here for the Spark Union, all the audience are in an uproar, it’s too crazy, even more arrogant than Li Yao, it’s simply.

“Hehe, Big Brother finally met his opponent.” The cute pupil is a little taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “I just hope that it is not a paper tiger.”

“In that case Come then.”

Li Yao also has a little more vigilance in his heart. This guy is so mad, he must have arrogant capital. Li Yao was also polite and started shooting directly.


The moment Li Yao pulled his bow, the little heavenly king stepped on the ground suddenly, and the whole ground seemed to tremble.

Then an earth-yellow rays of light enveloped him. The armor on his body seemed to be attached to a layer of rock, and his weapon turned into a huge stone hammer, especially his shield. , Like a steel barrier.

Ding Ding Ding…

The arrow that Li Yao shot quickly was just a few fire stars splashed on his shield, and this Knight had -50-100 on his head. -80 damage number.

“You’re good, you can actually break my defense.” The little heavenly king said and rushed directly to Li Yao. You should know that the average player caused more than ten or twenty points to be considered high. For people like him whose activation effect is close to 10,000 HP, it is simply nothing.

As a Knight, although he does not specialize in treatment, he still knows a few spells.

Boom, boom, Bang…

The little heavenly king is like a giant, every step he takes will produce a shock wave, and the earth trembles.

“Sure enough, it’s a bit of a trick. It turned out to be an elemental rider.” Li Yao muttered, and then directly began to accumulate the power + the effect of hegemony.


The arrow of the dark golden plunged directly into his shield.

Boom, boom, Bang…


With a number of damage, the little king was directly shaken back by a huge force five or six steps .

Xiao Tianwang’s eyes flashed with astonishment, but he immediately cast a healing spell on himself, directly returned his blood volume, and rushed towards Li Yao again.

However, things are counterproductive. Whenever he takes a few steps, Li Yao’s Level 4 Charged Arrow with hegemony effect tells him to repel to his original position.

Xinghuo and the players who watched the live broadcast burst into laughter. This profession is indeed very interesting, but the same colleagues who are used for strong defense have also lost most of their sensitivity.

His blood volume is getting lower and lower. After all, he is not a real legal profession. The blue volume is limited. They are all used for healing, and it will be embarrassing if he can’t even use his skills.

Not to mention his state of very low sensitivity, even the sharp arrow that wants to avoid Li Yao is not very realistic.

He flipped and moved for a long time, never approaching Li Yao, but farther away from Li Yao, and his blood volume was gradually depleted, the confidence and arrogance in his eyes gradually disappeared.

“Yes, it’s been a long time since I have encountered such a punch-resistant sandbag. Don’t leave it blue, add blood, let me have a little more fun.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“Don’t be proud, don’t let me get close to you.”

Although Xiaotianwang has some long-range skills in this state, it is also 25 yards to the sky, and the distance is 100 It’s just a foolish dream for multiple yards to hit Li Yao.

“You are too stupid, I am motionless, you can’t get through, blame me.” Li Yao said moved towards him and walked: “Come on, I will come by myself, you don’t go.”…

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