This boss is still very strong. If it’s not Li Yao who meets this boss, I don’t know how many players will break the halberd and sink the sand.

However, the biggest difficulty in killing this boss is not how powerful he is. Rather, he will run away every time or every time he loses a certain amount of blood. Yes, yes, just run away.

Regardless of whether he has been able to fight or not, as long as the blood volume is low to a certain level, he will oil his feet.

And the speed is extremely fast, not to mention at this stage, even the thirty-forty players can hardly catch up with him. Including the player riding on the mount, but also unable to catch up.

This boss is very famous. Although he is a goblin, he has a transformation item on his body, which can transform into a dwarf, and then mix into the dwarf town in the hilly area to exchange goods.

Then use the money to buy dwarf goods and turn them back into goblins to sell them to the forgotten, thus making a lot of money.

This smuggling trade is said to have lasted for two years. Later, a boring player followed this guy for many days and discovered the secret of his transformation.

The Bright Camp and Dark Faction were all furious and issued an arrest warrant against him in the hills. As a result, the businessman was hunted down.

The result is naturally tragic. Every time the boss kills him, he starts to flee when he loses his blood. The players can’t catch up with him, and they are angry to death.

I saw the rewards of players who couldn’t help but hovered between life and death.

After all, the hills are too big, it is not easy to find him, kill him, and run away, it is disgusting enough.

Later, there was no way. The players at the time asked the advanced players to help. That’s it, unless you can kill him in seconds, you will still run away in a hurry.

After struggling for a long time, the players killed the goblin merchant. But this product has also been commented as one of the most disgusting boss in the low-level.

That’s how Li Yao remembered this special boss.

He was really disgusting. This guy ran away too fast, and it was erratic in the woods, and the fire eagle was barely able to keep up.

Fifteen minutes later, this Mimila finally began to pant against a tree, and his life was restored to about 85%.

“Fuck, you want to kill Uncle Mimila, your fire is still far away, who can be faster than Uncle Mimila, wow hahaha.” Mimila crouched and laughed. With a smug look on his face, then he became gritted his teeth. Obviously, he couldn’t kill Li Yao, but he couldn’t beat him. He could only yell and comfort himself.

However, Mimila, who was about to continue on his way, suddenly heard the rumbling sound of the engine, his laughter stopped abruptly, and his smile stiffened on his face. He turned his head stiffly and saw Li Yao was sitting on the mechanical cart and moved towards him, and was waving at him.

“Fuck, you, you, your uncle, how did you find it.” Mimila’s entanglement and fear, his biggest reliance is that he can run away and run into an opponent that can’t be thrown away. , He was immediately confused.

Li Yao is not polite. It is still the same routine as before. Li Yao placed the arrow tower and started to output wildly, while Fire Eagle continued to take the transportation robot.

Li Yao attribute was originally exaggerated, and with the use of Jinwu, the output has reached a terrifying level.

And Mimila still couldn’t hit Li Yao with a single shot. When her HP dropped to 60%, Mimila ran away again.

Next is the same routine. Although Mimila escapes quickly, she simply can’t escape the eyes of Firehawk.

Even though Li Yao can’t keep up with the burst speed, Li Yao can still catch up slowly.

This continued for several times, and Mimila was desperate.

“Damn elves, why are you killing me?” Mimila’s eyes are full of fear. This is the nature of goblins. They are naturally timid, even if they have powerful strength.

“You wanted to kill me in the beginning, don’t you think I don’t know what you did on the barbecue.” Li Yao said, the attack continued.

“no no no, Mimila never kills, it will only make you sleep, I just think your purse is very beautiful, I want to play with it, but I am afraid you will disagree .” Mimila’s eyes flickered, and then said: “Yes, that’s it, I just want to see it, I won’t move your copper plate.”

“You won’t move me. Copper plate, but you will take it away with the purse, and let your transport robot kill me. This won’t count as killing me, right?” Li Yao sneered, “Don’t lie, your eyes are already Tell me everything.”

“I am guilty, I deserve to die, but everything in the world can be clearly marked, right? My life is also OK, I can redeem my life with my wealth, how? How?” Mimila failed to make a living and made a living.

“Oh, how much do you give?”

When Mimila had a few hundred health points left, Li Yao cancelled the arrow tower and stopped attacking himself.

“Fifteen Silver Coins, this is a sky-high price.” Mimila’s voice trembled.

“What are you kidding me? You see that I am missing you this broken Silver Coin.” Li Yao almost died of anger. These goblins are really going to die, and they are so stingy.

“A gold coin, this is a sky-high price.” Mimila took out a gold coin, her arms trembled, and her face trembled, as if she took out a gold coin to kill him. Just as uncomfortable.

“Fuck, you are going to die.”

Li Yao let go of his finger directly, and the arrow shot Mimila in the throat.

His eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief. He really didn’t understand that the other party hadn’t let him go because of the sky-high price of a gold coin.

He thought in his heart that if he wants to kill a person, let alone a gold coin, the other party can give the other party 50 Silver Coin.

I was rare and generous for a while, enduring the heart-piercing pain before he took out a gold coin to buy his life, but the other party to disdain as beneath contempt, he did not understand…

Li Yao is too lazy to talk about it. When you meet this thing about the goblin, you can talk about anything, but if you want to talk about money with the other party, it’s just a brainstorm.


Following the death of Mimila, the transport robot also emitted a puff of smoke and exploded on its body. After a while, its life was cleared and it was paralyzed. On the ground.

Li Yao face changed, got close, opened the core device, and found that the core had turned into ashes, and the other secondary cores had also been distorted and exploded. The repair was impossible.

“Damn it, this is a big loss, these miser.” Li Yao originally wanted to take it apart, but thought that there might be a lot of goods inside, so he didn’t open it, and now there are not enough tools. Fortunately, Li Yao directly included this abandoned transportation robot into the mechanical space.

“Put something good, I have worked hard for more than two hours in vain.” Li Yao finished the transportation of the robot, and then prepared to touch the corpse…

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