This is the role of thieves. Just like opening a treasure chest, you can open it with an engineering key without thieves, but the efficiency is not known.

The same is true for the secret room. There are traces for thieves to find hidden things, but other professions are much worse. Of course, this is also related to the level of thieves.

This is why some thieves are not suitable for group battles, but they are still an important reason why the team is indispensable.

This secret room is not much different from the previous one. Although the mechanical dwarves are not too intelligent, their engineering research and perseverance are not weaker than the real dwarves.

It’s not so much a secret room as it is a guarded engineering laboratory.

It is also a variety of engineering materials. These materials are very precious to Li Yao now, so I put them away unceremoniously.

A few players are only envious, they put their sights on the box, and at this moment, they are working hard to open the box.

This is not a treasure chest, but an npc storage box.

The difference from treasure chests is that treasure chests of corresponding quality can definitely produce things of corresponding quality.

The storage box is different. The storage box is full of uncertainty and there is no so-called quality limit.

Moreover, there is no trace of the output. It may be a person’s stored wealth, more likely some debris, or even some dirty clothes.

As for what’s in the storage box, it depends on the location, a little judgment.


“I’m so exhausted, it’s not a human job.”

No wonder she complained in the blink of an eye, she spent nearly one this time She opened the treasure chest only when she was young, and the difficulty was not as big as usual. Of course, the harvest was also rich. Her proficiency in unlocking skills also increased a lot.

“Stop complaining, let the master see what’s going on.” Zhan Tianya was even more anxious than Li Yao, and hoped that the good things he would produce would be more of a bite of soup.

Li Yao stepped forward and opened the storage box. Several players were slightly disappointed when they saw what was inside, but Li Yao was surprised.

There are not many things in the storage box, and it is divided into many grids. Unlike the previous box, I was blinded by the rays of light of gold coins and gems as soon as I opened it. This treasure box is unpretentious.

Li Yao first took out a box full of test tubes, and suddenly smiled.

Titan Solvent

Quality: Golden Legendary

Function: An important solvent for making medicines and machinery.

“Golden quality, what is this for and what is it for.” The eyes of several people in Zhan Tianya were lighted up.

Although I don’t know what it is, just by looking at its quality, it’s very valuable, and it must be something extraordinary.

“It is a solvent that has a great effect on engineering, but it is of no use to you.”

Li Yao did not lie. This solvent is very rare, but at this stage players use This is the violent thing.

Although there are formulas to spread the materials, it is not difficult to find, but it is very, very difficult to extract them. Li Yao’s hands, I am afraid that the combination of dwarf and goblin can extract less than half of here.

As for the role of the solvent, the mechanical body can be smelted twice, making the mechanical body stronger, and it is an important item for making the core of the machine.

Take the simplest example, many lines in the machine are very troublesome, but if you have a solvent, you can integrate the lines into the machine body to form a rune like Titan texture.

In this way, there will be basically no malfunctions. Li Yao’s mechanical pet has complicated wiring inside. With this, Li Yao has increased the success rate of the mechanical pet’s evolution by several percent.

Several people saw that Li Yao refused to elaborate, and they didn’t dare to ask. Li Yao naturally put things into the mechanical space carefully.

Li Yao took out the box in the second grid, which also contained dozens of small test tubes, and the medicine inside was shining with golden rays of light.

“Fuck, it won’t be Legendary quality potion again.” Guangminghua’s eyes are also red, and the feeling of seeing good things but not getting it is really painful.

“That’s not the case.” Li Yao showed it to them.

Vajra Mechanical Pharmacy

Quality: Blue Sophisticated

Turn the flesh and blood body into a mechanical body for 1 day, reducing all damage by 15%.

You will be invincible within five seconds of drinking, and will not suffer any damage.

Note: After drinking, it will be immune to all potions. Drinking any potion will lose its effect.

Combat potion: Resurrect after death, the potion effect will still exist.

“top grade potion.” Several people looked towards Li Yao.

“It’s okay, the sensitivity of the mechanical body will be affected a little bit, but it is innocuous. It is considered a treasure potion, but the quantity is too small.”

With this kind of medicine, the certainty will be much greater, but it is obviously unrealistic. Li Yao didn’t get tangled anymore, instead he valued the five-second invincibility.

“You have a bottle for each of you, your current strength, use wasted, use it with caution.” Li Yao was in a good mood and directly gave them a bottle.

Zhan Tianya and several people are very happy, only to get two bottles in the blink of an eye. Seeing Li Yao rolled the eyes who put away dozens of bottles of medicine away, she has basically affirmed Li Yao’s identity .

But not at all what jealous emotions are, the game is like this, depending on the ability, she can mix into the bright camp for elite missions, and others also have the ability to mix into npc. It is very kind to give them things, even if Li Yao doesn’t give them anything, they can’t say anything.

Li Yao picked up a small bag again, and a splendid rays of light appeared after opening it.

“Ten Eagle Eye Stones.” Li Yao put away the bag without the slightest hesitation.

“Master, what is this for?” Zhan Tianya asked.

“Make mechanical puppets one of the best gems for eyes.”

Li Yao knows his subtext, but this thing is worth hundreds of times more than ordinary gems, and often There is a price but no market, he will not send it out. His puppet’s eyes are still made with miscellaneous gems, and he will have to be a pet in the future. This thing is not enough for himself.

Several players are a bit disappointed, but they do not distinguish between them. Although they know the value is huge, they can’t help it.

Li Yao took out the last box, and after opening it, he found that all were scrolls. Seeing the thickness, there were no less than five sets.

Flame Hydra Scroll

Quality: Blue Sophisticated

summon a flame Hydra attacks the enemy

Flame Hydra

Attack frequency: 1 second

Attack distance: 0-50 yards

Attack skills: Fireball, flame explosion, wall of fire

Duration: 2 minutes

spell strength: caster spell strength*1.5

Number of releases: 01

Fire Hydra is the signature skill of a branch of the flame mage elite profession , And it is a very rare skill.

“It’s too strong, it’s an elemental pet that won’t move.” As a warlock, the world of art must be drooling.

On the contrary, both melee and physics professions lack interest because of the need for spell strength. Of course, if you can get it, you can make a small profit by reselling to others…

ps: ask for a monthly pass

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