Li Yao swept away normally cautious and became a bit mad.

He has too much blood now. To kill him, he must first kill the puppet with more than 300,000 blood. In other words, in this case, he is a genuine NPCboss.

It is almost impossible to kill him in seconds. Of course, impossible is for players at the same stage.

Both sides moved towards one direction and charged, and they met soon. They also knew about the death of the thieves, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met.


In this case, there is nothing to say, killing one word can mean everything.


The charges of the two defensive fighters collided, and the battle began.

Summon’s Voidwalker in the world of Shushu suddenly rushed forward, but the long-range class that wanted to attack the opponent was stopped by a death Knight holding a big sword.

The world of Shushu did not force it, and continued to cast the spell, a rain of fire appeared on the opponent’s head and began to fall.

Little Hand Bingliang was originally a shy sister-in-law, but at the moment, she has a serious face, completely and normally two images.

A three-yard tall mechanical war bear appeared, sent out a roar with a metallic feel, and charged up, and if he stopped it, he would also rush to kill the remote crispy one with a double knife. demon.

The little hands were cold and did not idle, and began to skillfully reload and shoot. Li Yao observed that the cold shooting technique with his small hands was very good, and he was also quite common in both sides.

Bright Flower is also very powerful, casting spells very fast, several people obviously cooperated a lot of times.

Facing the opponent’s range attack, no one has dodged, and Guangminghua has not disappointed. The constant release of shields to everyone is a healing spell.

In the confrontation, always keep the players in a safe position where the blood volume is above 80%.

The battle between the teams is so direct, there is no too fancy technology, there is no such elegant flip and move.

Especially there is not such a large space in this kind of channel, it is the competition of the comprehensive strength of the two sides.

“Everyone is focusing on my target.” Zhan Tianya’s yellow rays of light flashed, and a thick earth wall blocked the opponent’s shield warrior.

Zhan Tianya then launched a charge and rushed directly to the opponent’s treatment, while other people also transferred their firepower to the opponent’s treatment.

On the contrary, Li Yao, who killed a thief just now, did not move. He sat comfortably on the puppet to observe their strength. Li Yao was quite satisfied.

Li Yao’s original plan was that if the strength of a few people was not enough, they would pretend to be separated from them in the ruins. Now, looking at this situation, they would still be of great help to them.

After the opponent’s treatment was set on fire, the shield was released, and then he was about to flee. The other team members also wanted to start rescue.

But at this moment, a flash in the pan that had never been shot and showed up suddenly appeared, she was not at all, and she was behind a sneak attack as the other party expected.

It is accompanied by a hook and lock appearing in front of the opponent’s treatment. The opponent’s treatment has always thought that the thief will appear behind him, and his attention is mainly focused on the back.

He appeared in the front for a brief moment, and he was not in the melee range. He was taken aback for a while, but then his face changed. However, it was too late.

The treatment of the other party has been constrained by the short-lived hooks, and the silhouettes of the two quickly approached.

Puff chi…

The short-lived dagger fiercely penetrated into the forehead of the other party’s treatment.


This move can make the opponent stunned for three seconds, and the body of the flash of a successful gouge is also concentrated and broken by the spell of the opponent’s warlock.

It turns out that this is just a short-lived shadow stand-in.

The short-lived silhouette appeared strangely behind the opponent’s warlock, launching a sneak attack.

All this just happened in an instant. In a moment, a flash in the pan, instantly controlling the other two players.

The opponent’s treatment was dizzy, and there was nothing to say, and he was killed in seconds.

And that warlock has been charged until death, and the other party has lost one thief from the beginning. Now the healer and the warlock died, and there was no suspense left. Soon the opponent’s shield battle and death Knight were killed by everyone without any suspense.

With the powerful treatment of Guangminghua, the other party’s attempt to kill the world in seconds has not been realized.

Li Yao’s brows are tangled together, and he looks at the short-lived. Although the battle is short, Li Yao finds that this short-lived routine and trick has a very familiar feeling.

Li Yao observed this short-lived moment, and then observed her with the Eye of Creator again, and she realized that her facial patterns were indeed different from those of ordinary ancient elves. The most important thing was her body The shape is much thinner than the average ancient elves.

If you are not paying attention, you simply cannot see the subtle difference.

The most important point is that Li Yao believes that even if two of the same elite professions have the same professional skills, different people will use them differently.

“Song for a night of melancholy.” Li Yao flashed the name in his mind.

The last time Li Yao met with her in the temple, this person’s player skills are absolutely powerful. Last time he said that he would intercept him in the main arena, but afterwards the opponent did not show up, Li Yao also forgot Such a thing.

“Each of them takes away the equipment they can use.” Zhan Tianya said.

This is how they distribute it, and it is also the distribution method of the public. Of course, as NPC Li Yao, no one will distribute spoils of war.

“Why did they come down by themselves?” Xiaoshou asked coldly and puzzledly.

“No, there is no person who understands engineering to lead, just we come here without any objections.” Shu Zhi Tianxia said.

Zhan Tianya frowned and said: “So, they are a small team of a big team. They are either scattered looking for something, or they are responsible for clearing and blocking others from passing here.”

“If they explore the way, there must be a deep level in this area. If they are clearing newcomers, then they have already found this level.” Guangminghua also said.

“Every level requires a master who understands engineering. It takes a lot of time to open it, but after it is opened, there will be certain gains. No matter which one is, it is good news for us. It seems The place we sent from this time is very good, much better than last time.” said in a flash.

Although Li Yao didn’t speak, he was really satisfied. It turned out to be an elite team, everyone was very smart.

“Master, this is a three-way intersection. It is more appropriate for us to go there.” Zhan Tianya asked.

Li Yao said: “Look at these Dark Faction recruits coming from the middle, let’s go to the middle too, I’m already impatient and want to see what the so-called level is.”…

ps: It was raining heavily in my hometown, and the power went out. I came at night…

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