Not only is Hitomi puzzled, the other elders are also very puzzled.

Under normal circumstances, don’t you want to restrict the establishment of the Spark Guild, then send a lot of people to harass.

After all, even if the people of Xinghuo are more powerful, one can hit ten, but can one hit a hundred, obviously it won’t work.

But why did the other party use this seemingly stupid way and even give the Spark Guild a chance to take advantage of it? This is where they can’t figure it out.

The Peerless Demon Girl explained: “Then let me ask you a few questions. Do you think that if they are harassing, can we still build a guild residence?”

Hitomi thought I thought about it and said: “Even if they are very difficult to deal with, they can destroy our one or two times plan, but we will definitely be able to establish a resident, at worst, change a place and make a sound.”

Peerless Demon Fairy nodded, said: “Since you can think of it, then people who want to undermine our plan can also think of it. Naturally, they will not use this ineffective method. After all, even if they are more powerful, they will at most delay us. Two or three days that’s all. It’s actually useless. Although they are crowded, they can’t afford to consume it.”

“Then the reason for doing this?” Hitomi was even more confused, after all I’m still young and don’t understand the twists and turns inside.

Peerless Demon Fairy said with a smile: “Very simple, it’s still a matter of mechanism. I remember Sister Li asked us to look at the various rules and regulations for establishing a trade union residence when we set off. You are so smart, and after thinking about it, you can understand why they have to spend so much time.”

The Shadow Dancer and others also thought about it. Hitomi helped clean up these eighteen-nineteen-level crocodiles again and again. After thinking about the analysis, after a long time, her eyes suddenly lit up and said: “I finally thought of it. They are also using the same method of slamming, wanting to establish a station earlier than us, and then get the material of the main city. Quan.”

Li Yao stretched out his thumb and said: “Tongtong is too smart, you can think of it, not simple.”

Tongtong was immediately full of pride. : “That is, I have sister-in-law to teach me, I am not smart.”

Fruit Knight also smiled and said, “This flattery was taken very well. There’s a lack of pocket money.”

Everyone laughed heartily, and Hitomi’s face turned red, and said shamelessly: “No, I’m in the game all day, so why can’t I lack pocket money.”

Sister Li said with a smile: “I was going to give you some pocket money, since you don’t need it, then forget it.”

Hitomi suddenly became anxious, and said quickly: “sister- in-law, don’t, although I don’t need it, I still have to save private money as a dowry.” Sister Li couldn’t help but knocked her on the head and said: “People are small and big.”

Shadow Dance madly touched his head, and said sorry: “I still don’t understand.”

Tomi Hitomi suddenly looked at Shadow Dancer with contempt, and said proudly: Stupid, think about it, Big Brother said that they came to a lot of unknown new guilds, but instead of besieging us, they planted guild battle flags around us. In fact, these all are attracting our attention.”

“I know the flag is planted. We clean up a certain area and then plant the flag so that the monster will not be refreshed. Is it to compete with us?” Shadow Dancer asked.

Tomi Hitomi rolled the eyes and said: “Really, forget it, I’ll explain it, you know, there can only be one guild within a radius of 10,000 yards. If there are two guilds or even more If the guild planted a hundred guild battle flags on the same day, the guild battle would be triggered.”

“Even so, no matter how many guild fights, it’s the guild leader’s battle strength, who can Block the boss’s footsteps and be killed every minute.” Ying Wu Kuang also thought of the so-called guild battle.

It is not a guild battle, but a pk between two guild leaders. One game determines the fate of the guild.

Tomi Hitomi rolled the eyes, hate iron for not becoming steel and said: “I said so much, why don’t you get rid of it? It’s just a shock. There are many more than 10,000 yards. The guild is clearing the place. If we are trapped by people around us, and even some guys deliberately fail to go online, it will take three hours to be considered as the other party’s abstention. At this time, other places of the people have already reported their resident sites. The distribution of materials will naturally tend to them.”

Shadow Dancer face changed, the first material allocation right, if a certain material is tight or scarce, the first station established on a certain map has a certain The right of deployment.

If this guild has been against Spark, then Spark’s development will inevitably be greatly affected.

“Would you like me to kill them, or harass them?” Ying Wu was anxious.

Li Yao waved his hand and said, “The Fire Eagle is already detecting, and more than one guild is working on it. We only have this number of people, let alone disperse it. Let them go, I have my own arrangements. The most important thing now is to fix the guild’s resident.”

Ordinary members of the guild don’t know this situation. The 3,000-person team has been divided into a 40-person medium-sized team to clean up the surrounding monsters. Plant the flag.

After the flag is planted, the current monster will continue to refresh attacks within two hours. If it can hold for two hours, the guild flag will be successful.

Xinghuo are all elite, 40 twentieth-level elite professional players. At eighteen-nineteen level, holding ten minutes without many elites is not a difficult task.

Time passed slowly, and at three or four o’clock in the afternoon, the guild finally had a hundred temperaments.

An undead guild ambassador came over and said embarrassingly to Li Yao: “Dear Mr. Liaoyuan, it is really sorry. It could have been a resident, but many guilds in this area have been inserted at the same time. Banner, look?”

Of course he knew that Li Yao was the Queen’s Inheritor. Although Li Yao had no rights, there was no order to give Li Yao the green light. But the guild ambassador who was sent to the Starfire Guild would naturally not neglect. Now, who doesn’t know that the queen is very satisfied with Li Yao, and the female officer even treats Li Yao as a younger brother.

Li Yao has known this result a long time ago. Although he is the Queen’s Inheritor, he can only be taken care of within the rules, and the other party has calculated these correctly, so he played such a high-end game. , If Li Yao overturns the chessboard,

then the opponent must have a back player. Li Yao does not think that he is the only one who knows high-level NPCs.

Li Yao said in a tranquil voice: “Then follow the rules.”

The guild ambassador let out a long relaxed breath, he was finally relieved, he was afraid of Li Yao It’s hard for people like them to do it.

“Please stay short, I will communicate with other guild ambassadors.” The guild ambassador was afraid that Li Yao would regret it, and a flash disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao also narrowed his smile and said: “Let the members rest. We are going to play a big game tonight.”…

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