“Huh, what else can you do in such a mortal situation.”

They can see very clearly in ghost form. Li Yao is very difficult to parry now, and almost can’t take care of the output.

You can only shoot an arrow by rolling, jumping back and so on. In addition, the boss’s blood recovery ability can only be equal to the boss’s blood recovery ability.

In this case, it is almost impossible to defeat this guy.

Of course they know that Li Yao still has the Summon Scroll of an acquaintance in his hand, but in this case, the summon tree is useless.

Basically, they die at the touch of a touch, let alone the blooded treants. The violent form of the boss, one strike certain kill, is basically useless.

Li Yao once again dodged the boss’s charge in a thrill, and he himself had reached the edge of the spiral corridor.

“This is to use the arc of the spiral corridor to limit the boss’ charge. If it works, it would be a good way. Maybe it will kill the kite.” Seeing Li Yao ran to the spiral corridor, peerless The enchantress had already guessed Li Yao’s mind.

The group members suddenly realized that the fire of hope that had just been extinguished was also re-burning.

If it is really successful, then their second boss wasteland will really be completed.

Li Yao quickly followed the uncle’s trunk down the spiral corridor, and the boss also launched another charge.

Seeing the boss’ charge, everyone was desperate.

“Damn it, this is going against the sky, this guy charges so fast, but he can turn around, your sister.” The guardian angel exploded directly.

“It’s over. In this terrain, the president can’t hide.” The newcomer Mu Zi also regretted it.

Everyone thinks it’s time to start again. Now Li Yao is constantly using displacement skills in order to get to the spiral corridor, plus the battle until now, even the blue is almost empty, and the shadow wheel can’t be used. Although the jump is good and bad, it is also in the CD.

That is, Li Yao’s wings are in a cooling state, and they are basically unusable.

Just when everyone thought Li Yao was killed by the impact, Li Yao’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

Time remains!

In an instant, Li Yao returned to twelve seconds ago, and the boss’s charge also penetrated the time afterimage left by Li Yao.

As long as Li Yao is a little bit at night, Li Yao will be killed in seconds.

“The scum of ignorance, no matter how hard you struggle, you can’t escape the Divine Punishment of the Nightmare God.”

An accident flashed in the eyes of the Centaur High Priest, and he quickly turned around. .

“If you want to kill me, then come, but the dead person is definitely not me.” The rays of light in Li Yao’s eyes are also brighter, and the eyes of the high elves seem to burn blue flames.

“Really, then I will fulfill you.” The high priest rushed to Li Yao again.

It’s just that this time the distance is too far, Li Yao hates to avoid easily.

“Fuck, I forgot the chairman and this move.” Happiness is a kind of illness.

“This is useless, this guy’s drag racing can still turn so smoothly, it’s incomprehensible.” Tongtong said dullly.

Li Yao stood directly on the edge of the platform, lightly saying: “I am here, and I will pull you with you when I die.”

“hahaha, you think I will be faster Can’t you stop? Then I will let you see, I will kill you, just stand on the edge and enjoy the scenery.”

The high priest said that he rushed to Li Yao quickly, and Li Yao also Staring at the high priest, when the high priest hit, Li Yao suddenly jumped back and his body was directly off the platform.

A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the high priest, and he quickly stopped. It’s just that, even though he said so powerfully, it is still very difficult to suddenly recover. It was too close to the edge to stop, but his body leaned down, making him sweat all over with fright.

The members of the Spark team let out a regretful sigh, but this was unsuccessful.

“No, it’s not over yet.”

It turns out that they patronized the Centaur and forgot Li Yao. After hearing the words of the Peerless Demon Girl, they changed their eyes, and then they looked Then, Li Yao is already far behind the boss, and in front of him is a crossbow.

I saw Li Yao tear open the two scrolls together. When the first scroll was made, Li Yao’s body was covered with a layer of golden rays of light, and his body suddenly became nearly half huge.

The rays of light in the second scroll are directly blessed on the crossbow in front of you, and the crossbow also covers a layer of rays of light.

“Strong scrolls, military machinery blessing scrolls.”

All members know that Li Yao has exchanged some scrolls, and also know the attributes of the scrolls.

The vigorous scroll is one of the scrolls made by ancient trees, which enhances the attribute of human strength, and the scroll of military blessing can enhance the attribute of war item.

Then Li Yao’s body showed a bright dark golden rays of light, and an imposing manner shot up into the sky.


Everyone knows that Li Yao uses this new skill. It is also an attribute that increases strength.

At this time, the Centaur High Priest had already turned his body and was looking back, his face was full of mocking expressions.

“Really overestimate one’s capabilities, I thought it was just a little trick…”


The moment he turned around, he hadn’t said anything After that, the rays of light flashed, and a huge steel arrow had hit his chest.


The crossbow arrow directly knocked out 1% of the opponent’s HP, and now his HP is less than 2%.

But this is not the main thing, the most important thing is in the eyes of everyone expecting.

The centaur’s body was shaken back by a huge force, and then fell suddenly.

“No, how could I die like this.”

The high priest firmly grasped the edge of the platform with a hand. You know, Li Yao chose the spiral corridor and Not far from the platform connection port, if something else falls, it might fall into the corridor.

But at this position, it is three thousand yards in the air.

“You were wrong, it’s over.”

Li Yao slowly stepped forward and started shooting his palms continuously.

The reason why the Centaur High Priest’s current state is great is because of the Remnant Soul behind him.

Increase his own tonnage and strength, and charge like a truck, but correspondingly, if he is in a normal state, he may be able to pull his body up with one hand.

But now there are a dozen Remnant Souls behind him, with such a heavy tonnage, it is already very difficult for him to control the edge.

“No, this is impossible.” An expression of horror appeared in the eyes of the high priest.

The current situation is that if he goes on like this, Li Yao will slowly wear him to death, and if he let go, he will be thrown to death.

But if the current state is lifted, he is relieved, and he can also pull up his body, but without the blessing of Remnant Soul.

His current blood volume, facing the terrifying Li Yao, is still dead end.

“God of nightmare, my master, did you abandon your most loyal servant like this?” The centaur high priest’s eyes were filled with blankness and fear.

“Your master has been using you all the time.” Li Yao sighed.

“Elf, you won this game, but you won’t keep winning. My master will not abandon me. Next time, facing my soul, I will be swallowed by nightmare.”

The high priest said, letting go, and the huge body suddenly fell…

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