However, this is not over yet. At the same time Li Yao landed on a backflip, his two-handed alloy sword was already separated by him, and he quickly moved towards the rare beast.

Sword Qi Slash!

Swipe, swipe, swipe…

Four criss-crossed sword aura shot out.

Puff, puff, puff, pu…


The damage from the collision of the two sides plus the four swords The hurt of anger floated out, and the people watching were startled.

And Li Yao’s puppet floated out a number of -6847, although this number is already unattainable damage for players at this stage, but for rare beast Is unacceptable.

Although the female goblin was not harmed, she was already dizzy. At this moment, his gaze looking towards Li Yao was full of fear, and even the fierce light in the eyes of the rare beast Momera who was like the orangutan disappeared. , And uttered the sorrow of wu wu, it was terrified. With just one collision, a quarter of his health has disappeared. If he fights for a while, he will be killed by Li Yao without even thinking about it.

The players who were responsible for protecting Li Yao were also shocked. This is what they want to protect. Does your sister want to protect each other or the other person to protect them?

They couldn’t help but raised a little doubt. When they came, Miller told them that the person to protect has no battle strength. To reassure them, they also said that they would make their mechanical puppet the object of protection. Save life.

However, this is obviously not the case now, this guy who wants them to protect is simply outrageous. A mechanical hunter, operating a warrior puppet is so powerful, even more how there is a long-range puppet that is not weak and has a hundred shots, which really surprised them.

“What kind of person are you, how can Rank 2 control the puppet to this point.” The female goblin struggled and screamed, and her rare beast threw two bombs again.

Boom, Bang…

The same result, the bomb was blown out by Death God 4000 in midair before it got close to Li Yao, and Li Yao could not be injured. Vellus hair.

“You still want to deal with me with these little tricks.” Li Yao controlled the puppet to rush up again.


rare beast Crazy roar, a dozen explosive barrels suddenly fell around its body, and its body suddenly jumped out.

The passage just blocked by the explosive barrel, Li Yao’s control of the puppet is stagnant, this explosive array is chained, if it is bombed, it may be able to bomb his body.

There is no big problem with the puppet, but his small body can not withstand a blow from an intermediate boss.

“Dwarf, I remember you, and I will take revenge.”

The voice of the female elf accompanied by the wild beast’s roar has gone away quickly.

“Then I guess I won’t be able to wait any longer in my life.” Li Yao sneered disdainfully, not to mention that his identity simply doesn’t use it often. She has always used the identity of this NPC, with the character of a goblin. There are ghosts who dare to take revenge. In their opinion, safety is more important than self-esteem and revenge.

Death God 4000 one after another exploded the explosive barrel. When Li Yao turned around, the team protecting Li Yao also killed the remaining three or four players. Now there is only one left in the level. Get off Li Yao’s side.

Li Yao didn’t push them away in a hurry, but walked to the mechanical puppet left by the male elves after they disappeared.

A blue key was picked up by Li Yao.

Combination of puppets

Quality: blue excellent

Level: 16 growth type junior boss (Growth online Level 45)

Life: 25

Armor: 500

Skills: power acceleration, rockets, electric light Poison Dragon drill, metal heavy punch, mines, flamethrower

Equipment requirements: Elementary Engineering

Equipment Level: 10

Note: This is a goblin product with great performance, but it may be unstable.

The self-destruction program has been launched, and the remaining time is 2 days, 23 hours and 52 minutes.

Because Li Yao is level sixteen, the puppet is also level sixteen in his hands, but it is also a puppet. This puppet and the one Li Yao now uses is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Needless to say, attribute is not far or near. Just looking at the skills, the golden puppet wants to be a true elite professional warrior, and this puppet is a bit of a hodgepodge, and the difference is the difference between Heaven and Earth for the expert.

Of course, this attribute is already very bad for current players, and Li Yao also wants to have one, but it’s a pity.

In order to keep the core, any mechanical puppet will install a self-destruct program. If the is Master dies, it will enter a countdown state.

If the self-destruction program is obtained by the high-level of the same clan, but if it falls into the hands of the enemy, or if it is too late to take it back, then the time comes, it will be the core of Self-destruction, and the remaining unimportant parts are Scrap that’s all.

“Little girl, come here.” Li Yao beckoned to the little hand coldly, and asked, “What is your engineering level.”

Actually, a few players who finished cleaning the battlefield early Just noticed this mechanical puppet, but no one did it. They knew that Li Yao couldn’t give them this kind of spoils of war, and they couldn’t take it away.

“Master, I have just been intermediate, and my proficiency has no money to practice.” Little hand said coldly and sorry.

“It’s already very difficult to deal with.” Li Yao threw the key to Little Hand Bingliang, and said to Leng Ran’s Little Hand Bingliang: “For the time being, if you use it first, you can also increase part of the battle strength.”

“But, but, I won’t.” The little hand was cold and his head lowered.

“It’s okay. Since you have studied engineering, you will have your own puppet sooner or later. Just learn it in advance now, and you are not required to exert much strength, mainly because of this guy’s blood volume. It’s very high, and the attack is great. You can do me a lot if you can basically use it.”

“Then I will try.” The little hand was full of surprises in his cold eyes, and rushed to the puppet.

Li Yao explained to her some basic operation knowledge. This kind of puppet is not difficult to control basic, but it is difficult to exert true strength, and it requires a lot of time practice and actual combat.

However, Li Yao’s requirements are not so high, and his little hands are cold enough to attack the primary boss.

“Master, you mean, as long as you learn engineering, you can get this kind of puppet?” said in a flash.

“I mean it is possible, Battle Puppet is not so cheap.” Li Yao said.

“That’s too abnormal, right? What’s the use of other majors?” Zhan Tianya muttered.

“Other majors have always been able to make money, engineering has always lost money.” Li Yao said old-fashioned: “And you recruits don’t understand anything. Each major has its unique characteristics. It’s just that you don’t have access to that’s all now. Many professional features come out, and they are no worse than puppets.”

“many thanks master for pointing.” Zhan Tianya also woke up, the ancient god world is balanced. Impossible To do engineering is too abnormal, otherwise you will learn engineering.

“Russ can be taught.” Li Yao patted his shoulder and said: “Okay, you gradually get familiar with it. I want to harvest this place and see if there are chips.”


Li Yao slowly walked towards the door…

ps: The second update is sent. During the big seal, please ask for votes to make the data look better. Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, Reward and so on, Mario thanks.

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