Li Yao didn’t figure it out on the road. The Peerless Demon Girl was already going to join Xinghuo, or he joined the main city plan.

Be aware that the veterans have done a lot of work for the Peerless Demon Ji to join, but the Peerless Demon Ji has always been unable to do anything, Li Yao has even begun to look for other candidates in his heart.

He has stopped persuading each other, but the joining of the Peerless Demon Fairy is indeed an exciting thing. With the Peerless Demon Fairy Starfire Guild, the formation of the team is also on the agenda.

After all, although there is still some time before the water test, the formation of a team is not a simple matter. The selection and cooperation of the team require a long period of operation and running-in.

Now, because of his continuous exposure and rising reputation, the morale of the entire guild has increased, making the guild more cohesive.

As the president of the guild, Sister Li allows the guild to operate steadily and orderly.

Peerless Demon Ji began to form a team, a core and two pillars have been formed.

With Qin Fengyi’s appeal, external publicity and forum battles, Guild Spark will always appear in the sight of players and will not be forgotten.

Fruit Knight and other veterans are dedicated to organizing team activities, leading a team to fight copies or group tasks.

With this multi-faceted effort, the enthusiasm of all players in the Spark Guild has been mobilized, and most of the players have completely regarded themselves as part of the Spark Guild, and the entire guild has become one side. Thriving.

In such mixed thoughts, Li Yao came to the coastal hills of East Continent.

After the heaven falls and earth rends ten thousand years ago, all races suffered heavy losses.

The rich continent has also been split up and in pieces. The main ones are East Continent and West Continent.

East Continent was also torn in the middle, forming a long and narrow strait.

The north is occupied by exiled high elves and trolls. The two clans continue to fight after antiquity for the rich wind and rain forest.

Thousands of years later, the ancestors of mankind also moved to the north of East Continent with mankind. After the prosperity of mankind, it also had territorial disputes with trolls.

The high elves unite humans and teach human magic. The two clans became allies, and the forest trolls were defeated after a hard battle.

In the ancient heaven falls and earth rends of the forest trolls, there were already heavy losses, a large number of clansman was submerged, and even the believer Demi-God could not resist this kind of power.

But they refused to admit the reality, and were still immersed in the glory of the ancient dominance of the world. Under the blow of the two races, they almost died out, and finally shrank in their own city.

Afterwards, humans continued to multiply, and soon the human population expanded and became many kingdoms. A kingdom moved to the south of East Continent. Because the dwarves were busy in conflict and the dwarf research machinery was also in a racial crisis, the humans of this kingdom were allowed to pass through the border.

And this kingdom is relatively weak, and there is no meaning to go to war. It came to a place further south of East Continent.

the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, thousands of years passed in a hurry. Instead, this Human Kingdom became the leader of the bright camp.

And the Human Kingdom in the north has encountered various accidents, some were cursed by werewolves, some internal trouble and outside aggression,

The worst was ever the most powerful Human Kingdom has been destroyed, and has now become the territory of the Forsaken.

The coastal hills connect a large area north of the East Continent North-South Strait.

There are large tracts of farmland suitable for cultivation, and it was once one of the important granaries of East Continent.

Here is a gathering place for wild horses, and you can often see large groups of horses. It is the best horse to be tamed into a mount.

More importantly, there are many griffon lairs here. The closest aerial mount and combat partner of mankind is the griffon.

The bright camp regards this as one of the most important places, and has sent a large number of troops to build the city.

And here is very close to the main city of the Forsaken, and the Forsaken do not want to give up here.

Both sides have stationed heavy defenses in hilly areas. Although the two camps are temporarily in the honeymoon zone, the sporadic friction has never stopped, and the two sides are constantly testing each other’s bottom line.

Li Yao is now in the Forsaken City in the north of the hills.

This area is suitable for players above ten Fifth Level to upgrade, and it is also a territories under competition, so there are very few players up to now.

Of course, there are many arena players in the city.

Li Yao didn’t wander around in the city, and got directly on the mount and drove outside the city. His purpose this time was very clear. He didn’t even pick up all kinds of incidental tasks for the purpose of drawing.

Li Yao is also a celebrity now, plus there is only one mount on the full server, and several players have recognized him, but they all avoided him.

After all, those who can come to this map at this stage are all experts, and they don’t want to find trouble or friendship and so on.

In Li Yao’s plan, more than two mechanical drawings can be obtained here, the most important of which is a wandering businessman.

The so-called wandering merchant is actually a goblin with a robot that transports goods, peddling his goods everywhere.

Many players like this kind of merchant very much, because he can refresh some good and rare things every time, but this kind of merchant’s whereabouts are weird and hard to come across.

Li Yao is certain that there is a special goblin on this map. He only wanders in the hills, but his whereabouts are uncertain. It takes some time to find.

Li Yao’s engineering is not very high now, but he simply modified the mechanical car.

Beautify some places and remodel the seats to make it beautiful and comfortable.

Li Yao drove a mechanical car on the ground, while the fire eagle was constantly circling in the sky, looking for the trace of the goblin merchant.

Finding people is a very boring and boring thing, especially in this vast area, it is like to find a needle in a haystack. Especially when you can’t fly, finding people in the hills is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Fortunately, he has a fire eagle, which flies quickly and has a keen vision. Li Yao only needs to run on the road, and the fire eagle can sweep a large area nearby.

But even so, it took Li Yao a day to find the merchant.

But what Li Yao lacks most is patience. On the 2nd day, he continued to search with the Fire Eagle. Perhaps it was a matter of luck. After searching the area controlled by Dark Faction, he did not find a trace of the merchant.

3rd day, Li Yao entered the area controlled by the bright camp, and finally found a little goblin and a transport robot around a campfire in the evening.

Li Yao showed a smile and stepped forward and said, “Friend, can I sit by the campfire?”

“When did the damn elves be so amiable.” The goblin merchant murmured, but when he saw the money bag in Li Yao’s hand, he suddenly smiled when he heard the crisp and sweet gold coin crashing, and said, “Oh, my friend, hurry up and try my honey barbecue. “

ps: Meow, I slept more than 11 o’clock yesterday, but I slept until noon, and I was tired recently. But I will try my best to update and start paying back today.

In addition, continue to ask for monthly ticket support…

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